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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ O ] / Overbearing

Overbearing tradutor Espanhol

275 parallel translation
And I always thought that papa was the most overbearing man in the world.
Siempre creí que papá era el hombre más autoritario del mundo.
Yet she's firmly persuaded that I'm a bossy, arbitrary, overbearing kind of person.
Sin embargo está convencida de que soy arrogante, arbitrario y dominante.
A pompous, self-indulgent, overbearing imitation of a dictator. What did she call me?
- ¿ Cómo me describió?
Pompous, overbearing.
Pedante, autoritario.
You don't need to be a doctor in psychology to understand the overbearing influence that Maggi had on his friend, the little innocent Giuseppe.
No necesitan ser profesor de Psicología para entender la influencia dominante que Maggi ejecutaba sobre su compañero, el pequeño e ingenuo Giuseppe.
Yes, but do I strike you... as overbearing?
Sí, pero ¿ te parezco... superdominante?
And overbearing.
Y superdominante.
Intolerably stupid, dull, overbearing...
Intolerablemente estúpido, soso, déspota...
There was nothing secretive or overbearing about him.
No tiene nada de misterioso ni de prepotente.
What an overbearing bust.
Salta a la vista que tienes unos pechos insolentes, querida.
With its vain phrases... that do not await response... and its overbearing explanations.
Con sus frases vanas que no aguardan respuesta y sus explicaciones sentenciosas.
A double value... superior magical knowledge... and through my death by lightning... freedom from overbearing women.
Un valor doble... conocimiento mágico superior... y mediante mi muerte por un rayo... libertad de mujeres autoritarias.
He thinks he's arrogant and overbearing.
Lo considera arrogante y autoritario.
I find him overbearing and pretentious.
¡ No! Todos lo consideramos insoportable y pretencioso.
Kirk may be a swaggering, overbearing, tin-plated dictator with delusions of godhood. But he's not soft.
Kirk será un dictador fanfarrón y autoritario con delirios de grandeza, pero no es blando.
The Klingons called you a tin-plated, overbearing dictator with delusions of godhood.
Los klingon dijeron que usted era un dictador fanfarrón y autoritario con delirios de grandeza.
It's a conflict between an overbearing management, it's unbearable, and the working class, far from politics.
Es un conflicto entre una dirección dominadora, es insufrible, y la clase obrera, lejos de la política.
You're hairy, vain and overbearing.
Sois peludos, vanidosos y arrogantes.
You know, sexless, shapeless, overbearing.
Ya sabe, asexuadas, sin formas, dominantes.
It belies the gossip somebody is spreading about what a twisted, selfish, mean, overbearing fusspot you are.
Eso demuestra que miente quien dice que es usted un gruñón retorcido, egoísta, mezquino y dominante.
I was very overbearing.
- Fui demasiado autoritaria.
That tinplated, overbearing excuse for a starship captain did it to us again.
Ese capitán de hojalata autoritario... lo hizo de nuevo.
You are the most insufferably arrogant, overbearing, patronizing bean tin.
Eres la más insufrible, arrogante y prepotente... lata de judías condescendiente.
They were an arrogant overbearing, effete lot, full of'death or glory and'me first'.
Era una panda arrogante altiva y decadente, llena de'gloria o muerte'y'yo primero'.
She was overbearing.
Era despótica.
Your father was overbearing.
Tu padre era dominante.
The poor woman had a low threshold for overbearing bores.
La pobre mujer había un umbral bajo para agujeros dominante.
You ungrateful, overbearing, self-centred son of a bitch!
Eres un hijo de puta egoísta, desagradecido y autoritario.
Also, he's arrogant, overbearing, self-important, and very sure of himself and his ability.
De acuerdo. Además, es soberbio, arrogante, engreído, y muy seguro de sí mismo y de su capacidad.
A former singer, of ample proportions, overbearing, childish, gluttonous, self-pitying, complaining.
Es una cantante de voluminosa, prepotente, infantil, glotona. Que va de víctima y siempre se queja.
I think he'll find it completely overbearing.
Creo que le parecerá demasiado.
I'm not overcritical or overbearing.
No soy crítico, ni dominante.
Sometimes they become overbearing, reach out a helping hand to the blind woman!
Otras veces se vuelven protectores. ¡ Quieren tenderle una mano amiga a la pobre ciega!
It's a long, dull, self-indulgent, highly unromantic story about an overbearing father, deceased mother and brother and a completely confused girl who looks a little like me.
Es una historia larga, aburrida, indulgente, poco romántica... sobre un padre controlador, una madre y un hermano muertos... y una joven confundida que se parece un poquito a mí.
Well, James, you can be a little overbearing.
Bueno, James, a veces te portas como un idiota.
-, overbearing...
-... dominante...
My mom, even if she was passive aggressive, she was overbearing so I have a lot of invasion issues to work out.
Y mi madre, aunque no es agresiva, me avasalló, así que es mucho de lo que debo deshacerme.
It's not easy having an overbearing parent.
No es fácil convivir con un padre dominante.
D'Arcy Cheesewright is an overbearing idiot!
¡ D'Arcy Cheesewright es un idiota autoritario!
"Edna's emotional growth was thwarted by Stella's overbearing and suppressive ways."
"El crecimiento emocional de Edna fue puesto en jaque por por las prepotentes y las formas suprimidoras de Stella."
You know, I'm so overbearing.
Sabes, sí soy tan despótica.
There are over 200 signatures here and not one of them said I was overbearing.
Hay más de 200 firmas acá y ni uno acá dice que soy overbearing.
Did you tell her that I was overbearing?
Le dijiste que yo soy Did you tell her that I was despótica
So you like that I'm overbearing?
Así que te gusta que sea así?
Bring us five overbearing and overemotional humans.
¿ Qué hacemos? Teleporta 5 humanos dominantes e hiperemocionales.
He's an ill-tempered, overbearing crosspatch.
Es un cascarrabias mandón y con mal genio.
Sometimes Tony can be a little overbearing.
A veces Tony puede ser muy autoritario
And I call you an insecure, overbearing, psychopathic, dictatorial, egomaniacal, frigid lunatic asshole!
Y digo que usted es un inseguro abusivo, sicopata Dictador, egomaniaco frigido, imbecil lunatico!
But you don't wanna seem overbearing or merciless.
Pero no querrás parecer arrogante o despiadada.
- That's your overbearing father?
- ¿ Ese es tu despótico padre?
You've always been very kind to me, in your bluff, overbearing way.
Heil, Hitler

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