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Poetic tradutor Espanhol

1,218 parallel translation
- Isn't that poetic?
- ¿ No es poético?
He had a paradoxical and poetic way of thinking.
Tenía una manera de pensar paradójica y poética.
It's so much more poetic to execute you in your own gas chamber.
Es más poético ejecutaros en vuestra propia cámara de gas.
Yes, but he was just being poetic.
Sí, pero sólo estaba siendo poético.
It's poetic in its simplicity.
Es poético en su sencillez.
You have to change that poetic baloney.
Tienes que cambiar toda esa poesía barata.
The Morks say that their nearness is a poetic nearness.
Los Morks dicen que su proximidad es una proximidad poética.
Real poetic.
Una imagen muy poética.
He was a poetic little fucker, though.
Era un poeta, el muy cabrón.
- in a poetic sense.
- en sentido poético.
Well, that is fuckin'poetic, don't you think?
Eso es muy poético, ¿ no cree?
The ending is very poetic.
El final es muy poético.
A deeply poetic mind.
Y es profundamente poética.
Almost in a poetic way, I'd say.
Casi en plan poético, diría yo.
I suppose it's poetic justice.
Supongo que es la mano de Dios.
Otherwise, it's rather poetic.
Si no suena demasiado poético.
Things a bit poetic.
Cosas un poco poéticas.
Poetic justice, that is.
Hablo de la justicia poética.
That's poetic.
Qué poético.
I was always a poetic kind of cop.
Siempre fui un policia poetico...
We're a poetic couple.
Somos una pareja poetica.
Heroes, villains, tormented lovers. Set pieces in the poetic vein. We can do you rapiers, or rape, or both.
amantes atormentados... escenificar obras poéticas, podemos hacerles espadachines, o violaciones... o ambos,
No enigma, no dignity, nothing classical or poetic. Only this.
Sin enigma... ni dignidad, nada clásico ni poético... sólo esto.
It was so poetic.
Fue tan poético.
- There's no place where your poetic spirit has not reached in the pilgrimage of your life so gigantic.
" No quedó ámbito... ajeno a tu alma poética en tan gigantesca vida.
That's democracy. You're poetic in defeat, sir.
La derrota lo pone poético.
What you have in common is the poetic fashion with which you live your lives.
No, lo que quizás los vincula es la forma poética con que ambos viven sus vidas.
It sounds more poetic.
Suena más poético.
Always lost in the poetic world of your imagination.
Siempre perdida en el poético mundo de tu imaginación.
You at least are beautiful and poetic.
Tú, al menos, eres hermosa y poética.
You insult our poetic Muse.
¡ No insultes a esas bellas cigarras!
It's... it's poetic.
Es... Es poético.
What do you mean, poetic?
¿ Qué es poético?
I'm not one of those guys that thinks poetic has gotta be fruity.
Mira, no soy uno de los que piensan que lo poético tiene que ser marica.
And if I just may wax poetic for a moment...
Permítanme adornarlo con poesía...
That's very poetic.
Qué poético. ¿ Quién es?
Jesus, don't get poetic with me, you little putz!
No te pongas poético conmigo, imbécil.
They were her comfort, joy and weakness... and she'd give herself over to poetic outbursts.
Eran su alegría, su tesoro y su debilidad... Y se dedicaba ella misma a arrebatos poéticos.
It would seem... poetic that someone else was to blame.
Se vería... poético, tener a alguien más para culpar.
That's very poetic, Richie!
- Eres un poeta, Richie.
Tragic irony or poetic justice?
¿ Trágica ironía o justicia poética?
It's so complete. So disciplined, and yet so poetic.
Es tan completo, tan disciplinado... y a la vez tan poético...
You are poetic.
Eres poética.
You're a poetic person.
Eres una persona poética.
Well, that's a poetic note.
Bueno, esa es una cita poética.
A hunting song, perhaps, with its poetic, yet manly evocations of the merry morn and steaming horses.
Una canción de caza, con sus poéticas pero varoniles evocaciones de mañanas alegres y caballos que echan humo.
That's really poetic.
Es muy poético.
I know it's not romantic or poetic, but I can't help it.
Sé que no es romántico ni poético, pero no puedo evitarlo.
Ah, then we shall exchange poetic thoughts some other day.
Ah, entonces deberíamos intercambiar pensamientos poéticos otro día.
You make it sound poetic.
Hace que parezca poético.

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