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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ S ] / Sir watkyn

Sir watkyn tradutor Espanhol

43 parallel translation
I heard Miss Bassett's father, Sir Watkyn, mention that Miss Madeline's godmothers are Dame Daphne and Mrs Gregson.
Escuché al padre de Miss Bassett, Sir Watkyn, decir que las madrinas de Miss Madeline son la Dama Daphne y la Sra Gregson.
Do you know that Sir Watkyn Bassett is my uncle?
¿ Sabes que Sir Watkyn Bassett es mi tío?
Sir Watkyn has written his reminiscences, recollections of a long life, he calls them, and if half of it is true, his youth must have been appalling.
Mi tío, Sir Watkyn, ha escrito sus memorias, recuerdos de una larga vida, es como las llama, y si la mitad de eso es cierto, su juventud debe de haber sido vergonzosa.
Sir Watkyn?
¿ Sir Watkyn?
You couldn't pop down to Sir Watkyn's study, could you?
Mejor dicho, no. ¿ Podría pasar brevemente por el estudio de Sir Watkyn?
Sir Watkyn asked me to fetch some things for him.
Sir Watkyn me pidió que le fuera a buscar unas cosas.
- This will soon be open, Sir Watkyn.
- Pronto se abrirá, Sir Watkyn.
- Don't worry about me, Sir Watkyn, sir.
- No se preocupe por mí, Sir Watkyn, señor.
Ah, you mean that if he does make a hit, he might look Sir Watkyn in the eye and make him wilt?
Ah, ¿ quiere decir que si tiene éxito, podría mirar a Sir Watkyn a los ojos y debilitarle?
Sir Watkyn's manuscript.
El manuscrito de Sir Watkyn.
Ah, Jeeves, Sir Watkyn seems to think that I have swiped his memoirs.
Ah, Jeeves, Sir Watkyn parece pensar que le he robado sus memorias.
I rather fancy that this might be the key you are looking for, Sir Watkyn.
Imagino que esta podría ser la llave que está buscando, Sir Watkyn.
It certainly was, with Sir Watkyn on the rampage. lt's in a safe place, eh?
Claro que lo era, con Sir Watkyn alborotado. Está en lugar seguro, ¿ no?
Sir Watkyn Bassett's memoirs.
Las memorias de Sir Watkyn Bassett.
Yes. I will see that Sir Watkyn gets your message as soon as possible.
Sí. Me ocuparé de que Sir Watkyn reciba su mensaje lo más pronto posible.
- Sir Watkyn, please.
- Sir Watkyn, por favor.
But to revert to the manuscript, sir, in my opinion, Lady Florence has overestimated the danger of people being offended at being mentioned in Sir Watkyn's book.
Pero volviendo al manuscrito, señor, en mi opinión, Lady Florence ha sobrestimado el peligro de que la gente se ofenda al ser mencionada en el libro de Sir Watkyn.
There you are, what. Hello, Sir Watkyn.
Hola, Sir Watkyn. espléndido.
Sir Watkyn ordered me to patrol the house to guard the wedding presents.
Sir Watkyn me ordenó patrullar la casa para vigilar los regalos de boda.
( Clears throat ) Sir Watkyn, sir, I have apprehended two intruders, sir.
Sir Watkyn, señor, he detenido a dos intrusos, señor.
( Sir Watkyn ) No. He's our only chance of fixing the plumbing.
Es nuestra única oportunidad de arreglar las cañerías.
( Sir Watkyn ) But he's only made it worse so far with that Dumbo-Crambo.
Pero hasta ahora sólo han empeorado con ese "Dumbo-Crambo".
Ah! I'll get it, Sir Watkyn.
Yo lo cogeré, Sir Watkyn.
- ( Sir Watkyn ) Switch it off, Bertie.
- Apágalo, Bertie.
I persuaded Sir Watkyn that Brinkley could restore the faith of local electors in the Conservative party.
Convencí a Sir Watkyn de que Brinkley podía devolverles la fe a los electores locales del Partido Conservador.
- Sir Watkyn Bassett looks like the before photo in an advert for indigestion pills.
- Sir Watkyn Bassett se parece a la foto del "antes" de un anuncio de pastillas para la indigestión.
Sir Watkyn's allowing us to exhibit his silver.
Sir Watkyn nos permitirá exponer su platería.
Ha. - That's new, isn't it, Sir Watkyn?
- Eso es nuevo, ¿ verdad, Sir Watkyn?
I sold that to Sir Watkyn Bassett for £ 1, 000.
Se la vendí a Sir Watkyn Bassett por 1.000 libras.
There is no foundation for the story that Sir Watkyn told Mr Travers, sir.
No tiene ninguna base la historia que Sir Watkyn contó al Sr. Travers, señor.
Sir Watkyn has now discovered the absence of the statuette, sir,
Sir Watkyn ya ha descubierto la ausencia de la estatuilla, señor.
Sir Watkyn's priceless African totem has disappeared.
El invalorable tótem africano de Sir Watkyn ha desaparecido.
Perhaps you could persuade Mr Fink-Nottle to apologise to Sir Watkyn and Lord Sidcup.
Quizás podría convencer al Sr. Fink-Nottle de que se disculpe con Sir Watkyn y Lord Sidcup.
Well, I wish him luck with Uncle Watkyn.
Bueno, le deseo suerte con Sir Watkyn.
So long as your performance provokes Sir Watkyn into giving you the statuette... lt isn't going to convince anyone, Jeeves, because it isn't going to happen.
Con tal que su actuación provoque que Sir Watkyn le dé la estatuilla... No va a convencer a nadie, Jeeves, porque no sucederá.
I'd better go and persuade Gussie to apologise to Spode and Sir Watkyn.
Será mejor que vaya a convencer a Gussie de que se disculpe con Spode y Sir Watkyn.
- Thought I'd give you a ring, Sir Watkyn, after all the excitement.
- ¿ Está ahí? - Pensé en llamarle, Sir Watkyn, después de todo este alboroto.
Sir Watkyn, which is the Benin bronze head and which is the Makonde mask?
Sir Watkyn, ¿ cuál es la cabeza de bronce de Benín y cuál es la máscara Makonde?
- Afternoon, Sir Watkyn.
- Buena tardes, Sir Watkyn.
- l'm looking for Sir Watkyn Bassett.
- Estoy buscando a Sir Watkyn Bassett.
Oh. Sir Watkyn. How do you do?
Sir Watkyn. ¿ Cómo está usted?
Mm-hm. - Perhaps Sir Watkyn will feel differently.
- Quizás Sir Watkyn cambie de idea.
Sir Watkyn.
¿ Aún trabaja encubierto, Jeeves? Sir Watkyn.

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