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Unfairly tradutor Espanhol

295 parallel translation
Life is cruel, treats you unfairly
La vida es cruel, te trata mal.
" Mr. Lepic, your son is treated unfairly.
- Señor Lepic, son injustos con su hijo. El es infeliz.
This is the truth, Sire, and you will give punishment to all those... who complain unfairly.
Esa es la verdad, Majestad, y darás un castigo a todos aquellos.. que se quejan injustamente.
My client is being unfairly prejudiced in the eyes of the jury!
Mi cliente está siendo perjudicado injustamente a los ojos del jurado!
I'm embarrassed with the police with my wife for accusing her unfairly and with this gentleman...
Ay. Ya de no va poder. Mi vergüenza es tripartita.
I guarantee to manufacture it at a price that'll stop it from being unfairly sold...
Le garantizo fabricarla a un precio que evitará que se venda a bajo precio...
Oh, Athos, we've judged her unfairly.
Athos, hemos sido injustos al juzgarla
- I tell you, we've judged her unfairly.
Ya te he dicho que la juzgamos injustamente.
Those of you who say I won unfairly will answer to my sword!
El que crea que me he dejado ganar... deberá responder ante mi sable.
I've been mad at you unfairly, and I've treated you badly.
Alguna vez me he enfadado contigo injustamente, y te he tratado mal.
Here poor Antoine Doinel was unfairly punished by Sourpuss for a pinup that fell from the sky.
"Aquí sufrió el pobre Antoine Doinel... " castigado injustamente por un pequeño dibujo " de una modelo que vino del cielo
The relative value of mushrooms and oil in the world market today being so unfairly what it is.
Siendo el valor relativo de los champiñones y del petróleo en el mercado mundial tan injusto como es.
So it's without meaning to... that people act unfairly, and they're unfair and mean.
Así que no tiene sentido... que le gente actúe mal. La gente es mala y cruel.
His mind was quick to realise our weakness in the dark, and use it against us ; but I would remind you, not unfairly.
Él se apresuró a darse cuenta de que Nuestra debilidad viene de la oscuridad y usarlo en contra de nosotros, pero no Recuerde, tan injusto.
We're not trying to run you out of business and we're not unfairly rigid in our interpretation of the law.
Para entrar en negocio conmigo Y ahora él está confinado en cama Con una pierna quebrada. La i sabe todo acerca del rescate.
I do not endanger him in the mentioning of his name in my diary. Human memory will bear in mind that Ombrielli has been charitable to those unfairly persecuted.
No lo comprometo al recordarlo en este diario ; en la memoria de los hombres, Ombrellieri habrá sido caritativo con un prójimo injustamente perseguido.
You're being dealt with unfairly.
Está haciendo un negocio injusto
In England, we know that treat them unfairly, and it seems to me that we can blame history.
En Inglaterra creemos que os hemos tratado mal. Al parecer, la culpa es de la historia.
A girl unfairly accused has disappeared.
Una chica acusada injustamente ha desaparecido.
But, since I've accused her unfairly of having had a sexual intercourse with a certain Scortichini Guido, she run away to Rome, got lost and can't be found anymore.
Pero, habiendola yo acusado injustamente de haber tenido relaciones con un tal Scortichini Guido, ha huido a Roma, se ha perdido y ya no se la puede encontrar.
Do you know who that woman is, whom you unfairly call "whale"?
Esa que tú injustamente llamas ballena, ¿ sabes quién es?
I felt maybe I'd behaved unfairly towards you.
Quizás fui injusto con usted.
You were barely a year old when you were cursed by a horrible witch who believed it was my fault she'd been unfairly sentenced at a trial.
Apenas tenía un año cuando fuiste maldecido por una bruja horrible que creía que por mi culpa había sido injustamente condenada en un juicio.
I just don't wanna be treated unfairly.
Pero no quiero que se me trate con desprecio.
Konrad could be a saint for all I know, unfairly accused.
