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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ S ] / She invited me

She invited me tradutor Espanhol

404 parallel translation
You know, she invited me to this- -
Sabes, me invitó a esta...
- She invited me in.
- Me ha invitado.
Well, they finally polished off Jesse James, and after we left the movie she invited me to her house for tea.
Bueno, finalmente acabaron con Jesse James y al salir del cine, me invitó a su casa a tomar el té.
Well, anyway, she invited me to ride with her on the bus and go visit him.
Bueno, me ha invitado a acompanarla a ir en autobús a visitarle.
She invited me to live with her.
Me ha invitado a vivir con ella.
One day she invited me to her flat.
Un día me invitó a su casa.
She invited me into bed with her to continue studying.
Me invitó a meterme con ella en la cama, para continuar estudiando.
She invited me to supper.
Me invitó a cenar.
Ford was not back from lunch but she invited me to sit in front of her desk and talk to her for 45 minutes. which I did.
Ford no había vuelto de comer pero ella me invitó a sentarme frente a su escritorio y a hablar con ella unos 45 minutos, lo que hice.
She invited me to her house tonight to watch her film.
Me invitó a su casa esta noche para ver su película.
She gave a birthday dinner. She invited me. That was unusual
Me invitó a una cena de cumpleaños y eso me extrañó.
- She invited me into her room.
- Me invitó a su cuarto.
She invited me, I swear.
Ella me ha invitado, te lo juro.
She invited me.
Me invitó.
I met a girl with a lot of loot. She invited me.
Conocí a una con mucho dinero y me invitó.
She invited me to Brideshead.
Me había invitado a Brideshead.
In fact, she invited me out there tonight and I'm going, and I'll keep on going as many days or nights or weekends as she'll have me.
Me invitó a su casa esta noche e iré, y no dejaré de ir tantos días o noches o fines de semana me invite.
She invited me for lunch.
Me invitó a almorzar.
She invited me back after the party.
Me invitó a ir después de la fiesta.
But I don't think that's why she invited me. Do you?
No creo que Muffy me invitara por eso.
She invited me to a party with her.
Me invitó a ir a una fiesta con ella.
She invited me out of politeness.
Me invitó por pura formalidad.
She invited me up!
¡ Me invitó a subir!
She invited me to meet her.
- Me invitó a conocerla.
She invited me for an hour-long quickie... at a midtown hotel.
Me invitó a pasar una hora en la cama de un hotel del centro.
If you really must know, she invited me to dinner.
Si quieres saber me invitó a cenar.
She invited me to dinner next Sunday.
- Me ha invitado a cenar. - ¿ En serio?
But despite that, she invited both Ellen and me to supper.
Así que nos invitó, a Ellen y a mí.
I'm meeting my friend, she has cinema tickets and invited me.
He quedado con mi amiga, tiene entradas para el cine y me ha invitado.
Her friend invited her to a coffee after the cinema, and the she told me all of the film, but great, highly interesting.
Su amiga la invitó a un café después del cine, y luego me contó la película, estupenda, muy interesante.
She just invited me. That was pat on the phone.
Ha llamado para invitarme.
Brian told me she was back in London now and married... so I invited them to come tonight.
Brian me dijo que vivía en Londres y se había casado, así que la invité a venir hoy.
My knocking woke her up, but she was all smiles and invited me in for breakfast.
La desperté al llamar, pero estaba encantadora y me invitó a desayunar.
A couple of weeks after we broke off... she called, invited me to a party at her boyfriend's house.
Un par de semanas después de que rompiéramos me invitó a una fiesta en casa de su chico.
She's staying with Don Jesús, and he's invited me to dinner.
Está en casa de don Jesús, y me ha invitado a cenar.
She had invited me for her birthday.
Me había invitado el día de su cumpleaños... y pensé... como es vieja y apenas si come,
She's invited me to stay, which is of course, actually very convenient... because it keeps me close to the heart of things.
Me invitó a quedarme, lo cual resulta muy conveniente... porque así podré estar cerca del centro de la acción.
- for Miss Elizabeth when she gets here. - And Lady Kasseltone's invited for tea, and I wouldn't be surprised if - Mr. James doesn't drop in as well.
Lady Castleton vendrá a tomar el té y no me sorprendería si viniese el señorito James.
She said she had married Mizoguchi... and invited me to drop in.
Dijo que se había casado con Mizoguchi y me invitó a visitarles.
You called me and she invited you to have a coffee with us.
Me llamaste y ella te invitó a tomar un café con nosotros.
She told me : "I've been invited to travel to China."
Me dice : "Me invitaron a Golpartchine."
You're my friend, you invited me She's my friend.
Usted es mi amigo, usted me invitó Ella es mi amiga.
uh, she just invited me over to see her new apartment.
Oh, me ha invitado a ver su nuevo apartamento.
She has invited me over for an intimate late-night supper.
Ella me ha invitado a más de una tarde en la noche de la cena íntima.
She told me she met an attractive young naval officer and invited her to dinner.
Me dijo que conoció a una oficial guapa y que la invitó a cenar.
Kill her. She was the one who invited me over.
Mátala a ella, fue quien me invitó.
No, if she wanted to invite me, she would've invited me.
No, si ella hubiera querido invitarme, lo hubiera hecho.
For some reason, I don't know what, she kind of took a liking to me... and so she invited me to go with her and her sister to their dressing room... for drinks.
U sted el hombre.
She then invited me to a sex club... called Dante's Inferno.
Después me invitó a un club de encuentros sexuales que se llama Dante's Inferno.
She invited me.
Ella me invitó.
She's invited me to dinner on Saturday, but I'm going to London.
Me ha invitado a cenar el sábado, pero me marcho a Londres.

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