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Weren't there tradutor Espanhol

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- You weren't there.
- Ustedes no estaban ahí.
You weren't there.
No estabas ahí.
I thought you said there weren't any beds.
- Dijo que no había camas.
There weren't any useful photos.
No había fotos útiles.
See, there weren't very many details, so I used Jumpy, from Jumpy's Funhouse, as a template.
No me ha dado muchos detalles, así que utilice a Jumpy, de Jumpy's Funhous de referente.
We weren't thinking about buying two cars, but there's just something about this one.
No pensábamos comprar dos carros, pero este tiene algo.
No, there weren't three.
No, no eran tres.
They weren't there earlier.
Ellos no estaban allí antes.
You scared me when you weren't there when I woke up.
Me asustaste al ver que no estabas cuando desperté.
I was so worried you weren't gonna say "away" there.
Estaba preocupado de que no fueras a decir "en el bolsillo" ahí.
But you weren't there when the bomb went off.
Pero no estaba allí cuando la bomba explotó.
You weren't there.
Tú no estabas allí.
And when I tried to have a shower, it caught fire, which was really disorientating, because there was water and there was fire, and they weren't cancelling each other out.
Y cuando intente ducharme, salio fuego, lo que fue muy desconcertante, por que había agua y había fuego, y no se anulaban mutuamente.
There was a time when I wanted a relationship with you, but you weren't interested.
Hubo un tiempo en el cual estaba interesado en una relación contigo, pero no estabas interesada.
I can't believe there weren't any other options.
No puedo creer que no hubieran más opciones.
I wished he weren't there at all.
Ojalá no lo hiciera.
The mall, the pipes weren't there.
- En el centro comercial no había pipas.
What do you mean the pipes weren't there?
¿ Cómo que las pipas no estaban ahí?
I'd walked down to say hi to you about an hour ago, and you weren't there.
Yo caminaba a decir hola a ti hace aproximadamente una hora, y tú no estabas ahí
Talking about horoscopes which weren't even there,
Hablando sobre horóscopos lo cual ni siquiera están aquí.
Don't act like you weren't there.
¿ Tuviste una fantasía lesbiana - conmigo? - No te hagas la tonta.
- I know you weren't there.
- Sé que no estabas allí.
All the wrestlers were there to meet me and you weren't there, and I just thought I'd come up, make sure everything's okay.
Pensé en pasar por aquí y ver cómo estabas.
Got mixed emotions, but she seems to be happy, and I guess that's all that matters, right? Everyone was disappointed that you weren't there.
Todo el mundo estaba decepcionado de que usted no estaba allí.
Going a bit fast there, weren't you, sir?
Señor, ¿ Sabe cuán rápido iba?
I'm just sorry you weren't in there with him.
Sólo lamento que no estuvieras allí con él.
The president should be made aware. You weren't there. You didn't see what Bauer did to his family... what he did to Audrey.
No viste lo que Bauer hizo a su familia... lo que le hizo a Audrey.
Being as how there weren't any doctor's offices nearby, he did the next best thing he could.
Como no había ningún consultorio médico cerca hizo lo que mejor pudo.
And when I got there, they weren't happy at all.
Y cuando yo llegué, no estaban nada felices de verme.
You weren't there for me.
No estabas allí para mí.
You weren't there.
no estabas.
You weren't there and so I'm on my way to the airport right now because there's this early summer class that I found out about and I thought that it would somehow be easier, I guess, this way.
No estabas así que voy camino al aeropuerto ahora porque me enteré de una clase de verano y pensé que de alguna manera quizá fuera más fácil de este modo.
I'm sure I saw you there. Weren't you...? No?
Me pareció verte ahí, ¿ no?
The people there weren't perfect, so he felt out of place.
La gente allí no eran perfectos, por lo que se sentía fuera de lugar.
- You weren't there.
- Usted No estaban allí.
You were down there to steal the ransom money, weren't you?
Estabas ahí abajo para robar el dinero del rescate, ¿ no es así?
I looked for you this morning, but you weren't there.
Te busqué esta mañana, pero no estabas.
So I weren't there.
Así que no estuve allí.
We weren't safe there.
- ¡ No era seguro allí!
- There's no such thing. - It's like White Collar, only blacker, and you weren't in Magic Mike.
- Es como en "Ladrón de guante blanco", solo que negro, y no estabas en "Magic Mike".
Well, there weren't any detectives at the main station.
Bueno, no habia detectives en la estacion principal.
These 10 other guys, they beat him, they stabbed him until there weren't nothing left.
Lo agarraron diez tipos, lo golpearon y lo apuñalaron hasta destrozarlo.
- I thought you weren't getting there until later.
- Pensé que no estabas llegar allí hasta más tarde.
Yeah guys, we really need to step it up, especially there's only six guys, we need to be aware of what's going on, you guys are forgetting a lot of stuff, things are going by missed, you weren't hustling hardly at all
{ \ fnMicrosoft Sans Serif } Craig Smalley Líder del grupo ( Personal de la escuela ) necesito que se empiecen a esforzar un poco más. { \ fnMicrosoft Sans Serif } Especialmente los 6 chicos que ya están avisados. { \ fnMicrosoft Sans Serif } Se están olvidando de muchas cosas.
She really wasn't upset that you weren't there?
Ella realmente no estaba molesto que usted no estaba allí?
You don't know. You weren't there. Charlie, enough!
USTED NO SABE Usted no estaba allí CHARLIE, BASTA!
If you weren't seeing her behind my back... she wouldn't have been there in the first place, would she?
Si no la hubieras visto a mis espaldas... -... ella no habria estado ahi.
You weren't there.
Tu no estabas allí.
We went to the hotel, but you weren't there.
Fuimos al hotel, pero no estabas ahí.
Weren't too chippy up there by Reculver?
¿ No hacía fresco en Reculver?
If characters weren't dying constantly in a zombie story, in an apocalyptic story, it would be completely false and fake and unrealistic and it'd be complete bullshit and there are times when I'm writing a "Walking Dead" comic
si los personajes no murieran constantemente, durante un apocalipsis zombis, sería totalmente falso y poco realista seria, un completo engaño y hay momentos cuando estoy escribiendo "Walking Dead"

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