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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ P ] / Pitcher

Pitcher tradutor Espanhol

1,434 parallel translation
My mother's 200-year-old porcelain pitcher.
La jarra de porcelana de 200 años de la abuela.
I will take a pitcher of the finest lager in the house.
Tomaré una jarra de la cerveza más refinada de la casa.
Then there's... - What? - [Pitcher Thuds]
¿ Qué?
My father saw me stay in bed, he'd go get the pitcher of cold water, and whoosh!
Mi padre me vio quedándome en la cama, cogió un balde de agua fría, y toma!
Two hard-shell crab dinners... Pitcher of cold beer.
Dos cenas de cangrejo una jarra de cerveza.
Buck, you're my pitcher.
Buck, eres mi lanzador.
Can I have a pitcher of beer, please?
Me puede dar una jarra de cerveza, por favor?
We'll have a pitcher of beer and B-52's all around.
Queremos una jarra de cerveza y B-52's para todos.
You no longer understand him anything he asked me for a pitcher of umbrellas
Ya no se le entiende nada Me ha pedido una jarra de paraguas
And I have a fresh pitcher of milk for dipping.
Y tengo leche fresca si quieren mojarlas.
The pitcher could walk me, couldn't he?
El lanzador podría hacerme avanzar, ¿ no?
We finished the pitcher.
- Ya terminamos la jarra.
Won 15, lost two for the Brooklyn Dodgers, 1952.
Era pitcher de los Brooklyn Dodgers, en el " 52.
A pitcher, a traitor about to strike out Jesus Christ, the big man.
Un pitcher, un traidor tratando de sacar afuera a Jesucristo, el gran hombre.
I just made a pitcher of strawberry margaritas.
Acabo de preparar una jarra de cóctel margarita de fresa.
So what happened to your pitcher?
¿ Qué le pasó a su pitcher?
- - It's bad luck f or the pitcher?
- ¿ Trae mala suerte para el lanzador?
We don't work f or the pitcher.
No trabajamos para el lanzador.
Voila. A pitcher of water instantly becomes a pitcher of ice tea.
Una jarra de agua se convierte en té helado instantáneamente.
Right. "... fewer than two out, the batter hits a high fly, "which can readily be caught by an infielder " or the pitcher or catcher inside fair ground.
Ya. "... con menos de dos outs, el bateador golpea un elevado alto, que un jugador del cuadro puede recoger fácilmente o el lanzador o receptor dentro del campo.
A ball that has been tapped between the pitcher and the catcher to force the fielding side to throw out the batter
Una pelota que ha quedado entre el lanzador y el receptor y que obligue al equipo de campo a expulsar al bateador
Let me introduce you to our pitcher and secret weapon
Os presento a nuestro lanzador y arma secreta :
Follow the ball from the pitcher's hand all the way to the bat.
Sigue la pelota desde el guante del lanzador hasta el bate.
- There's always the relief pitcher.
- Siempre hay un lanzador sustituto.
You see, there's a pitcher.
Verás, hay un lanzador...
Now since you're throwing bullets, I won't mention you were an hour late and I've been trying to figure out who my pitcher would be if you didn't show up.
Como estás lanzando balas, ignoraré que llegaste una hora tarde pero estaba decidiendo quién sería tu sustituto.
Es pitcher.
He will make the fateful walk to the loneliest spot in the world, the pitching mound at Yankee Stadium, in quest of the pitcher's dream, the perfect game.
Volverá al punto más solitario del mundo el montículo del pitcher en pos del sueño de todo lanzador, el partido perfecto.
And now, I never thought I'd be able to see another one, especially from a 40-year-old pitcher who may very well be at the end of his career.
Jamás pensé que me volvería a suceder sobre todo con un lanzador de 40 años, en el ocaso de su carrera.
Scott Pitcher.
Scott Pitcher.
I will stand on the pitcher's mound for five minutes, prior to the first pitch.
Me pararé en el montículo del lanzador por cinco minutos antes del primer lanzamiento.
Do you wanna see Cecil Fielder gunning for his 120th RBI or some fast-ass relief pitcher swinging at air?
¿ Quieres vera Cecil Fielder buscando las 120 CP.. o a un lanzador relevista abanicando?
He's the pitcher, she's the catcher.
ÉI es el lanzador, y ella el receptor.
Two outs, bases loaded, you're the relief pitcher.
Dos outs, bases listas, tu eres el pitcher.
I'm the starting pitcher type.
Yo soy del tipo principiante.
OK, let's see this starting pitcher pitch.
OK, veamos como estenuevo pitcher lanza.
Then when you git a good look, you turn it around at th'top and the pitcher changes. Well, I'll be side-gaited!
Luego lo miras bien y giras la parte de arriba para cambiarlo.
How do you turn the thing to see the other pitcher?
¿ Cómo se cambia la imágen?
- For the last time, a pitcher of beer.
Por última vez, una jarra de cerveza.
Yeah. A pitcher of Black Frost.
Una jarra de Escarcha Negra.
My grandfather was a pitcher for the Cincinnati Reds.
Mi abuelo era lanzador de los Cincinnati Reds. Lo llevo en la sangre.
Listen, could we get a pitcher of beer over here?
Escuche, podria tomarnos una foto?
Like a pitcher plant.
Como una Planta Carnívora.
And watch out for pitcher plants.
Y trata de evitar las plantas carnívoras.
We're gonna need a pitcher and four glasses, please.
Vamos a necesitar una jarra y cuatro vasos, por favor.
There's... there's the Venus Flytrap and the pitcher plant.
Está... está la Atrapamoscas de Venus y la planta en forma de jarro.
- Sophie, bring over another pitcher of beer.
- Sophie, trae otra jarra de cerveza.
Pincher said he thinks I'm the one who ratted him out for beating up Creed.
Según Pitcher, Álamo cree que yo lo delaté por pegarle a Green.
- Hey, keep it down. - Right. And-
Claro, y su pitcher... digo, deja de esperar y tírala de una vez.
Purty as a pitcher.
Lindo como una foto. De cabellos rizados, ¿ no?
Pitcher plant?
¿ Planta Carnívora?

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