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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ R ] / Roderick

Roderick tradutor Espanhol

599 parallel translation
And Femm Roderick.
Y a Roderick Femm.
Are you. Mr. Roderick Femm?
¿ Es Ud. el Sr. Roderick Femm?
And what about Sir Roderick?
¿ Y qué hacemos con Sir Roderick?
Sir Roderick, I'll lock him in here.
Sir Roderick, voy a encerrarle aquí dentro.
Roderick Raskolnikov.
Roderick RaskoInikov, acérquese.
Oh, Roderick. I'm so happy.
Oh, Roderick, soy muy feliz.
-? Roderick!
Don't be offended. If they're coming, you can't receive them the way you're living.
Roderick, no te ofendas.
I'm just an ordinary sort of fellow.
Yo soy un tipo muy normal, Roderick.
Roderick, this is our friend, Mr. Lushin. My son.
Roderick, nuestro amigo, eI Sr. Lushin.
I know this will be a great surprise to you, Roderick. Mr. Lushin and your sister are engaged to be married.
Sé que será una gran sorpresa para ti, Roderick, pero el Sr. Lushin y tu hermana se han comprometido.
Roderick, I think you ought to know that Mr. Lushin is marrying your sister without asking for any dowery at all.
Roderick, debes saber que eI Sr. Lushin se casará con tu hermana sin pedir ninguna dote.
And he is the best news of all, Roderick.
Y esto es Io mejor, Roderick.
I did it to protect the honor of the woman I'm going to make my wife.
Roderick! - Debo proteger el honor de quien va a ser mi esposa.
What are you saying?
- Pero ¿ qué dices, Roderick?
Roderick, don't you see?
Roderick, ¿ no Io entiendes? ?
Roderick. What are you here for?
Roderick, ¿ qué haces aquí?
Thank you. Look here, Roderick.
Gracias, señor.
I don't like mysteries.
Roderick, no me gustan Ios misterios.
You've got a new suit on Roderick.
llevas un traje nuevo, Roderick.
Stop your clowning, Roderick!
- Basta de farsas.
Roderick, stop that!
Roderick, basta ya.
It's two, Roderick.
- Dos, Roderick.
Roderick, it's a very nice ring and you know I hate big stones.
Roderick, es precioso, sabes que no me gustan Ias piedras grandes.
Roderick, where did you get this money?
- ¿ De dónde Io has sacado?
Search me. Where did you get it, Roderick?
- A mí que me registren. ¿ Roderick?
y the way, Roderick, I'm about to ask your sister if I may call on her tomorrow.
Por cierto, iba a preguntarle a tu hermana si puedo visitarla mañana.
Don't be silly, Roderick.
No seas tonto, Roderick.
I'm glad the Inspector mentioned it.
Roderick, me alegro de que tu amigo el inspector Io haya dicho.
Roderick, I don't think you should talk to the Inspector like that. Inspector.
Roderick, no creo que debas hablarle así al comisario.
Is it Roderick?
- No. - ¿ Es por Roderick?
Roderick. Something's happened to you.
Roderick, te ha pasado algo.
Oh, Roderick. Why did you do it? Why did you do it?
Oh, Roderick, ¿ por qué Io hiciste?
Roderick... the greatest happiness a mother knows... is when her children come to her for comfort.
Roderick, Ia mayor felicidad para una madre es cuando sus hijos acuden a ella para que Ies consueIe.
You've always been good to us, Roderick.
Siempre has sido bueno con nosotras, Roderick.
Antonya. What has Roderick done?
Antonia, ¿ qué ha hecho Roderick?
? Roderick!
Roderick. What are you doing here?
Roderick, ¿ qué haces aquí?
Roderick... last night you wanted to kiss me... I didn't want you to.
Roderick, anoche querías besarme, pero yo no quería que Io hicieras.
You'll become famous and I'll be so proud of you.
Serás famoso, Roderick, y yo estaré muy orgullosa de ti.
- Let's follow him. - Let's go Roderick
- Vamos tras él.
My sister, Pamela Fitzgerald, and I'm Roderick Fitzgerald.
Es Fitzgerald. Mi hermana Pamela Fitzgerald y yo Broderick Fitzgerald.
That'll do for tonight, Mr. Roderick.
Es todo por esta noche, Sr. Roderick.
Mr. Roderick!
¿ Qué pasa? ¡ Sr. Roderick!
Mr. Roderick!
¡ Sr. Roderick!
I'd heard nothing of the sort, Mr. Roderick.
No he oído nada de eso, Sr. Roderick.
I'll not sleep in this house another night, Mr. Roderick. - Come now, Lizzie.
No dormiré en esta casa otra noche, Sr. Roderick.
- I'm here, Mr. Roderick.
Estoy aquí, Sr. Roderick.
Don't you try to bluff me, Mr. Roderick.
No intente engañarme, Sr. Roderick.
"The honorable roderick minden."
'William Packett le invita a la boda de su hija... con el honorable Roderick Minden'.

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