Say what you like tradutor Espanhol
1,854 parallel translation
Think you can say what you like, because you are bigger than me?
¡ ¿ Qué? ! Vale, dejaré tu edad fuera de esto.
You can say what you like, but I loved her.
Puedes decir lo que quieras, pero yo la amaba.
And it's all cosy and it's romantic and isn't it beautiful, you know? You can say what you like.
Ahora es todo intimidad y eso es romántico. ¿ No es eso hermoso?
" "What did you say to chase her off like that?" "
" "? Qué le dijiste a esa chica, que se molestó tanto? " ".
I just won my twister match against stephanie, and when I say "against," I mean, like, my head was ag--what's the matter with you guys?
Acabo de ganar mi partida de Twister contra Stephanie, y cuando digo "contra", quiero decir que, mi cabeza estaba cont... ¿ qué os pasa chicos?
Like you might have to say what you were in prison for.
Como que tengas que decir porqué estuviste en prisión.
You really think you can say what the hell you like, don't you?
Realmente crees que puedes decir lo que carajo quieras, ¿ no?
What else would you like me to say?
¿ Qué otra cosa te gustaría que diga?
What would a silly girl like you have to say to a king?
¿ Qué tendría para decirle a un Rey una tonta chiquilla como tú?
Yeah, well, i don't think you're gonna like what i have to say.
Ya, bueno, no creo que te guste lo que voy a decir.
What'd you say it sounded like, michael?
¿ Cómo dijiste que sonaba, Michael?
That's not what I thought you were going to say, but I like it!
Pero me gusta, continúa.
Why, did he say something? Do you think he likes me? - What's not to like?
Oh, él es tan buen...
You know, like what would you say to somebody who was 60? Like you?
Tú sabes, como, qué le dirías a alguien que tiene 60 años.
You say that like you've been wondering what it'd be like to sleep with me for a while now.
Lo dices como si hubieras fantaseado cómo sería dormir conmigo.
- You know what the French say : a court without ladies is like a garden without flowers.
una corte sin mujeres es como un jardín sin flores.
What do you say maybe I get you tickets to, like, some wrestling matches. How's that?
¿ Qué te parece si te consigo boletos para luchas?
What would your Pam say if she knew that you were in here talking like that to me? I used to baby-sit you.
¿ Que diria tu madre si sabría que estas aquí hablando así de mí?
It's not like I sit up at night and think about what you do or don't say to me, but thanks. - I feel better now.
No me paso la noche en vela pensando en lo que me dices pero, gracias.
Aja. Look, I don't know what you're up to, but I didn't say you could come back here and I'd like you to both leave.
Mire, no sé qué se traen, pero no dije que podrían pasar.
I Really Think You'Re Gonna Like What We Have To Say About The Elementary School Renovaons.
En verdad creo que te va a gustar lo que tenemos que decir acerca de las renovaciones en la escuela primaria.
Well, first of all, i'd just like to say What an honor it is to be sitting here With you gentlemen.
Primero de todo, quiero decir que es un honor estar aquí sentado con vosotros caballeros
She'd say that's what happens to people like you.
Ella diría que eso es lo que le pasa a la gente como tú.
Like never getting to say what you really feel?
Y nunca poder decir lo que realmente sientes?
When you say things like that, what are you doing?
Cuando dices cosas como esas ¿ qué es lo que haces?
What do you say to something like that?
¿ Qué le dices a algo así?
Like you were committed to saying what you were saying regardless of what I was gonna say.
Fue como si estuvieras decidido a decir lo que decias sin tomar en cuenta lo que dijera yo.
Tell us, what would you like to say about this?
Dinos, ¿ qué tienes que decir?
I would like you to what I say you will not regret it
Quisiera que me escucharas. No te arrepentirás.
yes, I think you are not only beautiful but also smart said that what it views you have already learned a little bit with him you would also like to say?
Si, creo que no solo eres hermosa pero también lista. Eso es lo que se ve. Has aprendido con el.