Konrad puede ser un santo, injustamente acusado.
The man who had unfairly removed me was dead.
El hombre que me había removido injustamente estaba muerto.
Perhaps you think you're being treated unfairly?
Quizá piensa usted que se le ha engañado.
There's also the matter... Of some of my men being unfairly arrested.
Ahora... algunos de mis hombres furon arrestados injustamente...
Any good ones for me today? Any unfairly evicted tenants?
Nada como la gente hoy?
I'm glad you so timely stood up for the unfairly punished old people.
Que bien, que usted intercedió a tiempo por los ancianos injustamente vejados.
Events unfold so unpredictably, so unfairly.
Los hechos ocurren de forma impredecible, de forma injusta.
We are unfairly slandered, but rumours merely hit the wall of our indifference.
Somos calumniados injustamente. Pero esos rumores se topan con las murallas de nuestra indiferencia.
Am I judging you unfairly?
¿ Te juzgo injustamente?
Most unfairly.
En una jugada injusta.
Well, I decided that I had prejudged him unfairly.
Sí, pero decidí que le había juzgado injustamente.
Get him anything he wants - solicitors, geisha girls, anything - so his brief can ´ t suggest you got his statement unfairly.
Consígale todo lo que quiera. Hermanas, médicos, enfermeras. Cualquier cosa.
Prospect of a fight, of course, with the odds unfairly weighted in my favour.
Es por la perspectiva de un combate, claro está, con las probabilidades injustamente ponderadas a mi favor.
I sealed this presentment... to protect the reputations of those unfairly implicated... by a certain mentally unstable finger-pointer.
Oculté esta acusación para proteger las reputaciones de los injustamente implicados... por un acusador que estaba un tanto desequilibrado.
Brandon's been unfairly targeted.
Brandon ha sido acusado injustamente.
No, there is not. But perhaps next time you are judged unfairly, it will not take so many bruises for you to protest.
No, no existe, pero quizá la próxima vez que la juzguen injustamente, no necesitará que le hagan tantas contusiones para que se queje.
But you're treating yourself unfairly because... only a child of Laius could have killed him.
Pero eso es muy injusto con usted mismo porque a Layo... solamente lo pudo matar un hijo.
Then you have to start playing the game unfairly.
- Y entonces empezaste a jugar sucio.
You know, I've heard black men complain that they're unfairly stereotyped.
Ya sabes, he oido que los hombres de color se quejan de que están injustamente estereotipados.
I did get you kind of unfairly in the first place.
Lo hare. No fue la manera correcta.
In your judgment was this day unique in Dr. Gant's experience or had he frequently felt he was treated unfairly?
En su opinión ¿ se trató de un día único en la vida del Dr. Gant o sentía con frecuencia que se le trataba injustamente?
Well, yes, you may have treated this man unfairly, but think of all the people you've helped on your show.
Puede que tratase a ese hombre de forma injusta, pero piense en la gente que ha ayudado con su programa.
Historically underrated and unfairly overshadowed by the popular cockroach.
Con origen histórico indeterminado y encubierto por las populares cucarachas.
When we think of Ned's life... when we think of the manner in which he was taken from us... we may find ourself thinking that he was taken unfairly.
Cuando pensamos en la vida de Ned... cuando pensamos en la manera en que nos dejó, podríamos pensar que ha sido injusto.
Augustus, we need a smoking gun. We need to find a convicted felon who was asked to give a bribe, didn't, and then was sentenced unfairly.
Augustus, necesitamos ayuda, necesitamos encontrar a un convicto a quien le hayan pedido un soborno y que, por no darlo, recibiera una sentencia injusta.
Now, if one of them testifies that they didn't offer a bribe and we show that they were sentenced unfairly, we prove bias.
Si uno de ellos testifica que se negó a pagar soborno, y demostramos que su sentencia fue injusta, probamos el prejuicio.
You have been judged unfairly.
Le han juzgado injustamente.

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