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Unmanageable tradutor Espanhol

82 parallel translation
- The crowd is becoming unmanageable.
- La muchedumbre se está descontrolando.
I don't want to repeat Frankenstein's mistake, and revive a vicious, unmanageable brute.
No quiero repetir el error de Frankenstein... y revivir un bruto imperfecto y difícil de manejar.
Isn't it a fact that the federal government says... that prisons of over 1,500 men are unmanageable?
Según un decreto del gobierno no debe haber más de 1.500 reclusos en una prisión.
He was such an unmanageable fellow
Es una compañia inmanejable
Captain, they're getting pretty unmanageable.
Capitán, se vuelven incontrolables.
Oh, they're unmanageable, eh?
Incontrolables, ¿ eh?
In your opinion, your professional opinion, what is the cause of these unmanageable aggressions and delusions?
En su opinión, como profesional, ¿ cuál es la causa de esos delirios y esa agresividad descontrolada?
But the crowds are getting unmanageable.
Pero la multitud está difícil de controlar.
Because you think you're in control and it becomes unmanageable.
Uno piensa que lo controla, pero en realidad es incontrolable.
If he becomes unmanageable, we'll keep him sedated.
Si da problemas, le mantendremos sedado.
Of coping with unmanageable girls.
De hacer frente a las muchachas incontrolables.
That depends on this misunderstood, unmanageable old machine.
Eso depende de esta mal entendida y vieja máquina inmanejable.
- Is he really unmanageable?
- El es realmente inmanejable?
He is wild and unmanageable!
Es un salvaje!
Wait three minutes after conditioning or your hair will be unmanageable?
Dice : "espere... 3 minutos después de colocarlo o su cabello será inmanejable"
She's simply unmanageable.
Es sencillamente incontrolable.
In Los Angeles some teachers do not conduct classes during the Santa Ana because children become unmanageable.
En Los Ángeles algunos maestros no se atreven a dar clases durante un Santa Ana porque los chicos se vuelven ingobernables.
In certain seasons, Monsieur, raw silk can become quite unmanageable
Hay estaciones en las que la seda virgen no se puede domar.
Without the proper medication, the elderly can become somewhat unmanageable.
Sin la medicación apropiada, los ancianos podrían tornarse inmanejables.
Hmm. Unmanageable stress, perhaps?
¿ Una tensión nerviosa inaguantable tal vez?
Unmanageable fear?
¿ Un pánico irrefrenable tal vez?
The girls were all unmanageable... ignorant, demented female hoods.
Todas las muchachas eran intratables... ignorantes, maleantes dementes.
I've been thinking a lot about the first step... that I came to believe I was powerless over alcohol... and that my life had become unmanageable.
He pensado mucho en el primer paso. Llegué a creer que era impotente ante el alcohol y que mi vida era incontrolable.
Que mi vida se ha vuelto inmanejable.
like her hair. had become unmanageable.
Su vida, como su cabello, se había vuelto inmanejables.
I know you thought this was a manageable situation... but some situations are unmanageable.
Yo sé que creías que esta era una situación manejable pero hay situaciones que no son manejables.
You're unmanageable.
Eres rebelde.
Father tells me the interest is what makes the debt so unmanageable.
Mi padre dice que los intereses hacen que la deuda sea impagable.
If it even gets damp, it frizzes out and becomes wildly unmanageable.
Si se pone húmedo, se riza y se vuelve salvajemente inmanejable.
I didn't say that my Iife wasn't unmanageable.
Yo no he dicho que mi vida fuera fácil de controlar.
! Dry, unmanageable hair
Pelo seco e indomable.
It seems like there's an effort to manage the news in an unmanageable situation.
Parece que se esfuerzan por manejar las noticias de una manera incontrolable.
This is unmanageable.
Y esto es inmanejable.
My hair is long and unmanageable, and I need that scalp-massaging thing... that Cindy does after she washes my hair.
Mi cabello está largo e intratable y necesito el masaje de cráneo que hace Cindy al lavarme el pelo. Me hace sentir en Tahití
So she would just randomly click buttons, until the TV was snarled into some unmanageable condition.
Así que oprimía botones al azar... hasta que la tele quedaba enredada en una condición imposible de manejar.
It feels unmanageable now, Christian.
Se siente inmanejable ahora, Christian.
By all accounts, they have lived on this planet for generations and never encountered an animal they perceive as an unmanageable threat.
Sin duda alguna han vivido en este planeta durante generaciones y nunca han encontrado un animal que supusiera una amenaza tan grande.
"Mr. Scott has time and again proven himself " to be an unmanageable employee " and a poor branch manager.
"El Sr. Scott, repetidas veces, ha demostrado ser un empleado incontrolable y un mal jefe de su sucursal."
Someone or something is turning their pre-existing fears into unmanageable phobias.
Algo o alguien está transformando sus miedos ya existentes en fobias inmanejables.
He's mean, unmanageable, doesn't like anybody.
Es malo, inmanejable, nadie le gusta.
" We admitted that we were powerless over drugs and alcohol, that our lives had become unmanageable.
"Admitimos que estábamos indefensas ante las drogas y el alcohol, que nuestras vidas se volvieron inmanejables"
Your life has officially become unmanageable.
Tu vida se ha vuelto oficialmente ingobernable.
But the Kansai faction accepted no conditions, their dissolution was unjustified and their existence became unmanageable.
Pero como la facción Kansai no aceptó las condiciones, su disolución no era justificable y se volvieron incontrolables.
" that our lives had become unmanageable.
" que hemos perdido el control de nuestras vidas
It's so unmanageable.
Es tan inmanejable.
Chevrolet is unmanageable this season.
Chevrolet está intratable esta temporada.
And whenever a bitch went past, it got excited, unmanageable.
Y cada vez que pasaba una perra, Se exitaba, inmanejablemente.
And my life has become unmanageable.
"Y mi vida se ha vuelto incontrolable".
See how unmanageable your life has become.
¿ Ves cuán incontrolable se ha vuelto tu vida?
My life has become unmanageable.
Mi vida se ha vuelto imposible de manejar.
I'm unmanageable.
No soy manejable.

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