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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ T ] / Tell him to come in

Tell him to come in tradutor Espanhol

177 parallel translation
- Tell him to come in here.
Dile que entre aquí.
Tell him to come in person.
Dile que venga en persona.
- Tell him to come in at once.
- Que entre. - Sí, madame.
- Tell him to come in!
- Dígale que pase.
- Tell him to come in right away.
- dile que venga de inmediato.
Tell him to come in.
Dígale que entre.
- Well, tell him to come in.
- Está bien. Dígale que pase.
Tell him to come in.
Dígale que pase.
Tell him to come in here.
Dígale que venga.
- Tell him to come in.
- Dile que salga. - ¡ Oiga!
No, no Mr Anastácio, tell him to come in.
No, señor Anastácio, mándele entrar.
- Tell him to come in, then.
- Bien, entonces que entre.
- Tell him to come in here right away.
- Dile que venga enseguida. - Claro.
Tell him to come in.
Hazlo pasar.
Tell him to come in, poor dear
Dile que venga, pobrecillo
Tell him to come in.
- Dile que entre
Tell him to come in.
Decile que pase.
Tell him to come in.
Tell him to come in five minutes.
Que venga dentro de 5 minutos.
- Tell him to come in.
- Dile que venga.
- Tell him to come in.
- Dile que venga aquí.
Tell him to come in.
Dile que pase.
But, in January last... this girl, who is now dead in her grave... was compelled to come to this defendant... and tell him she was about to become a mother.
Pero, en enero próximo... esta chica, que ahora está muerta en su tumba... se vio obligada a venir ante este acusado... y decirle que estaba a punto para ser madre.
When does he come in, tell him Miss Hart wants him to come at once.
Cuando llegue, dígale que la Srta. Hart le ha llamado.
Well, ask him to come in, and fellowes, you can tell the jackmans that they can go back to that cottage.
Esperando. Pues hágale pasar. Fellows.
Tell him to come right in.
Dile que pase.
Tell him to come right in. Do you mind, Carlotta?
Dígale que pase. ¿ Te importa, Carlotta?
When my husband gets in, will you tell him to come right home?
Cuando llegue mi marido, ¿ le dirá que venga a casa?
I would like to tell him that I'd love to go and live in his house if my sister could come too.
Me gustaría decir que me encantaría Morar con él, pero mi irman tendría Que venir también. - ¿ Su hermana?
- Tell him to come in.
- Dile que pase.
Come here. Stop the baron going to Box A. Tell him to join us in Box B. Hurry. Hurry!
No permitas que el Barón vaya al Palco A. Que nos busque en el Palco B. ¡ Pronto!
He'll be here in a few moments, and I've come to tell you that when you meet him... you're to say, "How do you do, gracious sir?"
Estará aquí en un momento. Cuando lo conozca... debe decir : "Encantada de conocerlo, amable señor".
Tell him for example as if by chance in conversation, that there is the question of a departure from Marseilles, that it would be good for him to come see me, invent something!
Supongamos que usted le hablara en una conversación, acerca de un posible reembarco a Marsella, que sería conveniente que me viniera a ver. En fin, invente algo.
Let's send a few representatives to the train station... and tell him that Bismarck must leave... or the phrase "blood and iron" will come true tomorrow... but in the streets of Berlin!
¡ Mandemos a algún portavoz a la estación de tren... y digámosle que Bismarck debe irse... o la frase "a sangre y fuego" será cierta mañana... ¡ pero en las calles de Berlín!
Whoever you got in that other room, tell him to come out.
Quienquiera que esté en la otra habitación, dígale que salga.
If he should happen to ask about your family... the way people are interested in where other people come from... you might tell him who they were.
Si llegara a preguntar por tu familia sabes que alguna gente se interesa por saber de dónde son puedes decirle quiénes eran.
Mr. Yano... tell him this : "If you feel you're in a tight spot, come back to look at the stake in the pond."
En todo caso, Sr. Yano el día que le veáis decidle que venga a contemplar la estaca del estanque de los lotos.
Go ring up Lestrade. Tell him to come on the double and wait for me here in front of this shooting gallery.
Llame a Lestrade dígale que venga cuanto antes y espéreme en esta caseta.
He might come in again. Will you tell him to get in touch with me?
Quizá regrese. ¿ Podría decirle que se comunique conmigo?
May I tell him to come in?
El contable.
- Tell him to come in. - Come on in quick.
Dile que pase.
Tell him not to be in such a hurry... to stop his brigade on the edge of the woods, come to detach a regiment.
Que se detenga en el bosque y que regrese.
Dame Ellen, find Sir Walter Blunt. Tell him to come to me in the garden.
Lady Ellen, busca a sir Walter, que se reúna conmigo en el jardín.
Since we can not get in to see Nordstrom's secrets for ourselfs. We might induce him to come out and tell them to us.
Ya que no podemos acceder a los secretos de Nordstrom, debemos inducirle a que salga y nos los cuente.
tell him to come in here.
- Dile que suba el aquí.
Return, good Catesby, to the gracious duke. Tell him, myself, the mayor and citizens... in deep designs in matter of great moment... no less importing than our general good... are come to have some conference with His Grace.
Volved junto al gracioso duque, y decidle que el Corregidor, los regidores y yo hemos venido... a celebrar una conferencia... sobre cosas importantes, graves asuntos relacionados con el bien general.
Tell your Lord to come. We'll welcome him with swords in our hands.
Decidle a vuestro señor que venga.Le daremos la bienvenida con espadas.
Tell him he'll probably get the loan, but his wife has to come in.
Dile que seguramente consiga un préstamo, pero que tiene que venir su mujer.
Only to tell him I'm in town and might come looking for him.
Para decirle que estoy aquí y que tal vez vaya a por él.
Tell him that you accidently drove your jeep into the statue of Samuel Putnam... that you're here in the bar, loaded... that you want him to come over and drive you back to the base.
Digale que estrelló su jeep sin querer contra la estatua de Samuel Putnam... que está en el bar borracho... que quiere que venga y lo lleve de regreso a la base.
¤ "Clear water who flows between the leaves and twigs,... ¤" tell him that roses have their thorns... ¤ "tell him I'm missing no color in my feathers,... ¤" tell him I'm dying of love. Tell him to come home! " ¤
# Agua clara que caminas entre juncos y mimbrales, # dile que tienen espinas las rosas de los rosales, # dile que no hay colores que yo no tenga, # que me muero de amores. ¡ Dile que venga!

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