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That it's tradutor Espanhol

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that has no right to complain about immigration, it's Great Britain.
Si hay una nación en el mundo que no tiene derecho a quejarse de la inmigración... es Gran Bretaña.
It's basically ancient Twitter, that's what that was.
Era como Twitter pero en la antigüedad.
I'm not saying it's impossible, I'm just saying that would be the toughest James Bond movie that was ever made.
No digo que sea imposible, solo digo que sería la película de James Bond más difícil de la historia.
I said, " And that's it, Mick.
" Eso es todo, Mick.
" That's it.
" Eso es.
I'd like to think that's how it went down.
Me gusta pensar que sucedió eso.
It's gonna turn into a fight that's gonna spoil your week, maybe your month.
Será una pelea que arruinará la semana o el mes.
It's been a while since I've slept that well.
Hacía tiempo que no dormía tan bien.
Sheldon Rhodes was working on a classified Navy project and we're here investigating that on behalf of NCIS and the secretary of the Navy, which means, if anybody's an outsider, it's...
Sheldon Rhodes trabajaba en un proyecto secreto de la Marina y estamos aquí investigando eso en nombre del NCIS y de la Secretaria de Marina, lo que significa que si alguien es un extraño...
I just think that it's...
- Pero creo que...
No, I... I wasn't trying to get in your face about that, it's a legit question.
No, no... no intentaba echártelo en cara es una pregunta fundada.
That's it.
Eso es.
Five... Just tell me if it's higher of lower than that.
Dime si ha dicho más o menos que eso.
That's it, you got it.
- Así, ya lo tienes.
I know it's not ideal, but you'd have plenty of space for your furniture, and there's this cool button that makes an entire wall go up and down.
Sé que no es lo ideal, pero tienes espacio de sobra para tus muebles, y hay ese botón tan guai que hace que toda una pared suba y baje.
Well, I think it's very nice that you're helping out our friend.
Bueno, creo que está muy bien que ayudéis a nuestro amigo.
I think it's nice that you're taking whatever medication Amy's clearly giving you.
Yo creo que está bien que te estés tomando la medicina que sin duda te está dando Amy, sea la que sea.
Well, it's like that science thing.
Bueno, es como aquello científico.
Raj is in a difficult financial situation, and I'm glad that he's making changes to improve it.
Raj está en una situación económica complicada, y me alegra que haga cambios para mejorarla.
Well, that's been my room since before I met Leonard, and now someone else is going to be living in it.
Bueno, ha sido mi habitación desde antes que conociera a Leonard, y ahora otro va a ponerse a vivir allí.
It's nothing like that.
No es nada parecido.
( chuckles ) It's cute that you think that.
( Risas ) Es lindo que creas eso..
I suppose it's conceivable that the hormones associated with our fight-or-flight response could be sharpening our cognitive processes.
Supongo que es concebible que las hormonas asociadas con nuestra respuesta de lucha o huida podrían acelerar o mejorar nuestros procesos cognitivos.
That's it.
Se acabó.
'cause it spells " menu. but that's my favorite.
Claro, porque lleva "menú". Me sé un montón de bromas de menú, pero esa es mi favorita.
But it's not chemicals that are controlling your brain by the government or by aliens.
Pero no son químicos que controlan la mente lanzados por el gobierno o los extraterrestres.
And that's how it's been for at least 5000 years.
Así ha sido por lo menos por 5000 años.
It's these cognitive biases that we have that allow this kind of pseudoscience to thrive.
Aplicamos un sesgo cognitivo que da cabida a las pseudociencias. SESGO BASADO EN EXPERIENCIA SUBJETIVA
It's the causal illusion, right, that he makes some kind of prediction, something happens, and some have suggested that kind of causal illusion is the foundation of pseudoscience.
Es la ilusión causal de que él hace alguna predicción y algo sucede. Algunos sugieren que esa ilusión causal es la base de la pseudociencia.
I like the fact that you're saying, it's not science.
- Sí. Me gusta que digas que no es una ciencia.
So, it's- - My claim is that lack of discipline, lack of searching for true cause and effect, is inherently bad.
Lo que digo es que la falta de disciplina, de buscar causa y efecto, es algo malo.
Then the second thing is, uh... wood, even when it's on fire, doesn't conduct heat that well.
La segunda cosa es que la madera, aunque esté ardiendo, no es buena conductora del calor.
- A prop gag, that's it? " - [audience laughs]
¿ Un truco fácil, es todo? "
Right. So, there's still three countries left in the world that have it.
Sí, aún hay tres países en el mundo donde la polio persiste.
One is that it's not a conversation about other kids in the community.
Uno es que no es una conversación sobre otros chicos de la comunidad.
Well, that's it, from now on, we're eating healthy around here.
Bueno, es todo, de aquí en adelante todos comeremos saludable.
Look, I'm happy for the business, but drinking that on your knees is... it's putting a hat on a hat.
Mira, me alegra el negocio pero tomar eso de de rodillas es como ponerle un sombrero a un sombrero.
That's it.
Es todo.
It's the foundation that I was going to establish to take the Schmidt brand to the next level, but now I can't.
Es la fundación que iba a crear para llevar la marca Schmidt al siguiente nivel, pero no puedo.
I'd say that's our cue to hightail it outta here.
Diría que esto es nuestro aviso para largarnos de aquí.
Well, that's it.
Esto es malo.
That's because when we're with him, it's okay.
Porque cuando estamos con él, todo está bien.
That's why we told you, Zuru, you guys can't do it on your own!
Por eso se los dijimos, Zuru. ¡ No pueden salir solos!
It's said that they found this place about 300 years ago.
Encontraron este lugar hace 300 años.
It's enough that three of them came back alive.
Es suficiente con que hayan regresado vivos.
Is that what's doing it?
¿ Eso es lo que lo está causando?
It's said that the sight of fire is soothing to humans.
Se dice que los humanos se relajan al ver fuego.
And that's where we found it.
Y ahí es donde lo encontramos.
It's a place that's been disconnected from the NetSphere.
Es un lugar que ha sido desconectado de la Redesfera.
They've got the public one that's so far over, it might as well be in another county.
El del público está tan lejos que parece otro Condado.
That's the one. That's... how it all started.
Así comenzó todo.

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