Look, there are men like him in this world too, what I have to say, I already said, besides upto you guys,
De veras que no pensaba que hubiera gente así en el mundo Mira, he dicho lo que tenía que decir.
No, what you mean to say is Tyler looks like me.
No, significa que Tyler se parece a mí.
I like to say that it doesn't matter what you do.
Me gusta decir que no importa lo que hagas.
I say if you can slip away, we see what the real party's like.
Bueno, si puedes escaparte, quería mostrarte como es la verdadera fiesta.
You might find it a comfort. What would you like me to say?
Podría sentirse reconfortada.
Now, what would you like the card to say?
¿ Qué le gustaría poner en la tarjeta?
Gosh, it's too bad you weren't like this before, - willing to say what's on your mind.
Dios, ojala hubieses hecho esto antes diciéndome todo lo que te pasa por la cabeza.
What do you think you'd like to say to her?
¿ Qué crees que te gustaría decirle?
What would you say if somebody came to you with a story like mine?
¿ Qué dirías si alguien viniera a tí con una historia como la mia?
I heard your music and then I... it was like you saw what I was trying to say.
Escuché tu música, y luego... Fue como si vieras lo que quería decir.
And what would you like me to say to the girls?
¿ Y qué quieres que les diga a las niñas?
It's kind of like A. what would you say.
Es una especie de a tú dirías que es...
So you think people should always speak out, even when you think they might not like what you have to say?
Piensas que todos deberían compartir sus cosas, aún cuando piensas que no les gustará lo que deban escuchar.
You can say what you want, but I'd like to think that you helped her.
Di lo que quieras, pero me gustaría creer que tú la ayudaste.
And it makes you wonder what they might be keeping secret now. I have to say we would never trust a company like Monsanto to tell the truth about a pollution problem or about a product. We would never trust them.
y te preguntas que más podrían estar ocultando ahora tengo que decir que nunca confiaremos en una compañía como Monsanto, para decirnos la verdad acerca de un producto, o un problema de contaminación.
So with your blessing, of course, we'd like to go ahead and check out the rig. What do you say?
Así que con su permiso, por supuesto, nos gustaría seguir adelante... e inspeccionar la plataforma.
Well, stud, what do you say we see what round two looks like?
Bueno, semental, que dices si vemos cómo te va en la segunda ronda.
[relief] and you just stand at your door like, " Okay fuck that was bad, what'd I say?
Y te quedas en la puerta...
I don't like it when people just don't say what they mean, or they lust say what you want to hear, because it's like, life is too short to deal with people like this.
No me gusta que la gente no dice lo que piensa. O dice lo que quieres oír. La vida es muy corta para tratar a gente así, ¿ no crees?
I can't promise you're going to like what I have to say.
No le prometo que le guste lo que voy a decirle.
What if she throws you a curve ball like that {, what are you gonna say }?
Bueno, ¿ Y si te dijera algo parecido? ¿ que harías?
say what now 22
say what 525
say what you mean 19
say what you want 62
say whatever you want 20
say what you will 28
say what you have to say 25
say what you need to say 29
what you like 22
you like it rough 18
say what 525
say what you mean 19
say what you want 62
say whatever you want 20
say what you will 28
say what you have to say 25
say what you need to say 29
what you like 22
you like it rough 18
you like that one 27
you like it here 38
you like me 141
you like baseball 16
you like what you see 23
you like it 795
you like music 30
you liked it 124
you like them 63
you liked that 20
you like it here 38
you like me 141
you like baseball 16
you like what you see 23
you like it 795
you like music 30
you liked it 124
you like them 63
you liked that 20
you like 225
you like him 175
you like this 96
you like' em 17
you like that 642
you like those 17
you like her 166
you liked her 18
you liked him 30
you like him 175
you like this 96
you like' em 17
you like that 642
you like those 17
you like her 166
you liked her 18
you liked him 30