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Sanity tradutor Espanhol

910 parallel translation
For my sanity?
Entonces, ¿ por mi razón?
He said he was close to a discovery so terrific that he doubted his own sanity.
lba a descubrir algo tan asombroso que le haría dudar de su propia cordura.
Clearly, although the hospital said disturbing things about my sanity.
Evidentemente, aunque el hospital dijera cosas inquietantes sobre mi cordura.
Tell me, have you taken it upon yourself to rob me of my last shred of sanity?
Dime, ¿ es que pretendes robarme mi último resquicio de cordura?
I'm in full possession of all my sanity.
Bebed. Estoy en plena posesión de mis facultades.
That's what they call a sanity clause.
Es lo que llaman una cláusula de cordura.
There ain't no Sanity Claus.
Las corderas no son de clausura.
I count on the people's sanity and good temper.
Yo creo en la cordura y el buen sentido del pueblo.
You must convince them of my sanity.
Tiene que convencerlos de mi cordura.
Regarding the sanity hearing of Longfellow Deeds...
Se juzga el estado mental del Sr. Longfellow Deeds...
- Law and sanity.
La ley y la cordura.
I said law and sanity.
He dicho ley y la cordura.
For the sake of my sanity, you two have met before?
Por mi salud mental. ¿ Se conocían ya?
for me papa has lost his sanity careful, now the dance will start
¡ Para mí, papá ha perdido la razón! ¡ Atención, que empieza el baile!
But you cannot, you must not question the sanity of my book.
Pero no puede cuestionar la racionalidad de mi libro.
As long as we use violence and terror to supply what must come from sanity and reason.
Mientras, usamos violencia y terror para suplir lo que la sensatez y la razón deberían traer.
But one that brings him down to the level of a sideshow entertainer and reflects on the sincerity and sanity of the highest body of lawmakers.
Pero que lo sitúa al lado de un actor de espectáculos y que perjudica a la sinceridad y cordura del cuerpo de legisladores.
I would talk to you by the hour if we could do so with calmness and sanity.
Hablaría contigo largo y tendido si lo hiciéramos con calma y cordura.
This expert, Dr. Egelhoffer, the thinker from New York was giving Williams a sanity test in the sheriff's office.
El Dr. Egelhoffer examinaba a Williams en el despacho del Shériff.
It wouldn't make for sanity, would it? Living with the devil?
Vivir con el demonio no contribuye a la cordura, ¿ verdad?
But before Evans is accused, I'm definitely in favor of giving him a sanity test.
Antes de acusar a Evans, debería ser sometido a un test psicológico.
They're a menace to sanity.
Son una amenaza para la cordura.
The clash of contrasts often removes sanity, but at times also returns it.
El choque de contrastes a menudo elimina la cordura, pero a veces también la devuelve.
And retain thy sanity, if thou can!
Y mantén la cordura, si puedes.
And not to check up on my sanity... because of my peculiar mode of living?
¿ Y no vino a verificar mi cordura... debido a mi forma de vida peculiar?
His sanity will have to be investigated.
Habrá que investigar su cordura.
He says I'd be risking your sanity.
Dice que pongo en riesgo tu salud.
Well, then I can tell you in addition to other dangers there's a danger of Jacqueline losing her sanity.
Además de otros peligros hay riesgo de que Jacqueline pierda su cordura.
I am far from pleased, madam, with this constant harping on the question of my sanity.
Me molesta mucho tu insistencia constante... sobre mi salud mental.
Who said, "If any man had one moment of sanity" In that one moment, he would take himself out of this world? "
"Si alguien tuviera un momento de cordura, en ese momento, desaparecería de este mundo".
If we all intend to keep our sanity, we've got to get to the bottom of this.
Si todos quieren mantener la cordura, tenemos que llegar al fondo de cuestión.
Will prove sanity by comparing this ear with your own.
Probaremos la sanidad al comparar esta oreja con la suya.
Ethics shouldn't even have to be considered when a man's sanity is at stake.
La ética no cuenta cuando está en peligro la cordura de un hombre.
He may have committed the atrocious crime during some dreadful lapse of sanity.
Es que él pudo haber cometido el crimen atroz durante algún periodo de locura.
You are not in need of any witnesses but your own sanity... and we shall judge the worth of that.
Vuestro único testigo aquí es vuestra cordura. Y nosotros habremos de valorarlo.
They tried him... found him guilty of sanity, then let him go.
Le juzgaron, le encontraron culpable de cordura y le dejaron ir.
I'm talking about legal sanity.
Me refiero a que está legalmente cuerdo.
We cannot certify to the patient's sanity until we observe him after he's had a second operation.
No podemos certificar la cordura del paciente hasta observarle tras una segunda operación.
Look, doctor, I've regained my health and my sanity, thanks to you people.
He recuperado la salud y la cordura, gracias a ustedes.
Not necessarily. You believe yourself to be Judge Harper. Yet no one questions your sanity because you are Judge Harper.
No necesariamente. pero nadie duda su cordura porque es el juez Harper.
I didn't have a closet or three bathrooms, but I did have my sanity a few dollars, two children and a wife I could trust!
No tenía armarios, ni tres baños, pero estaba cuerdo ¡ tenía dinero ahorrado, dos niñas y una mujer en quien confiar!
I knew to save my sanity I had to go.
Y sabía que, por el bien de mi salud mental, tenía que irme.
I think they figured that something which might drive a normal person insane... might shock an insane person back into sanity.
Pensaban que algo que volvería loco a un cuerdo los volvería cuerdos al horrorizarlos.
Some selfishness is a good sign of sanity.
Algo de egoísmo es señal de cordura.
In prison, all alone, confined, he found himself abandoned by all, to the point of losing his sanity, he breaks the bars and leaves the prison.
En prisión, solo y confinado, él se encontraba abandonado. Cuando pierde la razón, rompe los barrotes y escapa de prisión.
Undue influence, I suppose... question Miss Em's sanity, that sort of thing.
Influencia excesiva, supongo. Cuestionarán la cordura de la Srta. Em. Ese tipo de cosas.
Fortunately, there is one witness who is qualified to testify... on the only matters of pertinence to this hearing... the question of Miss Em's sanity and the question of undue influence.
Hay un solo testigo capacitado para testificar... sobre la única cuestión que concierne a esta vista... si la Srta. Em estaba cuerda y si hubo una influencia excesiva.
I do, your sanity.
Pero sí su cordura.
Will you put me in charge of your safety and sanity?
¿ Y podría yo introducirme en esa vida sana y sencilla?
he buys a yacht for 1 million and a castle in Bavaria but those are completely senseless expenses endangering the substance of the whole fortune he has lost his capacity for judgment diminished sanity couldn't one cancel the acquisition of the castle, if it had been undertaken at all?
¡ Son gastos totalmente sin sentido! ¡ Pone en peligro todo el patrimonio! Ha perdido su capacidad de juicio.
¡ No se atreverá!

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