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Tyreese tradutor Espanhol

72 parallel translation
Before they put you in here, you didn't see Tyreese?
Antes de que te ponen aquí, usted no vio Tyreese?
I got these really great photos of Prince Tyreese, the basketball star, having sex with a stripper.
Hice esas fotos geniales de Prince Tyreese, la estrella de baloncesto, teniendo sexo con una stripper.
Lucy wanted to use the pictures to get Prince Tyreese to give her info on a missing R'n B star singer, Aundre G.
Lucy quería usar las fotos para conseguir que Prince Tyreese le diera información sobre la desaparición de la estrella del R ( and ) B, Aundre G.
Here is an interview with a stripper who spent an evening with Prince Tyreese.
Aquí tienes una entrevista con una stripper que pasó una noche con Prince Tyreese.
Prince Tyreese the basketball player?
Prince Tyreese, ¿ la estrella de baloncesto?
No, Prince Tyreese the heir to the throne of Ireland.
No, Prince Tyreese el heredero del trono de Irlanda.
Tyreese is leaving training right now.
Tyreese sale del entrenamiento ahora mismo.
She had me take some pictures of the basketball star, Prince Tyreese.
Me hizo tomar algunas fotos de la estrella del baloncesto, Prince Tyreese.
Gibson's interest in Prince Tyreese's team.
Las acciones de Gibson en el equipo de Prince Tyreese.
I saw the tape, you and Prince Tyreese.
He visto la cinta. Tú y Prince Tyreese.
¡ Tyreese!
When Tyreese finds out... he'll kill you.
Cuando Tyreese se entere te matará.
I can handle Tyreese.
Me puedo encargar de Tyreese.
Oh, my God, Tyreese!
¡ Dios mío, Tyreese!
- No, Tyreese!
- No, ¡ Tyreese!
Tyreese and his friends seem capable.
Tyreese y sus amigos parecen capaces.
I'm Tyreese.
Soy Tyreese.
Now you said you found Tyreese's group here?
¿ Dices que encontraste al grupo de Tyreese aquí?
- Tyreese!
- Tyreese!
Tyreese and his sister.
Tyreese y su hermana.
Tyreese, I don't think that's a good idea. Why?
Tyreese, no creo que sea buena idea.
- Tyreese.
- Tyreese.
Martin's good friend tyreese.
El buen amigo de Martin, Tyreese.
We don't know what we're dealing with. Ah! Tyreese!
No sabemos con lo que estamos tratando ¡ Tyreese!
When Tyreese finds out... he'll kill you.
Cuando Tyreese se entere... Te matará.
I can handle Tyreese.
Puedo controlar a Tyreese.
Until Tyreese got back?
¿ Hasta que Tyreese regresara?
I haven't told Tyreese yet.
Aún no le he dicho a Tyreese.
Tyreese. You down here?
Tyreese. ¿ Estás aquí abajo?
Tyreese... whoever did this, I don't think that's who killed Karen.
Tyreese... quien haya hecho esto, no creo que sea quien mató a Karen.
Tyreese could have made it, Sasha.
Tyreese quizás sobrevivió, Sasha.
Daryl, you saw what I did to Tyreese.
Daryl, tú viste lo que le hice a Tyreese.
Before they put you in here, you didn't see Tyreese?
Antes de que te ponen aquí, que no vio Tyreese
Tyreese :
Tyreese :.
- ( pounding ) - ( Tyreese grunting )
- ( golpeando ) - ( Tyreese gruñidos )
- ( blows landing )
- Tyreese : no voy a no lo haré! - ( sopla aterrizaje )
Others from the prison could be there. Tyreese.
Otros de la prisión podrían estar allí.
If it sounds too good to be true...
Tyreese. Si parece muy bueno para ser verdad...
Why do you think Tyreese is dead?
¿ Por qué crees que Tyreese está muerto?
- If Tyreese were alive, he'd go for Terminus.
Si Tyreese estuviese vivo, iría a la Terminal.
Now we get to Terminus and Tyreese isn't there, it doesn't mean he's dead.
Ahora, si llegamos a la Terminal y Tyreese no está allí no significa que esté muerto.
Like Tyreese kept all of you safe.
Como Tyreese las protegió a ustedes.
I saved Tyreese.
Yo salvé a Tyreese.
You saved Tyreese.
Salvaste a Tyreese.
¡ Tyreese!
You and Tyreese should take Judith back.
Tú y Tyreese deberían llevarse a Judith.
Tyreese, it was me.
Tyreese, fui yo.
You owe Tyreese.
Se lo debes a Tyreese.
Tyreese is gonna be back here soon, so I didn't think she should be here.
Tyreese volverá pronto así que, pensé que ella no debería estar aquí.

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