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Poetic justice tradutor Espanhol

148 parallel translation
Well.. it's poetic justice.
Bueno, es justicia poética.
What they call poetic justice.
- ¡ Oh, Dios! Mucho.
It's more than a coincidence. It's poetic justice.
- Es justicia poética.
Justicia poética
It is only poetic justice that a stool pigeon should be roasted. So, you're the one.
Es justicia poética que el informador sea el peor tratado.
It's poetic justice.
Es justicia poética.
It's poetic justice, isn't it.
Justicia poética ¿ No?
But in this case, it seems like poetic justice.
Pero en este caso parece ser simplemente justicia poética.
Now, that's what I call poetic justice for everybody.
A eso le llamo justicia poética para todos.
Poetic justice, huh?
¿ Que poético, no ve?
There's a little poetic justice, flora :
Hay un poco de justicia poética, Flora.
Nice types - well - poetic justice.
Eran dos tipos muy simpáticos.
You know, poetic justice, it's called.
Sabes, justicia poética, se llama.
Little do they realize that all mr. Flemington is suffering from is a case of poetic justice.
Pocos se dieron cuenta de que todo lo que sufria el señor Flemington era un caso de justicia poética.
It cries so loud, that I finished Law School as fast as I could, so that poetic justice could be served, and so that I personally could prosecute the man responsible.
Y grita tanto que terminé la carrera de Derecho lo más rápido posible para que la justicia cumpla con su cometido, y para que yo personalmente pueda procesar al responsable,
Justice. Poetic justice.
Justicia, justicia divina.
Now not covering up for his son may seem like petty jealousy to you, mister, but to me, it's poetic justice.
No encubrir a su hijo te puede parecer celos pero para mí es justicia poética.
- sort of... poetic justice.
Parece justo.
I'm sure you will appreciate the poetic justice of such an arrangement, Doctor, being a sensitive man like myself.
Estoy seguro que aprecia la justicia de tal acuerdo, doctor.
This must be what they mean by "poetic justice."
A esto se le llama justicia equilibrada.
I suppose it's poetic justice.
Supongo que es la mano de Dios.
Poetic justice, that is.
Hablo de la justicia poética.
Tragic irony or poetic justice?
¿ Trágica ironía o justicia poética?
Poetic justice, he called it.
Justicia poética, lo llamó.
Stupid poetic justice!
Estúpida Justicia Poética!
That would be poetic justice, don't you think?
Eso sería hacer justicia, ¿ no creen?
Or maybe it's poetic justice!
O tal vez la justicia.
But there's a certain poetic justice to it.
Pero hay una cierta justicia poética en eso.
- I've seen Poetic Justice.
- Ví "Justica poética"...
It's kind of poetic justice.
- Es como justicia poética.
Let's just say that Kirk's death will have a certain poetic justice to it.
Digamos que la muerte de Kirk tendrá cierta justicia poética.
Well, uh, here's some poetic justice, sir.
Bueno, hay uh, hay aqui algo de justicia poética, señor.
'If Arsenal ARE to lose the Championship,'having had such a lead at one time,'it's somewhat poetic justice'that they have the result'even though they're not to win it.'
Si el Arsenal acaba perdiendo el campeonato, habiendo tenido tanta diferencia, sería de justicia poética que obtengan el triunfo aunque no gane la copa.
Poetic justice.
- Justicia poética.
It's poetic justice.
Hazlo por justicia.
Well, it's my attitude that sometimes you have to sacrifice self-satisfaction for a sense of poetic justice.
Bueno, es mi actitud, aveces Tienes que sacrificar la autosatisfacción Por un sentido de justicia poética.
Call it poetic justice.
Llámalo justicia poética.
- It's poetic justice.
- Es justicia poética.
Poetic justice.
Justicia poética.
Bajorans would call this "poetic justice".
Los bajoranos lo llamarían "justicia poética".
Victor screwed up, but in a way, it's... poetic justice.
Victor se equivocó, pero de cierta forma, es... justicia poética.
You could also call it "poetic justice."
O puede llamarlo justicia poética.
I guess it's some kind of poetic justice for not believing Sammy.
Debe ser justicia poética por no creerle a Sammy.
Poetic justice.
Justicia divina.
Just think of it as poetic justice after all.
Piensa en esto como una cuestión de justicia despues de todo.
- In his mind, poetic justice.
- Para él sería justicia poética.
I suppose some might call it poetic justice.
Supongo que lo llamarían justicia poética.
Poetic justice if you ask me.
¿ por qué no solo se las das? Justicia poética, si me preguntas.
Poetic justice, don't you think?
Aquí. Justicia poética, ¿ no crees?
- Poetic justice. What are you drinking?
- Justicia poética. ¿ Qué tomas?
Here's to justice, poetic and otherwise.
Por la justicia de todo tipo.

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