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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ S ] / She looked at me

She looked at me tradutor Espanhol

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Did you see the way she looked at me?
¿ Has visto cómo me ha mirado?
You saw the way she looked at me when I came in.
Ya han visto cómo me ha mirado cuando he entrado.
She looked at me while I slept, because I am ashamed of the lantern..
Me miró mientras dormía, porque me avergüenzo de la lámpara...
There was no triumph in her eyes when she looked at me, only sadness.
No había triunfo en los ojos de ella. Sólo tristeza.
She looked at me with those eyes, Lambchop.. - Aurelio. Two eyes that looked as big as four.
Me miraba con dos ojos que parecían cuatro.
You see the way she looked at me?
¿ Ha visto cómo me ha mirado?
I'd gotten over that funny feeling I had, when she looked at me which I put down as just my jangled nerves.
Había superado el sentimiento extraño que tuve cuando me miró. Se lo adjudiqué a mis nervios.
I just bumped into her a few minutes ago and she looked at me and shook her head.
Me tropecé con ella hace unos minutos me miró, y meneó la cabeza.
I looked at Martha.. she looked at me. And we were pretty close to looking at two complete strangers.
Miré a Martha, ella me miró, y nos faltó muy poco para vernos como unos desconocidos.
She looked at me for no longer than the beat of a heart and I knew I would remember her as long as I lived
Me miró no más de lo que dura un latido y en cambio supe que la recordaría durante toda mi vida
You saw how she looked at me, I'll steal her away from you.
Has visto cómo me ha mirado. Te la birlo.
For the first time, she looked at me as a woman looks at a man.
Posándome por primera vez unos ojos de mujer que mira a un hombre.
I can't forget the way she looked at me.
No puedo olvidar la forma en que me miró....
The way she looked at me! Can a love that grand insult anyone? - No.
¡ No se canta sólo con la voz, se canta con los recuerdos, con los buenos y los malos, y si no se tienen, se inventan!
She looked at me as if I had struck her and I said it again before I could change my mind.
Me echó una mirada matadora y se lo repetí antes de cambiar de opinión.
Then she took a seat in bed and she looked at me like I had two heads.
Se sentó en la cama y me miró como si yo tuviera dos cabezas.
I wish she looked at me like that.
Ojalá me mirase, como le mira a usted.
I realized that as she looked at me, she was seeing someone else.
Me dí cuenta de que, tal como me miraba, ella estaba viendo a otra persona.
Funny... the very first thing i can remember is another little child screaming when she looked at me.
La primera cosa que puedo recordar... es un niño pequeño gritando cuando vio mi rostro.
She looked at me!
Me ha mirado!
She looked at me until the end.
Me miró directamente, desde el principio hasta el final.
She looked at me.
Ella me miró.
She kissed me, and she looked at me, and she let me pass out all the papers.
Me dio un beso, me miró y me dejó repartir todas las hojas.
¡ De qué manera me miraba!
She looked at me
Me miró
" She looked at me and made a threatening gesture.
Me miró e hizo un gesto amenazador.
She looked at me, or I wouldn't have noticed her.
Me miró, de lo contrario yo no me habría fijado en ella.
She looked at me insistently. That beautiful myopic stare.
Me dirigió una mirada insistente... esa hermosa mirada de los miopes.
And she looked at me and she said, "Aber Sie sind ein weißer Jude", which you can translate, "But you are a white Jew."
Y ella me miró y me dijo : "Aber Sie sind ein Weisser Jude", que se puede traducir, "Pero usted es un Judio blanco."
I got burned, Harry. - Yeah. - She looked at me.
- Me descubrieron, Harry.
It was something in the way she looked at you that made me want to kill her.
Había algo en la forma en que la mirabas que me dieron ganas de matarla.
If she had any brains at all she'd know you never even looked at me.
¡ Oigan! ¡ Oigan!
We looked at the nice pictures she drew, when I came across a picture which, as Miss Hortensia told me, her teacher gave her.
Estábamos viendo unos hermosos dibujos que había pintado, cuando llegamos a un dibujo que, como me dijo la Señorita Hortensia, le dio su maestro.
What did she say? She just looked at me and gave her tender unspoken yes.
Me ha mirado y me ha dicho "sí" sin hablar.
I was thinking about that dame upstairs, and the way she had looked at me... and I wanted to see her again, close... without that silly staircase between us.
Estaba pensando en la chica de arriba, en cómo me había mirado... y quería verla de nuevo, de cerca... sin que nos separara la escalera.
She looked at it, felt it and turned it over.
Ella me la devuelve y ¿ sabe qué dice?
A lady looked at me... she said once...
Una señora me miró una vez en la playa...
Sh-She looked at me like I was a bug.
Ella me miraba como si yo fuera un bicho.
She just looked at me.
Ella me miraba.
I told her it meant nothing, but she just looked at me that way she has.
Le dije que eso ya no importaba, pero me echó una de sus miradas.
I stumbled on the deck of our barge into the water... and I hollered for help up at Ma there... she's standing up by the wheel... and all she did, she just looked at me.
Tropecé en la cubierta de nuestra gabarra y me caí al agua... y chillé para que mi madre me ayudara... ella estaba al timón... y todo lo que hizo fue quedarse mirándome.
I also saw the way she looked at this house, the way she looked at Frankie, Ellen and Vinnie.
- Me fijé cómo miraba la casa. Y cómo miraba a Frankie, Ellen i Vinnie.
The eyes opened and she looked up at me.
Sus ojos se abrieron y me miró.
She told me about you, that you looked at me and called my name. - Did you hear me?
Me ha contado que tú, me mirabas con el espejo... que me llamabas.
She came over to my bed and looked at me, and she said :
Se acercó hasta mi cama y mirándome, dijo :
It looked to me, anyway, like she... deliberately aimed the car at this tree.
En cualquier caso me pareció como si... se estrellara deliberadamente contra este árbol.
She just looked at me, screamed and ran out.
Ella me miró, gritó y huyó.
I liked the way how she loved me, he knew how to pick a woman, 8 when he sent me flowers, But he could not embrace as well as Gardner. I looked a little bland, clear when he looked at me closely my makeup in the mirror.
me gustaba cómo hacía el amor sabía cómo tratarle me mandó ocho amapolas la mía era la octava pero nunca supo abrazarme tan bien como Gardner desde luego me faltaba color al mirarme en el espejo
She just looked at me, hugged me.
Sólo me miró y me abrazó.
When it came time for the girl who was playing the princess to give me the kiss, she must've thought I looked terrible. I had this frog's head on at the time.
Pero cuando llegó el momento de besar a la chica que era la princesa... debe de haber pensado que me veía terrible con la máscara de sapo....
She simply looked at me, indifferently, with little trace of hostility. But she said nothing.
Simplemente me lanzó una mirada indiferente, apenas hostil, pero no me dijo nada.

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