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Patrice tradutor Espanhol

576 parallel translation
Good morning, Patrice!
- ¡ Buenos días, Patrice!
I suspect that rascal, the Marquis. She's probably in the barn with him now. Her back will be covered with straw...
Habrá encontrado un buen mozo como Patrice... estarán besuqueándose en algún pajar...
He's Harkness, Hugh, and I'm Harkness, Patrice. Harkness.
Él es Hugh Harkness y yo soy Patrice Harkness.
" Patrice, dear, you are all we have now, you and the little fellow.
" Patrice, querida. Ahora sólo te tenemos a ti. A ti y al niño.
William, this is Patrice.
- William, esta es Patrice.
Patrice, dear.
Patrice, cariño. Soy yo.
And Patrice was so worried when the baby's hair started to fall out.
Y Patrice se preocupó cuando el niño empezó a perder pelo.
Don't worry, Patrice.
No te preocupes.
¡ Patrice!
Come on, Patrice.
Vamos, Patrice.
I ran into Patrice downtown today.
- He visto a Patrice en la ciudad.
Why, the way Patrice is taking hold, she'll know how to run this house better than I do in another month.
Según hace las cosas dentro de un mes llevará la casa mejor que yo
- Come in, Patrice. - We were just going to call you.
- Entra, Patrice, íbamos a llamarte.
Shouldn't you tell Patrice about it first?
¿ No se lo comentas antes a Patrice?
We all feel bad about Hugh, Grace, but Patrice has to go on living.
Todos sentimos lo de Hugh, pero Patrice tiene su vida.
It's done, Patrice, whether you wanted it or not.
Está hecho, te guste o no.
It's for you, Patrice.
Para ti, Patrice.
There's nothing you can do, Patrice.
No puedes hacer nada, Patrice.
Mrs. Patrice Harkness? Yes.
- ¿ La Sra. Patrice Harkness?
My sister-in-law, Patrice. How do you do?
Mi cuñada, Patrice.
Hugh Harkness married a certain Patrice Willis in Paris a year ago, June 15th.
Hugh Harkrness se casó con Patrice Willis hace un año en París el 15 de junio.
Why not? It's my name. Not one I picked up, Patrice.
Es mi nombre, no es inventado, Patrice.
William, something's happened to Patrice.
- William. Le he ocurrido algo a Patrice.
Do you, Patrice Harkness, take this man as your lawfully wedded husband? To live together in the state of matrimony...
Patrice Harkness, ¿ tomas a este hambre por esposo, para vivir juntos en sagrado matrimonio?
Patrice, get this through your head.
- Patrice entiéndelo.
That you're not Patrice. That you're not Hugh's wife?
¿ Que no eres Patrice, la mujer de Hugh?
It is. I'm not Patrice.
No soy Patrice.
The name of the girl I love is Patrice.
Mi amada se llama Patrice.
Patrice, I love my mother.
Patrice, yo adoraba a mi madre.
Mrs. Patrice Harkness.
- La Sra. Patrice Harkness.
- For Patrice's husband?
- ¿ Por el marido de Patrice?
Patrice... millions of men... and women... were waiting for that song that you composed... for the Unification of Europe... which we all hope to celebrate soon.
Patrice, millones de hombres y mujeres esperaron la música que compusiste para la unificación de Europa que todos esperamos celebrar pronto.
Since I started working with Patrice.
Desde que comencé a trabajar con Patrice.
The European Council asked you... to finish the score begun by Patrice de Courcy.
El Consejo Europeo le propone finalizar la composición de Patrice De Courcy. Acepté.
I'm working on it now... trying to understand what he was aiming for.
Estoy tratando de entender Patrice.
It's the first part of a major concerto Patrice composed... commissioned by the European Council.
Es la primera parte del concierto que Patrice compuso comisionado por el Consejo Europeo.
They're photos and documents... I found in Patrice's desk at the Conservatory.
Son fotos y documentos que encontré en su escritorio en el conservatorio.
I heard you're finishing Patrice's concerto.
- Escuché que estás terminando el concierto de Patrice.
Creí que Patrice te lo había dicho.
Welcome home, Patrice.
Bienvenida a casa, Patrice.
Uh, were you born in San Francisco, Patrice?
¿ Naciste en San Francisco?
Well, you see, Patrice, this- -
Bien verás, Patrice...
Happy New Year, Patrice.
- Feliz Año Nuevo, Patrice.
Happy New Year, Patrice.
Feliz Año Nuevo, Patrice.
Patrice, what is it?
¿ Qué te ocurre?
Patrice, what is it?
Yes, Patrice?
Sí, Patrice.
Listen, Patrice.
- Patrice.
I'm Patrice Harkness.
- Soy Patrice Harkness.
Patrice was someone who was secretive.
Patrice era un hombre reservado.

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