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Urgently tradutor Espanhol

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Could you fast-bleep Trauma theatre staff urgently, please.
Puedes avisar al busca del personal de quirófano urgentemente, por favor.
I need to speak with Mr Lindsay-Jones urgently!
¡ Necesito hablar con el Sr. Lindsay-Jones urgentemente!
Jackson wanted to talk to you urgently, but he could not wait any longer.
Jackson quería hablar urgentemente contigo, pero no pudo esperar más.
"Your Imperial Highness, you are urgently needed to dispatch instructions!"
"¡ S.A. Imperial, se os necesita urgentemente para despachar órdenes!"
I summoned him here urgently. Do you know for sure whether he is in London?
Le hice llamar con urgencia. ¿ Sabes con seguridad si está en Londres?
please talk to Dorsday most urgently the money must get at the hands of Dr. Fiala until tomorrow otherwise Dad will be arrested. - -- Mom
Por favor habla urgentemente con Dorsday El dinero tiene que estar mañana en manos del Dr. Fiala si no, papá será detenido. Mamá
"We urgently need to speak alone."
"Tengo que hablar urgentemente contigo."
There ´ s something... " "... I want to say urgently to you too ".
Hay algo de lo que quiero hablarte urgentemente también.
You wrote that you had to see me urgently.
Decía que tenía que hablarme urgentemente.
You had to talk to me so urgently, Mr...?
¿ Tenía Ud. tanta urgencia en hablarme, Sr....?
I need so urgently some money!
¡ Necesito urgentemente dinero!
Tell him Dr. Muller wishes to see him, urgently.
Dile que el Dr. Muller desea verle urgentemente.
Why did you ask to see me so urgently today?
¿ Por qué me pidió verme tan urgentemente hoy?
I must talk urgently to the Colonel.
Tengo que hablar urgentemente con el coronel.
Your Majesty's colonies in the West Indies are urgently in need of slaves.
Las colonias de Su Majestad en las Indias Occidentales necesitan esclavos.
Right this evening you are needed urgently.
Precisamente esta noche nos haces tanta falta.
Still, we would like to ask you urgently to accept our advice.
Nos gustaría pedirle que acepte nuestros consejos.
We urgently have to talk to you. - But you aren't the right ones.
- Tenemos que hablar urgentemente con Ud. - ¡ Pero... si Ud. no es el verdadero!
There are three gentlemen waiting down the hall, they urgently want to talk to you.
Abajo en el hall esperan tres caballeros. Quieren hablar urgentemente con Uds.
I have to take items to the seventh floor, urgently...
Tengo que llevarla urgentemente hasta la séptima planta.
The seventh floor sent me to take this package... downstairs, urgently.
La séptima planta me dijo que llevara este paquete... abajo, con urgencia.
- Urgently.
- Urgentemente.
Due to the grave international situation, all American nationals in France should return to American urgently.
Ante la grave situación, todos los americanos deben volver a América a la mayor brevedad posible.
His Royal Highness urgently requests permission to storm.
Su alteza pide permiso para atacar ya
" Your presence is most urgently requested at Manderley Castle for assistance and advice.
Se solicita con urgencia su presencia en el Castillo Manderley... para que me ayude y me aconseje.
I urgently recommend that you go out and meet society as honest, God-fearing citizens.
Os recomiendo encarecidamente que os presentéis ante la sociedad... como honestos y devotos ciudadanos.
I'll ride in five minutes the prince calls me urgently to brunswick don't let me keep you ;
Saldré en cinco minutos. El príncipe me pide que acuda urgentemente a Braunschweig. No te demores ; de todas formas ya llevas tres horas en casa.
¿ Urgentemente?
I am looking for a Doctor Pfeiffer, I have to urgently speak with him.
Busco al Doctor Pfeiffer, tengo que hablarle urgentemente.
That awful child with the cold came and told me that you wanted to see me urgently.
Esa espantosa niña con el resfriado... vino a decirme que querías verme urgentemente.
I was called back urgently... but it was too late.
Al enterarme volví, pero ya era muy tarde.
- We need you urgently. - Is anything wrong?
¿ Puede venir ahora mismo a Dragonwyck?
We need to see him urgently.
Tenemos que verle urgentemente.
Urgently need $ 300,000 cash.
Necesito urgentemente 300.000 dólares en efectivo.
And I took from one of my passengers a very valuable communication... which must reach Colonel Creighton urgently.
Y tomé de uno de mis pasajeros una comunicación muy valiosa... que debe llegar al coronel Creighton urgentemente.
A courier from Paris wants to speak to you urgently.
Una persona de París quiere hablar con Ud. urgentemente.
I needed to speak to her urgently.
Necesitaba hablarle urgentemente. Le he telefoneado.
I need to speak to him urgently. - Watch the exits!
- ¡ Vigilad las salidas!
I submit most urgently that instead of standing out to sea we move north along the French coast.
Propongo que en vez de salir a alta mar, vayamos al norte bordeando la costa francesa.
In his testament, His Majesty enjoined the new Emperor to recall prince Genji urgently to his side.
En su testamento, Su Majestad ha ordenado al nuevo Emperador que llame urgentemente al príncipe Genji a su lado.
Jess, I wanted to speak to Philip rather urgently.
Quería hablar con Philip urgentemente.
But most urgently, I want Ivanhoe no matter what it costs.
Pero sobre todo, quiero a Ivanhoe no importa lo que cueste.
He urgently wanted to speak to you.
Tenía urgencia por comunicarse con usted.
I urgently need to talk to Rosario.
Necesito urgentemente una entrevista con Rosario.
No injuries... urgently require food.
Ningun herido... requiere urgente, alimentos.
You can do everything, except leave. - And if I have to go urgently?
Sólo la voz y los cabellos podrían delatar que no eres la reina.
I need to speak with him urgently.
Necesito hablar con él urgentemente.
When you say "urgently", how soon?
No lo sé. ¿ Cuándo lo quieres?
"I didn't see him"... but he asked me to bring the suit home, urgently.
"Yo no le ví..." pero me pidió que trajera el traje a casa, urgentemente.
He wants to see me urgently.
Desea verme urgentemente.
Yes, I've been called in urgently.
urgent 155

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