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Rachel berry tradutor Espanhol

153 parallel translation
My name is Rachel Berry... and I'll be singing "On My Own" from the seminal Broadway classic Les Mis.
Me llamo Rachel Berry... y cantaré "On My Own", del clásico de gran influencia en Broadway, Les Mis.
April Rhodes, Rachel Berry.
April Rhodes, Rachel Berry.
Rachel Berry. How do we steal her away?
Rachel Berry. ¿ Cómo podemos sacarla?
I want Rachel Berry panties.
Quiero bragas de Rachel Berry.
You're familiar with a little glee clubber named Rachel Berry?
¿ Están familiarizadas con una pequeña en el Glee Club llamada Rachel Berry?
And you're Rachel Berry.
Y tu eres Rachel Berry.
Rachel Berry is going to get a little down and dirty.
Rachel Berry va a ensuciarse y deprimirse un poco
Hold onto your hat, because Rachel Berry is going to become ( whispers ) : musically promiscuous.
Quítense el sombrero, ya que Rachel Berry se va a convertir en musicalmente promiscua.
Yeah. Sean Fretthold, Rachel Berry,
Si, Sean Fretthold, Rachel Berry.
♪ Miss Rachel Berry?
* Miss Rachel Berry? * * señorita Rachel Berry *
It's sort of a little Rachel Berry museum.
Es como el pequeño museo de Rachel Berry.
I'm Rachel Berry, I'm your daughter.
Me llamo Rachel Barry. Soy tu hija.
It's a note. "The bearer of this note is entitled to one song of Rachel Berry's choosing, sung to him or her with love."
" El portador de esta nota tiene derecho a una canción escogida por Rachel Berry,
Rachel Berry was dressing like Britney Spears, and I was titillated.
Rachel Berry se vistió como Britney Spears y me sentí excitado.
I'm Rachel Berry, his loud, loud girlfriend.
Yo soy Rachel Berry, Su chillona, chillona novia.
I'm just copying Rachel Berry.
Solo estoy copiando a Rachel Berry.
Because a Rachel Berry party is not something I can do sober.
Por que una fiesta de Rachel Berry no es algo que pueda hacer sobria.
The Rachel Berry House Party Train Wreck Extravaganza is officially a go.
La fiesta de la casa de rachel berry al estilo "tren descarrilado"
You spent the entire night sucking Rachel Berry's face.
Pasaste la noche entera chupeteando la cara de Rachel Berry.
Rachel Berry wants to be a famous singer.
Rachel Berry quiere ser una famosa cantante
Well, Rachel Berry, you just got yourself a new best friend.
Bueno, Rachel Berry acabas de ganarte una nueva mejor amiga
Miss Rachel Berry!
La señorita Rachel Berry!
Where's rachel berry?
¿ Dónde está Rachel Berry?
Rachel Berry is getting a nose job.
Rachel Berry va a operarse la nariz.
Rachel Berry's gonna put her own feminine twist on it.
Rachel Berry le va a dar su propio toque femenino.
Hi. My name is Rachel Berry, and I'll be singing the most difficult song I've ever sung.
Hola. mi nombre es Rachel Berry, y voy a cantar la canción más que he cantado.
Rachel Berry.
Rachel Berry.
Well, Rachel Berry, promise me one thing...
Bueno, Rachel Berry, promete una cosa...
Do you think this voodoo doll looks enough like Rachel Berry to actually work?
¿ Crees que esta muñeca de vudú se parece lo suficiente a Rachel Berry para que funcione?
Ms. Rachel Berry.
La Srta. Rachel Berry.
For me, it's Rachel Berry.
Para mí, es Rachel Berry.
People are saying that Rachel Berry's the one to beat.
La gente va diciendo que Rachel Berry es el rival a batir.
You're better than Rachel Berry, baby.
Eres mejor que Rachel Berry, cariño.
Rachel Berry and...?
¿ Rachel Berry y...?
Rachel Berry?
¿ Rachel Berry?
You know, it's always been "The Rachel Berry Show" around here.
Sabes, siempre ha sido "El Show de Rachel Berry" por aquí.
Rachel Berry is still on MySpace and thus unfit to lead.
Rachel Berry todavía está en MySpace y a la vez incapaz de dirigir.
Hello, I'm Rachel Berry, and I have campaigned for president on a crusade for school book covers, a plan to save the school thousands of dollars.
Hola, Soy Rachel Berry, y me estoy postulando para presidente en una cruzada para portadas de libros escolares, un plan para salvar miles de dólares de la escuela.
Only Rachel Berry could perk up an old boring high school debate with such a riveting twist.
Sólo Rachel Berry podría entretener un aburrido debate de escuela secundaria. con un giro fascinante.
Starring Rachel Berry, Finn Hudson and Noah Puckerman,
Protagonizado por Rachel Berry, Noah Puckerman y Finn Hudson,
Rachel Berry, Mercedes Jones.
Rachel Berry y Mercedes Jones.
Because there's already a star named Rachel Berry.
Porque ya hay una estrella llamada Rachel Berry.
Was- - the assignment wasn't "Make everything about Rachel Berry and force everyone to watch," was it?
La tarea no era "Que todo sea sobre Rachel Berry y obliga a todos a verlo", ¿ verdad?
Rachel Berry... will you marry me?
Rachel Berry ¿ quieres casarte conmigo?
Are you Miss Rachel Berry?
¿ Es usted la Señorita Rachel Berry?
I'm most looking forward to meeting Rachel Berry's children.
Yo espero conocer a los hijos de Rachel Berry.
You are a star, Rachel Berry, and in just two days from now you are going to shine so bright on that stage that the sun is going to cry with envy.
Eres una estrella, Rachel Berry, y en tan solo dos días a partir de hoy vas a brillar tanto en el escenario que el sol va a llorar de la envidia.
I'm Rachel Berry, and I'll be singing "Don't Rain on My Parade"
Soy Rachel Berry, y cantaré "Don't Rain on My Parade"
I love you, Rachel Berry.
Te quiero, Rachel Berry.
I'm so sick of always being backup to Rachel Berry.
Estoy harta de estar detrás de Rachel Berry.
But I flew too close to the sun and now they're gone and I'm just Rachel Barbra Berry of Lima, Ohio... a flightless bird.
Pero volé demasiado cerca del sol y ahora se han ido y solo soy Rachel Barbra Berry de Lima, Ohio... un pájaro no volador.
berry 56
rachel 3413
rache 25

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