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Thomas jefferson tradutor Espanhol

314 parallel translation
Great Democratic party and Thomas Jefferson.
El gran partido demócrata y Thomas Jefferson.
I want ya all to meet my new deputy, Thomas Jefferson Destry.
Les presento a mi nuevo ayudante, Thomas Jefferson Destry.
Do you, Thomas Jefferson Destry... swear to uphold the law... and serve your office and do your duty and everything that goes with it?
- Ya. Thomas Jefferson Destry... ¿ juras respetar y defender la ley... ejercer tu cargo y cumplir con tu deber y todo lo que ello conlleva?
- You're Thomas Jefferson Destry, ain't ya?
- Es Thomas Jefferson Destry, ¿ verdad?
Thomas Jefferson, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Mickey Rooney?
The voice of Thomas Jefferson...
La voz de Thomas Jefferson :
Thomas Jefferson lived there, too, didn't he?
Thomas Jefferson también ha vivido ahí.
[Laughter] I understand Teddy Roosevelt says you're the most incompetent man to ever occupy the office, worse even than Thomas Jefferson.
Comprendo que Teddy Roosevelt diga que eres el hombre más incompetente que ha ocupado jamás el cargo.
Thomas Jefferson Tyler
CAPÍTULO I - "LA NENA DE ORO" Thomas Jefferson Tyler :
Thomas Jefferson Tyler
¿ O SÓLO CUI DADOSA? " Thomas Jefferson Tyler :
Better known as Thomas Jefferson Tyler.
Mejor conocido como Thomas Jefferson Tyler.
Signed Thomas Jefferson Tyler.
Firma Thomas Jefferson Tyler.
- Thomas Jemerson Tyler and Jessica Wood? - Yes.
- ¿ Thomas Jefferson Tyler, Jessica Woods?
You Thomas Jefferson Tyler, Jessica Woods?
Por favor. - ¿ Thomas Jefferson Tyler, Jessica Woods?
- Thomas Jefferson Lord
- Thomas Jefferson Lord
My great-grandfather bought that when they sold Thomas Jefferson's things.
Mi bisabuelo lo compró cuando vendieron las cosas de Thomas Jefferson.
Thomas Jefferson last week... and this week, Tom Paine.
Thomas Jefferson y Tom Paine.
I'd like to speak to Thomas Jefferson, please.
Quiero hablar con Thomas Jefferson, por favor.
Pennsylvania Avenue was a cow path... along which Thomas Jefferson had planted some poplar trees.
La avenida Pensilvania era una senda de vacas... a lo largo de la cuál Thomas Jefferson había plantado unos álamos.
On this map, all the territory indicated green is known as an act "Louisiana Purchase," the area that is Pres. Jefferson bought from Napoleon.
En este mapa, todo el territorio que ven de color verde, es la adquisición de Lousiana... que el presidente Thomas Jefferson le compró a Napoleón
Over there is the memorial to Thomas Jefferson, the third President of the United States.
Allí está el monumento a Thomas Jefferson, el tercer presidente de los E.E.U.U.
Thomas jefferson wrote the entire declaration of independence with a feather quill, and it took him only half a day.
Thomas Jefferson redactó la Declaración de Independencia entera con una pluma desbarbada, y tan solo le llevó medio día.
is artificial good humor. Thomas Jefferson. I'll be in room three.
¿ Qué haríamos con buenos peloteros en el equipo si no sabes cómo manejarlos?
You just quoted Thomas Jefferson...
Acabas de citar a Thomas Jefferson...
It was writ by Thomas Jefferson of Virginia.
Fue "escreta" por Thomas Jefferson de Virginia.
- Written by Thomas Jefferson.
- Escrita por Thomas Jefferson.
Take Thomas Jefferson, for instance, who ended his career at an altitude of fifty feet.
Miren a Tomás Jefferson, por ejemplo Que puso fin a su carrera a una altura de 15 metros.
I imitate imitates Murray Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson.
Yo imito a Hamilton y Murray imita a Thomas Jefferson.
All good people deplore problems at a distance, like Thomas Jefferson.
Toda la buena gente deplora los problemas en la distancia, como Thomas Jefferson.
Another great president, Thomas Jefferson, wrote :
- Untranslated subtitle -
- It's more like Thomas Jefferson, you know.
- Es más como Thomas Jefferson, sabe.
- Thomas Jefferson. - Thomas Jefferson who?
- Thomas Jefferson.
Thomas Jefferson couldn't have said it better.
Ni Thomas Jefferson hubiera podido decirlo mejor.
Thomas Jefferson Gardiner, Solomon David Gardiner and Eugene V. Debs Gardiner. "
Thomas Jefferson Gardiner, Solomon David Gardiner y Eugene V. Debs Gardiner ".
Thomas Jefferson said, "The tree of revolution is..."
Thomas Jefferson dijo, "El árbol de la revolución es..."
Old Thomas Jefferson said that he was a warrior so his son could be a farmer, so his son could be a poet.
El viejo Thomas Jefferson decía que el era guerrero para que su hijo fuera granjero, y el hijo de éste pudiera ser poeta.
Who was Thomas Jefferson?
Quien era Thomas Jefferson?
Thomas Jefferson, who promptly went bananas, wrote to the folks back home, and they jumped at the idea.
Thomas Jefferson, el cual pronto saltó de alegría, les escribió a sus amigos de casa, y ellos aprovecharon la idea.
Thomas Jefferson, 200 years ago.
Thomas Jefferson, 200 años atrás.
Due to the circumstances, I'm releasing your clients Robert Broken Feather and Thomas Jefferson Wolf Call on probation. - Thanks.
liberaré a sus clientes Robert Broken Feather y Thomas Jefferson Wolfcall... su Señoría.
Thomas Jefferson said, "An educated electorate is the basis..."
- Thomas Jefferson dijo, "Un electorado educado es la base..."
Thomas Jefferson?
¿ Thomas Jefferson?
[Malle Narrating] Thomas Jefferson was the first one to worry.
Thomas Jefferson fue el primero en preocuparse.
See, the point is, if they tried to charge Thomas Jefferson with a call he didn't make, the Boston Harbor would've been full of phones, and all the local women would've been swimming around down there,
Son tu sangre y tus raíces. No vivirán para siempre. Pero tienen una casa en el lago.
So, you're kind of like Thomas Jefferson? That I am, Bud.
A eso le llamo yo aprovechar el tiempo.
Thomas Jefferson said :
Thomas Jefferson dijo -
and gives me this book by Thomas Jefferson.
Me da un libro de Jefferson.
For instance, did you know that Thomas Jefferson's wife was black?
Por ejemplo ; sabias que la esposa de Thomas Jefferson era de color?
- Eres peor que Thomas Jefferson.
Thomas Jefferson Tyler
CAPÍTULO V "¿ PARA QUÉ ES EL DI NERO?" Thomas Jefferson Tyler :
- So that's Thomas Jefferson, huh? - Uh-huh.
Conque es Thomas Jefferson.

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