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That you were tradutor Espanhol

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That you were a much better artist...
Que eras una excelente artista...
Until your marriage to Khal Drogo, Your Grace, I knew nothing about you, save your existence and that you were said to be beautiful.
Hasta su casamiento con Khal Drogo, Su Alteza no sabía nada sobre usted, salvo su existencia y que se decía que era hermosa.
Alice said that you were really bad at your job, Bill, and that you're suspended for a week and you should go home now and not even talk to her about it.
Alice dijo que eras muy malo en tu trabajo, Bill, y que estás suspendido una semana y que tienes que irte a casa ahora y no hablar de esto con ella.
I thought it might be nice if I were warm to the touch, in the event that you were thinking of touching me.
Creí que podría ser agradable si estuviera calientita al tacto, en caso de que estuvieras pensando en tocarme.
I don't know how much is here, but you take that, you tell your boss that you were robbed, which you have been.
No sé cuánto hay aquí, pero coge eso y dile a tu jefe que te han robado, como así ha sido.
And what's that you were saying about Nygma?
Y que es eso que eras Diciendo sobre Nygma?
I wanted you to die... knowing that you were incapable of loving another person.
yo te quería muerto... sabiendo que eran incapaces de amar a otra persona.
What's real is every time that you were sick when you were a kid... your mum used to sit up with you all night and read to you till you fell asleep. That's real.
Lo que es real es que todas las veces que estuvo enfermo de niño su madre solía sentarlo con ella toda la noche y le leía hasta que se dormía.
I may have a virus making me freakishly strong and mildly insane, but even I know that you were a sidekick to your brother and you're a sidekick to Barbara.
Quizá tenga un virus que me hace extrañamente fuerte y ligeramente loca, Pero si sé que tú fuiste la secuaz de tu hermano y ahora eres la secuaz de Barbara.
Tell all your superiors that you were bested in battle, all the charges against H.R. are dropped.
¿ Les dirás a tus superiores que te han vencido en batalla y todos los cargos contra HR serán retirados?
You know, you've been saying for weeks that you were gonna save me from Savitar.
, me has estado diciendo por semanas que vas a salvarme de Savitar.
But I thought that you were asking me purely out of love, not fear.
Pero pensé que me lo estabas pidiendo por puro amor, no por miedo.
I told her that you were The Flash and that Wally was Kid Flash.
Le dije que eras Flash y que Wally era Kid Flash.
Hey, I-I did not think that you were gonna be home.
Hola, no pensaba que fueras a estar en casa.
You don't have to say that you were drinking.
No tienes que decir que has estado bebiendo.
Putting aside the fact that you were gonna blow out of town without having an epic bro moment, I hope wherever you're going can wait.
Dejando a un lado el hecho de que ibas a irte fuera de la ciudad sin tener un momento épico de hermanos, espero que dondequiera que vayas pueda esperar.
I'll be sure to tell your brother that you were thinking of him when you died.
Me aseguraré de decirle a tu hermano que pensabas en él cuando morías.
Wendy and I were talking that if you're gonna keep using the diary, maybe you should start paying me.
Si quiere seguir usando el diario debería empezar a pagarme.
Dinesh, you were the one that hacked together the video chat in the first place.
Dinesh, fuiste el que armó el videochat.
Laura, I found out that you and Robbie were dead and having an affair in the same sentence.
Laura, me enteré de que tú y Robbie estaban muertos y tenían un amorío en la misma frase.
Who was that man you were with?
¿ Quién era ese hombre con el que estabas?
Or when you were seven and you took your silly rowing boat out and you got lost in that storm, and me and your dad were out, shouting and screaming, losing our minds.
O cuando tenía siete años, y se subió a su tonto bote de remos y se perdió en una tormenta, y su padre y yo salimos a buscarlo, gritándole y gritándole, desesperados.
That day, by the edge of the river, that was the moment you were reborn.
Ése día, a la orilla del río, fue el momento que "renaciste".
You were the one time I let love weaken me, and I want you around as a constant reminder to never make that mistake again.
Tú fuiste único por el que dejé que el amor me hiciera vulnerable, y quiero mantenerte a la vista como un constante recordatorio. Para nunca cometer ese error otra vez.
