Shot him tradutor Espanhol
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And Marvin begged for his life and he shot him right in front of me.
Y Marvin suplicó por su vida y entonces le disparó delante de mi.
I'm glad I shot him.
Me alegro de haberle disparado.
You shot him.
Le has disparado.
He was unarmed, and you shot him.
Estaba desarmado, y tú le disparaste.
He came at me, and I shot him in the head.
Él vino hacia mí y le disparé en la cabeza.
- What? - A sniper shot him through the window.
- Un francotirador le disparó a través de la ventana.
Dr. Weston pulled a crow feather from Branch's wound after David Ridges shot him.
Dr.. Weston sacó la pluma del cuervo de la herida de Poder después de que David Ridges le disparó.
Shot him in the back to make it look like murder.
Le disparó en la espalda para que se vea como un asesinato.
So, which one of them do you think found and shot him?
Así que, ¿ cuál de ellos crees que te encontré y le disparaste?
And shot him with it.
Tal vez George tuvo un accidente?
Nick shot him?
¿ Nick le disparó?
You shot him in the middle of the street in fucking Hollywood.
Le disparaste en mitad de la calle, en el puto Hollywood.
Someone shot him in the middle of Hollywood, but we don't know who.
Alguien le disparó en pleno Hollywood, pero no sabemos quién.
You shot him.
Tú le disparaste.
And whoever did this shot him at close range.
Y quienquiera que lo hizo, le disparó de cerca.
Which means whoever was tied into that chair broke free, overpowered Dimitri, and then shot him.
Lo que significa que quien fuera que estuviera atado a esa silla se liberó, venció a Dimitri y le disparó.
I shot him.
Le he disparado.
Gut shot him.
Un disparo en las tripas.
They shot him and...
Le dispararon y...
They shot him in the face.
A la cara le dispararon.
- But I thought the captain shot him down already.
Pero pensé que el capitán le disparó abajo ahora.
The police said that her boyfriend shot him?
La policía dijo que su novio le disparó.
I am a mess because my best friend just got shot, because my boyfriend was the one who shot him, because my friend betrayed me, and now, because my sister hates me.
Porque han disparado a mi mejor amigo, porque mi novio fue quien le disparó, porque mi amiga me traicionó y, ahora, porque mi hermana me odia.
But I shot him.
Pero le disparé.
Before I shot him, I was sitting in the truck, and I was watching you two touching and hugging and stuff.
Antes de dispararle, estaba sentado en la camioneta, y viendo cómo los dos os tocabais y os abrazabais y tal.
Before Eli could call it in, Juice shot him.
Antes de que Eli pudiera dar el aviso, Juice le disparó.
Harry was trying to protect the payroll. The man who called himself Sundance shot him down. Never saw a man handle a weapon like that.
Nunca vio a un hombre manejar un arma así.
He went for his 9 in self-defense and you shot him in the face.
Agarró su arma en defensa propia y le disparaste en la cara.
Then they shot him in the head right in front of me.
Y después le dispararon en la cabeza delante de mí.
You really buying this story... Someone shot him up?
Realmente comprar esta historia... Alguien le disparó?
Then he shot him pointblank in the head.
Luego le disparó a bocajarro en la cabeza.
When Mr. Grady arrived you shot him.
Cuando el Sr. Grady llegó, le disparó.
She shot him, right in front of us.
Le disparó, enfrente a nosotros.
He pointed it at your unarmed husband's back, and he fired a shot that killed him.
Él lo apuntó a la espalda de su marido desarmado, y disparó un tiro que le mató.
That you're just leading him on, Letting him believe he has a shot with you.
Que le das esperanzas, dejando que crea que tiene una oportunidad contigo.
Got a customer, placed a big bet on a long shot and it paid off, and now I, uh, I owe him.
Tienes un cliente, haces una gran apuesta y sale bien, y ahora le debo dinero.
You shot him!
¡ Le has disparado!
- You were trying to give him a shot.
- Intentabas darle una oportunidad.
Someone shot him.
Sí. Alguien le disparó.
When I went to visit him in the hospital after he was shot, he thought that I was David ridges.
Cuando fui a visitarlo en el hospital después de que le dispararon, él pensaba que yo era David Ridges.
We figure the shooter boarded the truck and shot Anton, knocking him back into the shifter.
Suponemos que el tirador abordó el camión y disparó a Anton, lanzándole contra la palanca de cambio.
I just... I set up on the building across the street, and when I saw him in the window, I shot.
Yo, simplemente me aposté en el edificio de al otro lado de la calle, y cuando lo vi en la ventana, disparé.
There might be another way to stop him. It's a long shot, but Zaheer is always meditating into the Spirit World, and I know exactly where Xai Bau's grove.
Es algo difícil pero Zaheer siempre medita en el mundo espiritual y sé exacto a donde va :
You wouldn't have even had a shot at the henhouse if it wasn't for him getting you out from under Tony Gianopolous.
Ni siquiera hubieses tenido una oportunidad en el gallinero de no ser por que el te sacó del control de Tony Gianopolous.
And I repaid him for that by giving him his first shot at investment banking.
Y se lo retribuí dándole su primera oportunidad en la banca de inversión.
During the heist, Skinner shot Clarkson, left him for dead in the desert, but Clarkson survived and he's currently serving time at Lompoc Penitentiary.
Durante el atraco, Skinner disparó a Clarkson, lo dejó por muerto en el desierto, pero Clarkson sobrevivió y actualmente está en la penitenciaría de Lompoc.
And you shot a guard in the back and killed him.
Y le dispararon a un guardia en la espalda y lo mataron.
Your friend gets shot and you send him away?
¿ A su amigo le disparan y usted lo deja ir?
Giving the baby a shot at a permanent home is better than dumping him in the system, I agree.
Que el bebé tenga un hogar permanente es mejor que dejarlo en el sistema, sí.
You had a shot at Merlyn and you didn't kill him?
¿ Le disparaste a Merlyn y no lo mataste?
Likely even more surprised when he was shot by him.
Probablemente aún más sorprendido cuando él le disparó.
himself 154
himura 39
him again 23
him and me 36
him too 56
him who 26
him or me 60
shot in the head 30
shot deal 20
himura 39
him again 23
him and me 36
him too 56
him who 26
him or me 60
shot in the head 30
shot deal 20