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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ R ] / Roberts

Roberts tradutor Espanhol

3,067 parallel translation
It says "Roberts".
¿ Estás diciendo que "Roberts".
Today, "Pretty Woman" with Julia Roberts.
Esta semana veremos "Pretty Woman" con Julia Roberts.
Keats, maybe Roberts?
¿ Keats?
Somebody with deep pockets.
¿ Quizá Roberts? Alguien con bolsillos llenos.
I'm Julia Roberts.
Soy Julia Roberts.
Darren Francis Roberts, Mary's son, three kids, a good man.
Darren Francis Roberts. El hijo de Mary. Tres hijos.
I'll pull Julia Roberts from your movie.
Voy a sacar a Julia Roberts.
Roberts. - All present and correct, Eversleigh?
Habitación 5, por favor, Sybil.
Jaffers you and Roberts seal off the back door.
Su afanadora, Bella, ¿ no?
All right, now that you got your car assignments, I'm gonna turn it over to Detective Roberts with sex crimes.
Ok, ahora tendrán sus asignaciones de vehículos, voy a terminar con esto para el Detective Roberts con crimenes sexuales.
"oh, how unexpected, " how intimate, How Julia Roberts. "
"Oh, qué inesperado, qué íntimo, tan Julia Roberts"
It says "H. Roberts."
Dice "H. Roberts".
Charlie Roberts?
¿ Charlie Roberts?
It appears that Charles Carl Roberts IV... a local milk truck driver who is not Amish... entered the school at 10 : 35 this morning carrying an arsenal that included... a shotgun, several pistols, along with 600 rounds of ammunition.
Parece que Charles Carl Roberts IV... un chofer de la lechería, quien no es amish... entró en la escuela a las 10 : 35 a. m., llevando un arsenal que incluía... una escopeta, varias pistolas, y 600 municiones.
Roberts shot all 10 girls and then took his own life.
Roberts les disparó a las 10 niñas y luego se suicidó.
I'm here on behalf of my daughter, Amy Roberts.
Estoy aquí en representación de mi hija, Amy Roberts.
It appears that some elder gentlemen from the Amish community have come... to visit the Roberts family.
Parece que unos hombres mayores de la comunidad amish vinieron... a visitar a la familia Roberts.
May we come in, Mrs. Roberts?
¿ Podemos pasar, Sra. Roberts?
That never once entered our minds, Mrs. Roberts.
Eso no nos ha pasado por la cabeza, Sra. Roberts.
We came to tell Mrs. Roberts that we carry no grudge against her husband.
Vinimos a decirle a la Sra. Roberts que no le guardamos rencor a su esposo.
Charlie Roberts is dead.
Charlie Roberts está muerto.
You're Charlie Roberts's wife.
Eres la esposa de Charlie Roberts.
Charlie Roberts came to get our milk... and he had his sons with him.
Charlie Roberts pasó a recoger la leche... y sus hijos iban con él.
Your husband was one of the men that went to see Amy Roberts.
Su esposo fue a ver a Amy Roberts.
He was one of the men that went to Amy Roberts's house.
Es uno de los que fueron a casa de Amy Roberts.
I mean, if you find evidence that this community genuinely forgives Roberts... then fine, I'll let you run with it.
Si encuentran pruebas de que la comunidad sí perdona a Roberts... perfecto, los dejaré seguir con eso.
Sitting in the car beside Amy Roberts discussing the weather?
En un auto con Amy Roberts hablando del clima.
Charlie Roberts wrote in his suicide note... that he wanted to offend God... for taking his baby daughter.
Roberts escribió en su nota de suicidio... que quería atentar contra Dios... por haberse llevado a su bebé.
They said Amy Roberts will be there.
Dicen que Amy Roberts estará presente.
The families are meeting with Amy Roberts.
Las familias se reunirán con Amy Roberts.
We all deserve forgiveness, Mrs. Roberts.
Todos merecemos el perdón, Sra. Roberts.
Funeral services for gunman Charles Carl Roberts -
El funeral del pistolero Charles Carl Roberts...
Do you think Amy Roberts will be here today?
¿ Crees que venga Amy Roberts?
Caroline Maria Roberts.
Caroline Maria Roberts.
Her name was Caroline Maria Roberts, the girl in the cemetery.
Su nombre era Caroline Maria Roberts, la chica del cementerio.
Except for Caroline Maria Roberts.
Excepto por Caroline Maria Roberts.
But I just kept asking myself, "how would Julia Roberts do it?"
Pero me preguntaba, "¿ cómo lo haría Julia Roberts?"
It's sort of like Bugs Bunny meets Julia Roberts.
Es como si Bugs Bunny estuviera con Julia Roberts.
Mrs. Roberts : James, it's your dad and I.
James, somos papá y yo.
Mr. Roberts : Happy birthday, son.
¡ Feliz cumpleaños, hijo!
Mrs. Roberts : Don't tell him that!
¡ No le digas eso!
Mrs. Roberts : Oh, baby...
Oh, cariño...
Mr. Roberts : Let's go home.
Vayamos a casa.
I could be the indian julia roberts.
Podría ser la Julia Roberts india.
Maybe to one of my peers, like Julia Roberts.
Quizás a una de mis colegas, como Julia Roberts.
I was--I was quoting jua roberts.
Estaba, estaba citando a Julia Roberts.
Julia Roberts as you know, we're engaged.
Julia Roberts...
No, we were gonna see that new Julia Roberts movie tonight.
No, queremos ver el nuevo filme de Julia Roberts esta noche.
Roberts : The guy we're looking for is a male Caucasian. Six-foot-two.
El tipo que buscamos es un hombre caucásico de ojos azules.
But either way, I get to be julia roberts, so bite me.
Tengo que ser Julia Roberts, así que pellízcame.

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