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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ T ] / Torture him

Torture him tradutor Espanhol

522 parallel translation
They'll torture him to death. Your noble friends!
Lo torturarán a muerte, esos amigos nobles suyos.
- They did torture him.
Sí lo torturaron.
Did they torture him, beforehand?
lle hablán tOltUladO mucho, antet?
¿ Y crees que puedes torturarle hasta que hable?
Why do you torture him if there's no hope for him?
Pero doctor para que lo martiriza ¿ se ya no tiene remedio?
No, you're not going to torture him anymore!
- No, no lo torturarán más.
Torture him!
¡ Torturadlo!
Slug him, torture him!
Es cierto.
Torture him until he speaks true.
Tortúrenlo hasta que diga la verdad.
You didn't have to torture him.
No tenían por qué torturarlo.
Don't torture him.
No lo tortures.
We could torture him, and you see how he'll sing, and just in case we can pick a sheriff.
Podríamos apiolarlo, ya verá como canta, por si acaso vamos a buscar un alguacil.
- You torture him.
- Deja de decir barbaridades.
- We shouldn't torture him any more. - Yes.
¿ Por qué le vamos a torturar más?
- Summoned to the palace where they will torture him to death.
¿ Dónde han llevado a Briseo? Abajo a los subterráneos de palacio.
Having been notified of this sentence, the accused said to go ahead and that this holy tribunal could torture him all it wanted.
No diría que soy el mayor experto de cine mejicano del mundo. Ése probablemente sería David Will que ha superado a todos y es como el Yogo del cine mejicano. Yo sólo soy...
Under our code of honor, we have every right to truss him and throw him in the river, or to slowly torture him to death.
Según nuestro código de honor, tenemos perfecto derecho para arrojarlo al río, o para torturarlo lentamente hasta matarlo.
TheJapanese torture him?
¿ Los japoneses lo torturaron?
Luego torturaremos luego.
They threatened to torture him, then to kill him, if I didn't obtain the panther for them.
Amenazaron con torturarle, y matarle después, si no conseguía el objeto.
They will interrogate him under torture.
Se lo interrogara a fondo.
- It's needless torture to tell him anything.
- Contárselo equivale a torturarle.
He's gone to torture a man to make him betray his fellows.
Y fue a torturar a alguien para que traicione a sus pares.
Torture for those who have tortured him.
Tortura para los que lo torturaron.
Trying to twist and torture it out of him that you used Julian's death as part of an escape plan.
Lo torturan para que diga que Ud. usó a Julien para su fuga.
They'll give him torture.
Lo torturarán.
Take him to the torture chamber.
Llévenselo a la cámara de tortura.
I used to listen to him walking up and down, up and down, all night long, night after night, thinking of her, suffering torture because he'd lost her.
Yo lo oía subir y bajar, toda la noche todas las noches pensando en ella torturándose por haberla perdido.
What do you know about what could happen to a poor girl when... when she loves a man so much that even to lose sight of him for a moment is torture?
¿ Qué sabrás tú de lo que le puede pasar a una pobre chica... cuando ama tanto a un hombre que el no verlo es una tortura?
The madness of his desire for Sherazade has brought him to this torture.
Su deseo por Sherezade le llevó a esta tortura.
You've learned nothing from him in spite of all your torture otherwise you wouldn't be trying so desperately to collect the four sections of the bomb sight.
No le han podido sacar palabra, pese a las torturas. De otro modo, no tendría tanto interés... en hallar las cuatro partes del visor de bombas.
He speaks gratefully of the pain you inflicted upon him, pain which cleared the mist from his eyes and showed, with the sharpness of torture, exactly why you must know where our bombers came from.
Le agradece el dolor que le causó. Dolor que aclaró la bruma de sus ojos... y le mostró, con la brusquedad de la tortura... por qué debe saber de dónde vinieron los bombarderos.
Torture wouldn't have wrung a word from him.
Si le hubiésemos torturado no habría soltado una palabra.
The torture of having him and then not knowing.
Pero piense en lo que yo he sufrido.
Take him to the torture chamber.
Llevadle a la cámara de tortura.
Get the midget and torture him till he talks!
Al cabaret.
I used to listen to him walking up and down, up and down, all night long, night after night, thinking of her, suffering torture because he'd lost her.
Le oía caminar arriba y abajo, toda la noche, noche tras noche... pensando en ella, sufriendo porque la había perdido.
Meantime, take him to the torture chamber.
Y a él llevadle a la cámara de torturas.
No torture will persuade him like a woman's gentleness.
Ninguna tortura lo doblegará como la dulzura de una mujer.
No, I tortured him, until he confessed that you had ordered him to do it.
¡ No, sólo lo torturé... hasta que confesó que tú se lo ordenaste!
Don't torture me, I can't live without him!
No me tortures, no puedo vivir sin él.
Even torture cannot break him.
- Ni siquiera la tortura es eficaz.
Yet he wanted her to go on living with him so he could torture her some more.
Él quería obligarla a volver con éI para seguir torturándoIa.
May the Lord strike him dead! Let him be dead and not torture me any more!
Hiérelo allí de muerte, para que él no viva más, no me atormente más!
I can't see him in that way.
- Verlo así me parte el alma. - No se torture.
The gentlemen inquisitors, having seen this, ordered the torture to be stopped, not considering having tortured him enough, and promised they would continue it whenever it was deemed necessary.
Me encanta eso. Es tan malvado. El reparto de El Barón del terror incluía a las figuras más importantes del cine mejicano.
All our best torture is wasted on him.
Toda tortura ha sido inútil.
I tortured him.
Yo lo torturé. Soy Paco.
Going to torture him?
Y torturarlo.
For this slave, if there be any cunning cruelty that can torment him much and hold him long, it shall be his.
En cuanto a él, si existe un tormento que le torture sin matarle, suyo será.

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