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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ T ] / That means a lot to me

That means a lot to me tradutor Espanhol

296 parallel translation
That means a lot to me.
Eso significa mucho para mí.
That means a lot to me, Ward. I just wanted you to know that I appreciate that... even if I do like my little joke now and then.
Quería que supiera que se lo agradezco, aunque suelte un chistecito de vez en cuando.
That means a lot to me, Ward.
Eso significa mucho para mí, Ward.
Thanks, that means a lot to me.
esto significa mucho para mi.
I'm going to sing a song that means a lot to me and... somebody else.
Voy a cantar una canción que significa mucho para mí y... para alguien más.
I got something here that means a lot to me.
Tengo algo aquí que significa mucho para mí.
That means a lot to me.
Eso me reconforta mucho.
- That means a lot to me.
- Significa mucho para mí.
That means a lot to me.
Esto significa mucho para mí.
- Thanks. That means a lot to me.
Significa mucho para mí.
I wanna start with a song that means a lot to me.
Quiero empezar con una canción que es muy especial en esta época.
Thanks. That means a lot to me.
Eso significa mucho para mí.
That means a lot to me, Chief. It really does.
Eso significa mucho para mí, jefe.
That means a lot to me.
Significa mucho para mi.
That means a lot to me, Raymond.
Eso significa mucho para mí, Raymond.
So he was a hero after all. That means a lot to me.
Eso significa mucho para mí.
That means a lot to me because you made it.
Significa mucho para mí porque tú lo hiciste.
That means a lot to me, man.
Gracias, compadre.
I shouldn't tell you at all, I suppose but before I take him along I want you to know that what happens to you means to a lot me.
Pero antes de llevármelo quiero que sepa... lo mucho que significa Ud. para mí.
That kid means a lot to me.
¿ Sí?
It means a lot to me to know that now I have a friend here.
Para mí es muy importante saber que, ahora, tengo una amiga en la región.
All it means to me is that you're terrified... hiding under a lot of rubbish about the functions of a robot.
Sólo demuestra estar aterrorizado, y se esconde con necedades sobre las funciones de un robot.
That saddle means a lot to me.
Esa silla significa mucho para mí.
- It's for someone that means an awful lot to me. - A lady friend.
Es para una persona a la que quiero mucho.
I don't know what that means to you, but to me it meant a lot.
No sé que le dirá eso a usted, pero a mí me dice mucho.
Oh, but, honeybuns, that doll means a lot to me!
Pero querido, el muñeco significa mucho para mi.
That old bird means a lot more to me than some hot copy for your rented typewriter.
Esa "vieja" significa mucho más para mí que cualquier artículo para su máquina de escribir alquilada.
Look, Jesse, I just want you to know that having you and Joey here really means a lot to me.
Mira Jesse, quiero que sepas que tenerte a ti y a Joey significa mucho para mi.
I... I may not have much and I may never have a lot but I've got something inside that I want to give to the only person that means something to me.
Quizá no tenga mucho y quizá nunca llegue a tener mucho pero hay algo dentro de mí que quiero dar a la única persona que significa algo para mí.
I wanted to say that yesterday means a lot to me.
Quería decirte que lo de ayer significó mucho para mí.
Now, that might not mean much to you, but it means a hell of a lot to me!
¡ Puede que no signifique mucho para ti, pero es muy importante para mí!
I know. I went on to higher education, and I know that means a lot. But do you have any idea how much pain... your perfect bottom put me through?
Sé que tuve estudios superiores, y sé que eso significa mucho... pero ¿ tienes idea de cuánto dolor... me causó tu trasero perfecto?
That bike means a lot to me, it does.
Esa bici significa mucho para mi, esa bici, sí.
While that might not mean jack shit to you, it means a hell of a lot to me.
Aunque eso no signifique una mierda para ti, significa mucho para mí.
Okay, this is a song that really means a lot to me.
Esta canción significa mucho para mí.
And I just, would like you to know that my uncle was a really important figure in my life and this would have meant a lot to him and it means a lot to me.
Y solo quería hacerte saber que mi tío fue alguien muy importante en mi vida y esto hubiera significado mucho para él igual que para mí.
Means such a lot to me that you came, scarlett.
Significa mucho que hayas venido Scarlett.
That means a lot to me.
Significa mucho para mí.
It means a lot to me that all of you are willing to do this.
Significa mucho para mí el que hagan esto. Gracias.
I was the one that had to remind you when Christmas came around that... while it doesn't mean anything to you, it means a whole hell of a lot to me.
Yo era la que tenía que recordarte cuándo llegaba la Navidad... que aunque no significa nada para ti, era importantísima para mí.
It means a lot to me that you'd...
Para mí significa mucho que usted...
- Well, if- - But before you say anything just know that your opinion means a lot to me and if you hate it I can't anticipate the downward spiral it might send me on.
Pues es... pero, pero antes de que la digas, tienes que saber que tu opinión significa mucho para mí, y que si no te gusta me voy a hundir en un pozo muy profundo.
It means a lot to me that you want me to stay. But I can't.
Significa mucho para mi que quieras que me quede, pero no puedo.
Look, I've been thinking, and... our friendship really means a lot to me, and I don't want to screw that up.
Estuve pensando y... nuestra amistad significa mucho para mi, y no quiero malograrla.
Many of you also know that home means a lot to me.
Ya sabrán que este lugar es importante para mí.
It just means that if I'm gonna stay in your life and I want to that I'm a lot more likely to stick around this way.
Significa que si voy a quedarme en tu vida, y eso quiero es más probable que me quede como amigo.
It really means a lot to me to know that I can come to you when I need to talk. Familiarity breeds contempt, cadet.
Significa mucho para mí saber que puedo recurrir a Ud. para hablar.
That honesty means a lot to me.
Esa honestidad significa mucho para mí.
Which is why it means a lot to me that you're here on opening night, Poirot.
Una buena cantidad, sí. Por eso le agradezco que haya venido a la inauguración, Poirot.
It means a lot to me that you understand and accept me for who I am.
Eso significa mucho para mi, que comprendas y aceptes lo que soy.
As you know, taking that job means a lot of you will lose your jobs, and I'd just like to say...
Como sabéis, aceptar el empleo significa que muchos de vosotros perderéis el empleo y tan solo me gustaría decir...

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