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At me tradutor Espanhol

177,693 parallel translation
He came and looked at me.
Él vino y me examinó.
Bryan, look at me.
Bryan, mírame.
Bryan, Bryan... - look at me.
Bryan... mírame.
Wait, look at me.
Espera, mírame.
Grigory, look at me.
Grigory, mírame.
Come at me, bro! "
¡ Ponme a prueba, hermano! ".
and he looks at me like he's gonna fight back.
y él me miró como si fuera a darme pelea.
Why are you looking at me?
Por qué me miras?
- Don't look at me.
No me mires a mí.
Don't ever come at me talking about loyalty.
Nunca vuelvas a hablarme de lealtad.
Don't look at me with that face.
No me mires con esa cara.
Deary me, I thought you were handsome, and now you've gone all cross and you're pointing a gun at me.
Querido mío, creí que eras guapo, y ahora vienes todo enfadado y apuntándome con un arma.
Look at me.
Go on, look at me.
Vamos, mírame.
But I'm... I'm fine, look at me!
Pero estoy... estoy bien, ¡ mírame!
It means everyone's looking at me.
Significa que todos me están mirando.
She yells at me constantly and... there's one time where she tipped over a table.
Me grita constantemente y... hubo una vez que volcó una mesa.
If everybody could stop looking at me, that'd be really great.
Si todos podríais dejar de mirarme sería genial.
Just don't jump out at me, okay?
No me vayas a salir así de repente, ¿ sí?
Do not tell me that you don't know what's been going on at this hotel.
No me digas que no sabes lo que está pasando en este hotel.
See, no Donnie, no Helena. And if you'll excuse me, I have to stop an insurrection at the church Fall Fair.
Ni Donnie, ni Helena y si me permiten, tengo que detener una insurrección
Meet me at the pick-up.
Nos vemos en el punto, ¿ de acuerdo?
I met with this guy who's gonna at least, like, prescribe me the protocol.
Conocí a un tipo que va, al menos, a prescribirme el protocolo.
It was really kind of down to me, and I kind of failed at the last second.
Es algo que dependía de mí, y fracasé en el último momento.
At school I do sometimes feel like the odd man out, because I'm very much into space.
En la escuela a veces siento que soy rara porque me gusta mucho el espacio.
One of my favorite things to do is sometimes when I'm out late at night, is to look up at the night sky and try to find the little red planet in the sky if I can.
Una de las cosas que más me gusta hacer es ir afuera a la noche, mirar el cielo nocturno y encontrar el pequeño planeta rojo.
And then they gave me historical information on the device, and at first,
- ¿ Entonces qué?
Sarge, at least let me take him to 26th and Cal myself.
Sargento, al menos permítame llevarlo a la 36 y Cal yo misma.
'Cause I know she went, you know, at least as hard as I went, and I got to say, I went hard.
Porque sé que ella se ha esforzado al menos tanto como yo y tengo que decir que me he esforzado mucho.
- Cece, I love where your head's at. - Mm-hmm.
Cece, me encanta cómo funciona tu cabeza.
And I love where your body is at even more, but I-I can't.
Y me encanta aún más cómo funciona tu cuerpo, pero no puedo.
Aly, um, look at Winston, but listen to me.
Aly, mira a Winston, pero escúchame a mí.
But girls don't notice me at all.
Pero, para las chicas, no existo.
Before that, I wanted to be a bus driver, because I liked how they waved at other bus drivers.
Antes de eso, quería ser conductora de autobuses porque me gustaba cómo se saludaban entre ellos.
Say hello to the folks at home, Erica, and let me through the door.
Saluda a la gente de casa, Érica, y déjame pasar por la puerta.
Let me holler at you for a second.
Déjame gritarte un segundo.
♪ Keep me filled with satisfaction when we're done ♪ Look at this little potato with legs.
Mira a esta pequeña patata con patas.
Oh, so you just so happened to bump into me at the club tonight.
Oh! ... así que te ocurrió topar conmigo en el club esta noche.
I really don't get why you won't at least let me try.
Realmente no entiendo por qué al menos no me dejas intentarlo.
But if we have any chance at all, we can't be walking in there looking like
Me tiene en una correa ;
At least you had a house.
Sabes, me encanta porque me sacó de la casa.
You want me to believe it was just by chance you came knocking at my door?
Quieres que crea que fue casualidad que vinieras y tocaras mi puerta?
You know, your mom and me sang at a club during the L.A. riots.
Sabes, tu madre y yo cantábamos en un club durante los disturbios de L.A.
He said somebody uploaded a video of you singing with the girls at the rally, told me that if I needed an edge, maybe, that you might be the ticket.
Dijo que alguien subió un vídeo tuyo cantando con las chicas en la manifestación, Me dijo que si necesitaba una ventaja, tal vez tú podrías ser el billete. Hmm...
I felt bad about how I came at you at the station.
Me sentí mal por la forma en que me acerqué a ti en la estación.
Help me save his life, then you can yell at him.
Ayúdame a salvarle la vida, después podrás gritarle.
- Look at me!
- ¡ Mírame!
You had me at justice.
Ya me tenías con lo de justicia.
And then you can explain it to me at work tomorrow.
Y así me lo podréis explicar mañana en el trabajo.
Meet me at the bar in one hour, okay?
Nos reuniremos en el bar en una hora, ¿ vale?
I'm not good at this.
Esto no se me da bien.

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