Talking to him tradutor Espanhol
3,049 parallel translation
But I was talking to him, I was looking at him, and I couldn't stop staring at the letter opener on the desk.
Pero estaba hablando con él, estaba mirándole, y no podía dejar de mirar el abrecartas de su escritorio.
Do you remember seeing him or talking to him in that bar eight years ago?
¿ Recuerdas haberlo visto o hablado con él en el bar ocho años atrás?
I'm not talking to him.
No voy a hablar con él.
I'll be talking to him personally.
- Hablaré con él personalmente.
She's talking to him.
Ella está hablando con él.
But I ended up talking to him for three hours.
Pero terminé hablando con él durante tres horas.
- I was talking to him.
- Le decía a él.
Look, we could just block her from talking to him, but that would send a message that we're hiding something.
Miren, podríamos solo impedirle a ella que hable con él, pero eso podría enviar el mensaje de que estamos escondiendo algo.
You're talking to him.
Estás hablando con él.
Yeah, I was just talking to him.
Si, estaba hablando con él.
I think he's done, But I wouldn't know'cause I wasn't talking to him.
Creo que terminó... pero no lo sé porque no estaba hablando con él.
Not talking to him is so much easier if I don't pick up the phone.
No hablarle es mucho más fácil si no levanto el teléfono.
What's she talking to him about?
Qué le está diciendo ella?
- No, you're not talking to him.
- No, no hablarás con él.
You are not talking to him.
No hablarás con él.
I was talking to him the other night, and I wanted to know why you didn't tell him where you were the last six months.
Estaba hablando con él la otra noche, y querría saber por qué no le dijo usted dónde estuvo los seis últimos meses.
I'm not even talking to him cos he's blaming me.
Ni siquiera hablamos, porque me culpa a mi.
Start talking to him.
Empieza a hablarle.
A couple of knockouts tried talking to him, but he blew them off.
intentaron hablar con él, pero pasó de ellas.
It's a possibility, yes, which is why we'd like to keep talking to him- - to see if he can help us find Mariana Castillo.
Es una posibilidad, sí, por lo que nos gustaría seguir hablando con él... para ver si puede ayudarnos a encontrar a Mariana Castillo.
I'm gonna keep talking to him.
Voy a continuar hablando con él.
We're talking to him.
Estamos hablando con él.
Leah's talking to him.
Leah está hablando con él.
I'm only talking to him.
Solo voy a hablar con él.
Maybe you should be talking to him.
Deberías hablar con él.
We'll return immediately once we're done talking to him.
Volveremos de inmediato una vez que hayamos hablado.
Is she... is she there beside the Jesus figure, talking to him?
¿ Es ella... la que está al lado de la figura de Jesús, hablándole?
You were talking to him yesterday.
Tú estuviste hablando con él ayer.
Might have been a friend of Petrowski's or just somebody you saw him talking to one time here, or-or outside the building, maybe.
Podría haber sido un amigo de Petrowski o simplemente alguien que lo vio hablando con él alguna vez aquí, o fuera del edificio, quizás.
Are you talking about getting false documents to get him out of the country?
¿ Te refieres a conseguir falsa documentación para sacarlo del país?
In the event of capture, their orders were to kill their buddy to prevent him from talking.
En el caso de captura, sus órdenes eran asesinar a su compañero para evitar que hablase.
Look, a brother start talking the truth, and y'all kick him to the curb.
Mira, un hermano empieza a decir la verdad, y vosotros lo mandais a la calle.
'Cause you're the one who can't seem to stop talking about him.
Porque no paras de hablar de él.
'Kay, we need to get through to him, so you need to start talking right now.
Bueno, necesitamos comunicarnos con él, así es que debes empezar a hablar ahora mismo.
His sincerity in talking to each woman is chilling as are their claims to love him.
Su sinceridad al hablar con cada mujer es escalofriante al igual que sus reclamos a lo aman.
Oh. You want me to give him a good talking to.
Usted quiere que yo le dé a él una buena charla.
So, we spend all night with this guy, buying him drinks and talking about jumping buses on a motorcycle, only to find out later, Evel Knievel's been dead for five years.
Así que, pasamos toda la noche con este tío, invitándole a copas y hablando sobre saltar autobuses con una motocicleta, solo para descubrir más tarde que, Evel Knievel llevaba muerto cinco años.
Yes, and talk to him when you're talking to him.
Sí, y habla con él cuando hables con él.
Except his son sees him talking to this guy on a park bench just before he died.
Excepto su hijo que lo ve hablando con ese tipo en un banco del parque justo antes de morir.
If Mr Reynolds walks through that door, as I expect him to do at any moment, wearing some extravagant head gear and talking of an encounter with a rhinoceros, then I will have proven that the connections between events are inevitable and, more often than not, accidental, and are in no way predetermined by the movement of planets billions of light years away.
Si el Sr. Reynolds entra, como espero que haga en cualquier momento, llevando algo extravagante en la cabeza... y hablando de un encuentro con un rinoceronte, entonces habré probado que las conexiones entre sucesos son inevitables... y, casi siempre, accidentales, y no están predeterminadas de ninguna... forma por el movimiento de planetas a miles de millones de años luz.
You need to get him talking, Mom.
Tienes que hacer que hable, mamá.
Carl undoubtedly knew that we were on to him and that we were talking to Mercer Lawrence, so he killed Mercer to cover his tracks.
Carl indudablemente sabía que íbamos a por él y que estábamos hablando con Mercer Lawrence, así que mató a Mercer para cubrir sus rastros.
Yes, I've talked to him about his lack of plans, but it's like talking to a wall.
Sí, he hablado con él sobre su lista de planes, pero es como hablar con la pared.
I'll give him a talking-to.
Voy a darle una lección.
We don't want him talking to anyone.
No queremos que hable con nadie.
Listen to him. Talking like it was nothing.
Habla como si no fuera nada.
Then you talk to him like you're talking to a friend.
Después le hablas como si hablaras con un amigo.
He threatened to kill me if I didn't tell him who I was talking to, but I stood up to him.
Él amenazó con matarme Si no le decía con quién estaba hablando pero le planté cara.
I haven't talked to him since we... stopped talking.
No le he hablado desde que... dejamos de hablarnos.
- I was talking to my dad, and I was practically kinda, like, bragging to him how I handled myself today, and... ( Chuckles )'cause I guess that I thought that... ( Chuckles ) My God.
- He estado hablando con mi padre, y estaba prácticamente fanfarroneando sobre cómo lo había manejado todo hoy, y... porque supongo que pensaba que...
All right, I was supposed to be his wingman tonight, but I'm helping you with this, so I'm talking him through it.
Está bien, se supone que esta noche iba a ser su acompañante para ligar, pero te estoy ayudando con esto, así que se lo voy detallando.
talking to yourself 25
talking to you 40
talking to me 44
to him 225
to himself 21
himself 154
himura 39
him again 23
him and me 36
him too 56
talking to you 40
talking to me 44
to him 225
to himself 21
himself 154
himura 39
him again 23
him and me 36
him too 56
him or me 60
him who 26
talkies 34
talking 358
talkie 126
talking about me 21
talking about 61
talking of which 33
talking about it 21
him who 26
talkies 34
talking 358
talkie 126
talking about me 21
talking about 61
talking of which 33
talking about it 21