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Unworthy tradutor Espanhol

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Certain conditions are deemed unworthy for treatment.
Ciertas condiciones se consideran indigno para el tratamiento.
anything of less value would be unworthy.
Es lo menos que te mereces.
Most noble Grand-Duke... might your unworthy slave know what has happened?
Augusto Gran Duque... ¿ puede tu indigna esclava saber qué ha ocurrido?
My princess, now you know my crime. If you consider me unworthy of my rank... I put my fate in your lovely little hands.
Princesa, ahora que conoce mi delito, si me considera indigno de mi rango, dejo mi destino en sus adorables manos.
Quite unworthy of our great love.
No sería digno de nuestro gran amor.
And he wanted to make me think that he was unworthy.
Y quería hacerme pensar que era indigno de mí.
I'd be unworthy of the high trust if I didn't do everything to keep our beloved Freedonia at peace with the world.
Sería indigno de su confianza si no hiciera todo lo posible para que Freedonia continuara viviendo en paz con el mundo.
Nevertheless, unworthy as I am, permit me to present...
Sin embargo, aunque sea indigno de ello, permítame presentarle a...
I consider my uncle's antagonism towards the Hartland firm unworthy of him.
El antagonismo de mi tío frente a Hartland es indigno de él.
Almighty Father giver of all good gifts who of thy divine providence has provided thy unworthy servants with all things necessary to their bodily sustenance, Grant, we beseech thee, spiritual grace that we may enjoy it in quietness of spirit as proof of Thy bounty and render unto Thee most humble and hearty thank.
Padre Todopoderoso dador de todos los bienes... quién la divina providencia abastecido a sus siervos indignos con todas las cosas necesarias para el sustento del cuerpo, te suplicamos gracia espiritual, que disfrutemos de ella en tranquilidad de espíritu, como prueba de generosidad
Almighty Father, giver of all good gifts who of thy thy divine providence has provided thy unworthy servants with all things necessary to their bodily sustenance. Grant, we beseech thee, spiritual grace that we may enjoy it in quietness of spirit as proof of thy bounty and render unto Thee most humble and hearty thank.
Padre Todopoderoso, dador de todos los bienes quién la divina providencia abastecido a sus siervos indignos con todas las cosas necesarias para el sustento del cuerpo, te suplicamos gracia espiritual, que disfrutemos de ella en tranquilidad de espíritu, como prueba de generosidad.
He is twice guilty who regrets not an unworthy act.
Será doblemente culpable aquel que no lamenta un acto malévolo.
Si ella no merece vuestro respeto, yo tampoco.
My election was won with murder, and I have proven myself unworthy of my trust.
Gané mi elección gracias a un asesinato, con lo que he demostrado ser indigno de la confianza puesta en mí.
- Yes. Don't make a mistake unworthy of a man like you.
- Va a cometer un error, un error indigno de un hombre como Ud.
She always sees good in everybody else, no matter how unworthy they are but she always underestimates herself.
Siempre ve lo bueno en los otros, sin importar cuán indignos sean pero siempre se subestima a sí misma.
For the first time in my unworthy life I am speechless.
Por primera vez en mi desgraciada vida, quedé mudo.
Have you done nothing during the past few days that is.. unworthy of you?
¿ No hiciste nada en estos últimos días que sea... indigno de ti?
- You're unworthy of being an officer.
- No mereces ser un oficial.
Even unworthy of it, you might say.
Me sentía, por así decirlo, indigno.
But Margaret, these dreadful novels, unworthy of a gentleman, who made me write them?
Pero Margaret, estas novelas, impropias de un caballero, ¿ Quién me hizo escribirlas?
We, your unworthy servants humbly thank wholeheartedly.
Nosotros, tus siervos indignos humildemente agradecemos de todo corazón.
You are unworthy of wearing the uniform.
Usted no es digno de llevar ese uniforme.
My husband couldn't do such a thing. It's entirely unworthy of his character.
Mi esposo no podría hacer algo así, sería indigno de él.
