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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ P ] / Put out your hand

Put out your hand tradutor Espanhol

175 parallel translation
"All you have to do is put out your hand."
Tenemos que vivir nuestra vida. Todo lo que tienes que hacer es poner la mano...
Put out your hand.
Saca tu mano.
Put out your hand, please.
Extiende la mano, por favor.
Whenever you put out your hand, you will find my hand.
Cada vez que tiendas la mano encontrarás la mía.
Put out your hand. Let's see how steady it is.
Enséñeme la mano, a ver si le tiembla.
Put out your hand, you noisy nuisance!
¡ Extiende tu mano, maldito incordio!
Put out your hand with your palm up.
Dale la palma de tu mano.
Put out your hand.
Extienda la mano.
- Put out your hand.
- Saca tu mano
Just put out your hand like this.
Extiende Ia mano así.
Put out your hand. Here.
Saca tu mano.
Put out your hand.
Sí. Extiende la mano.
The storm has put the lights out, and you can't see your hand before your face.
La tormenta ha apagado las luces, y no se ve tres en un burro.
Kill him! Why, if he but put out his hand, it'd mean your life.
Si extiende la mano se llevará tu vida.
Put your hand out.
Saca la mano.
"go out into the darkness " and put your hand into the hand of God.
" Entra en la oscuridad y tiéndele tu mano a Dios.
Lay a hand on me, and I'll put your lights out.
Tócame y te mato.
You put your hand out and collect what we're given.
Tú pones la mano y recoges lo que nos den.
Put your hand out.
Extiende el brazo.
You put your left hand out like this and your right...
Ponga la mano izquierda así y la dere...
Now, come on. Put your hand out where she can reach it.
Vamos, pon la mano para que pueda cogértela.
Put out your hand.
Pon la mano.
Put your hand out.
Saque la mano.
Put your hand out to the girl next to you.
Toca a la chica que tienes al lado.
You just put your hand in his mouth and pull his teeth out.
Sólo mete la mano en su boca y le quita los dientes.
Here, put your hand out.
Extienda la mano.
Put your hand out.
Extiende la mano.
My grandmother would wake my ass up, you know, get your ass out... put your hand... put your... don't you run from me, don't you run-from-me.
Mi abuela me despertaba : ¡ Sácame esa masa boba de la cama! Pon tu mano... pon tu...
Before things get out of hand, put down your weapons and open the gates. You hear me?
Antes de que la situación se descontrole, depongan las armas y abran las puertas.
Put your hand out the window, tell people to stop, you have power, power, stop, hold on, you stop, oh.
saca la mano por la ventana dile a la gente que se detenga, tienes poder, poder, detente acelera, detente, oh.
This morning, right here in this very room... and I asked you to please put it on my dresser... and you said, "I will," and went out holding it in your hand.
Fue hoy en la mañana, en esta misma habitación... y le pedí que la pusiera en mi cómoda... y usted me dijo : "Lo haré", y se fue con la receta en la mano.
Take your left hand and very slowly... pull it out of the holster and put it on the floor.
Muy despacio con tu mano izquierda saca el arma de la pistolera y ponla en el suelo.
Here, put your hand out.
Ponga su mano aquí.
Here's how you do it, "Slip me some skin." Put your hand out there.
Se hace así. Dices, "Dame esa piel". Saca la mano.
Now put out your right hand, and get hold of that pipe very, very firmly.
- Sí. Con la mano derecha agárrate bien a esa tubería.
Put your right hand out to the side.
pon tu brazo derecho horizontal al suelo.
Put your left hand out to that side... and close your right eye.
pon tu brazo izquierdo de el otro lado... y cierra el ojo derecho.
You think I'm gonna let you walk over there, put your hand and pull a piece out on me?
¿ Crees que voy a dejar que saques una pistola?
It's hard. It's hard to... put your hand out.
Es difícil. estirar la mano.
Wait, put your hand out a little.
Espera. Saca la mano un poco.
Put that down and come and put your hand out.
¡ Nessie! Baja eso y ven y saca tu mano.
" I put a brush in your hand, I went out on a limb for you
" Te puse un pincel en la mano, me sacrifiqué por tí
- Grab my wrist. Put your hand out. Take his hand.
No le pasará nada.
Simran, put your hand out
Simran, levanta la mano.
But your beloved's hand put out the light ; I feared not to do so though my maid hindered me :
Se puso el sol, el día expiró, pero no ahogó su envidia :
Put your hand out.
Extiende tu mano.
You put your hand out as if you're apologising.
Pones la mano como que estuvieses pidiendo perdón.
Put your hand over your heart, with the other hand reach out and touch somebody.
Pongan una mano sobre su corazón, con la otra mano Toquen a alguien a su lado
Don't you put your hand out there for me!
¿ No se inmiscuya!
- lmpulse to.... To put your hand out and want someone at the end of your reach. You know, to want someone to be close to.
El impulso de extender tu mano y querer que haya alguien a quien besar o tocar, aunque esté mal.
Then reach out your hand and put it in my side.
Trae tu mano y ponla en mi costado.

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