Barry said that in Flashpoint, you and I were a brother-sister crime-fighting team.
Barry dijo que en Flashpoint, tú y yo éramos un equipo hermano-hermana de lucha contra el crimen.
I thought you were finished working with that stuff?
¿ Pensé que habías terminado de trabajar con esas cosas?
You thought that Thawne and Zoom were your biggest foes, but... but it's me.
Pensaste que Thawne y Zoom fueron tus más grandes enemigos, pero... pero lo soy yo.
So you thought that if we were...
Entonces pensaste que si lo estuviéramos...
So you thought that if we were...
Así que pensaste que si estábamos...
Look, you told me that you only wanted to marry someone because they love you and not because they were trying to save you, and I get that.
Mira, me dijiste que solo querías casarte con alguien porque te amara no porque estén tratando de salvarte y lo entiendo.
I thought that maybe we could make it a double if you guys were interested?
Pensé que tal vez podríamos hacer una cita doble si estáis interesados.
When you were a baby, I was... I was terrified that you might die in the middle of the night.
Cuando eras bebé, estaba... aterrorizado porque pudieras morir en mitad de la noche.
I put my hand on your chest, just to make sure you were breathing, and then I... I would just sit there there, praying that... you'd just keep breathing.
Ponía mi mano en tu pecho, para asegurarme de que estabas respirando, y luego... me sentaba ahí, rezando para que... siguieras respirando.
That we were a constant reminder to you of what you lost.
Que éramos un constante recuerdo de lo que perdiste.
Tracy, uh, w-w-we were just hoping that you'd have a moment to talk.
Tracy, esperábamos que tuvieras un momento para hablar.
And if you were to become part of that, your life would be very complicated, and it would change us.
Y si te volvieras parte de ella, tu vida sería muy complicada, y nos cambiaría.
And that thing where you guys were talking at the same time?
¿ Y eso cuando estabais hablando a la vez?
All this time, we thought that we couldn't stop you because you were one step ahead, but that's not it!
Todo este tiempo, pensamos que no podríamos detenerte ¡ porque ibas un paso por delante, pero no es así!
You were the happiest boy that I'd ever met.
Eras el chico más feliz que jamás había visto.
Seeing you without the weight of everything that's happened, seeing you happy, like you were before your mother was killed?
¿ El verte sin el peso de todo lo que ha pasado, el verte feliz, como lo eras antes de que asesinaran a tu madre?
Without all of that darkness haunting you, you were finally free.
Sin toda esa oscuridad agobiándote, finalmente fuiste libre.
were you just bein'a friend that night too?
eras solo tú siendo un amigo esa noche?
How could you make me believe that... We were gonna have this future together?
¿ Cómo pudiste hacerme creer que... íbamos a tener este futuro juntos?
Was that why you were in Hong Kong?
¿ Por eso estabas en Honk Kong?
All those times you told me how sad you were that you don't have your parents.
Todas esas veces que me decías lo triste que estabas porque no tenías padres.
So, all of you were at Jordan's premiere last night or you heard about it so I don't have to tell you that Rainer's not well.
Todos estabais en el estreno de Jordan anoche o habéis oído sobre eso así que no hace falta que os diga que Rainer no está bien.
You-you were gonna do that.
Vaya. Ibas a hacerlo.
And you can say goodbye to your acting career'cause no one's gonna cast some nobody that they've never heard of'cause you were just a publicity stunt for Gold Brothers.
Y podrás despedirte de tu carrera artística porque nadie va a contratar a alguien de quien nunca han oído hablar o porque solo has sido una publicidad para Gold Brothers.
Remember that time you told me how much you hated yourself when you were drinking and how that car accident made you realize you could've lost everything?
¿ Recuerdas la vez en la que me contaste lo mucho que te odiabas cuando bebías y cómo ese accidente de coche hizo que te dieras cuenta de que podrías haberlo perdido todo?
When were you gonna tell me that the girls were asked to leave their preschool?
¿ Cuándo ibas a decirme que a las niñas se les pidió dejar preescolar?
That thing you were doing?
¿ Qué estabas haciendo?

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