I should be unworthy of your long confidence in me, Your Majesty, if this command of yours came to me as a surprise.
Yo no sería digno de su confianza, Su Majestad... si esta orden suya me resultara sorpresiva.
This hotel is unworthy of you, me and my contract.
Este lugar es indigno de Vd... de mí y de mi contrato.
You thought it was rotten? I thought it was unworthy.
Perdone, pero ese no es mi nombre.
Did he give it to some unworthy political hireling?
¿ Se lo ha concedido a un mercenario político?
Evidence has come to our attention that Senator Smith is unworthy to address this body.
Hemos recibido evidencias de que el senador Smith es indigno de ocupar este cargo.
He accuses me of unworthy conduct!
¡ Me acusa de conducta desleal!
Treason's fermenting in his unworthy soul.
La traición fermenta en su vil corazón.
Grain fields are being destroyed... livestock butchered... and by these traitorous acts... the government has demonstrated that it considers us... its own citizens, enemies, unworthy to live.
Están destruyendo las cosechas de grano, masacrando el ganado, y con esos actos traidores, el gobierno ha demostrado que nos considera... enemigos a sus propios ciudadanos, sin derecho a vivir.
Grain fields are being destroyed... livestock butchered... and by these traitorous acts... the government has demonstrated that it considers us... its own citizens, enemies, unworthy to live. - You're right.
Están destruyendo las cosechas de grano, masacrando el ganado, y con esos actos traidores, el gobierno ha demostrado que nos considera... enemigos a sus propios ciudadanos, sin derecho a vivir.
I know you wouldn't plead for those who are unworthy.
Sé que no viene a suplicarme por aquellos que son indignos.
Emily, it would be unworthy of the love that we have for each other for me to be less than myself.
Amelie, nos es digno de nuestro amor si no fuera yo mismo.
You belong, in part, to the German race, but by your action you have shown yourself unworthy to represent that race abroad.
Ud. pertenece en parte a la raza germana. Pero se ha mostrado indigna de representar a esa raza fuera.
See this! Most humble, most unworthy and gossipy consort of mine, there's no more oil!
¡ Gente de este patio!
You were ready to die for what you wanted, like a child unworthy to live, and yet you shall.
Aceptaste morir por aquello que amas. Por tanto, mereces vivir. Lo conseguirás.
My unworthy great-grandfather, for instance, in the Opium War of 1842....
Durante la guerra del Opio en 1842.
This is what each of you may tell me if I am found unworthy of your faith.
Eso me podrá decir cada uno de ustedes si me muestro indigno de su confianza.
If you admire our sons, we must say they are unworthy.
Si se admira a nuestros hijos, debemos que decir que no son dignos.
But that's childish, unworthy of you.
Eso es infantil y te desmerece.
Do you think me unworthy of such a tribute?
¿ Crees que no soy digna de tal homenaje?
Now they're unworthy of the chapel.
A la capilla, no. Han estado aquí.
You're unworthy.
¡ Qué alma más baja!
I will ignore your question as if it is unworthy of a response.
Esa pregunta la ignoraré por improcedente.
But pardon, gentles all, the flat, unraised spirits that hath dared on this unworthy scaffold to bring forth so great an object.
Pero perdonad, estimados todos, al espíritu simple y llano que ha osado traer a estos indignos andamios un tema tan grande.
Now are we well resolved, and by God's help and yours, the noble sinews of our power, France being ours we'll bend it to our awe or lay these bones in an unworthy urn, tombless, with no remembrance over them.
Ahora estamos decididos, y con la ayuda de Dios y la vuestra, nobles tendones de nuestro poder, siendo nuestra Francia, la doblegaremos a nuestra voluntad... o depositaremos estos huesos en una urna indigna, sin sepulcro, para que no quede recuerdo de ellos.
I did it for her, knowing Jacoby was unworthy of her.
Lo hice por ella, sabiendo que Jacoby no la merecía.
I am but his unworthy sparrow.
Majestad, entre su conducta y la mia no habrá diferencia.
- If I'm not too unworthy.
- Tiene razón.

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