Westinghouse tradutor Espanhol
102 parallel translation
I had a letter written to Westinghouse they'll send over a technician.
He hecho escribir una carta a la Westinghouse mandarán un técnico a Milán.
The student has to pay attention when operating the Westinghouse brake.
El alumno ha de prestar atención al operar el freno Westinghouse.
I'm Linda Westinghouse.
Soy Linda Westinghouse.
- You are Miss Westinghouse. - Yes.
- Usted es la Señora Westinghouse.
Linda Westinghouse.
Linda Westinghouse.
- Where is Miss Westinghouse?
- Dónde está la Srta. Westinghouse?
You collaborated with Edison and
En un tiempo usted fue cercano con George Westinghouse y Thomas Edison.
Mr. Tesla, he's dead.
Sr. Tesla, George Westinghouse.
I'm George Westinghouse,
Soy George Westinghouse,
That would be me joy, Mr. Westinghouse.
Será un honor, Sr. Westinghouse.
- A Westinghouse?
George Westinghouse?
Call Edison to speak, Westinghouse and then Bring a suggestion or two.
Llame a Edison primero, Westinghouse a continuación, y luego aprueba la propuesta dos.
- Mr. Westinghouse.
I was a Westinghouse Scholar.
Me becó Westinghouse.
Easy, you just tell me which one.
Yo soy el dotado becario de Westinghouse. Entiendo.
I'm the gifted Westinghouse Scholar. I'll get it.
- No, no, Adam, espera un minuto. ¡ Adam!
And now let's return to Westinghouse Studio One. And Letter from Cairo.
Volvemos al Westinghouse Studio One y a Letter from Cairo
And Trong has won both the Westinghouse Talent Search... and the NFL Punt, Pass and Kick Competition.
Y Trong ha ganado tanto la Busqueda de Talento Westinghouse y la competicion NFL Punt, Pass and Kick.
I won a Westinghouse science award.
Gané el premio de ciencia Westinghouse.
Miss Westinghouse award!
Señorita Westinghouse Award!
And that's why I take great pleasure In presenting this Westinghouse award To my best friend Zora Mathews.
Y por eso tengo el gran placer de entregar el premio Westinghouse a mi mejor amiga Zora Mathews.
The gym is packed for today's game against West Side rival, Westinghouse.
La cancha está llena para el partido de hoy contra el rival del oeste, Westinghouse.
Moments later, a Westinghouse foul... and then a double technical puts Arthur on the line with a chance to ice the victory.
Momentos más tarde, una falta de Westinghouse... y luego una doble falta técnica pone a Arthur en la línea con una posibilidad de asegurar la victoria.
In a rematch with rival Westinghouse...
En una revancha con su rival Westinghouse...
58-38 winners over the Westinghouse Warriors.
Ganadores por 58-38 sobre los Warriors de Westinghouse.
I won the Westinghouse prize when I was 12.
Gané el Premio Westinghouse a los 12 años.
SEC filing for the sale of CBS Corporation to Westinghouse Corporation.
Un documento relativo a la venta de la CBS a Westinghouse.
If Tisch can unload CBS for $ 81 a share to Westinghouse, and then is suddenly threatened with a multi-billion dollar lawsuit from Brown Williamson, that could screw up the sale, could it not?
Si Tisch puede vender la CBS por $ 81 la acción a Westinghouse y surge la amenaza de un pleito multimillonario por parte de B W que podría desbaratar la venta...
I hear "potential Brown Williamson lawsuit " jeopardizing the sale of CBS to Westinghouse. "
Yo oigo "demanda potencial de Brown Williamson que pone en peligro la venta de la CBS."
George Westinghouse, who created the Westinghouse Electric Company with Tesla's patents
George Westinghouse, que creó la Westinghouse Electric Company... con las patentes de Tesla,
One of the few men who understood the great potential of Tesla's inventions was the Pittsburgh industrialist George Westinghouse.
Uno de los pocos hombres que entendió el gran potencial de los inventos de Tesla... fue un industrial de Pittsburgh, George Westinghouse.
Westinghouse also proposed a royalty of $ 2.50 for each horsepower generated by a Tesla invention.
Westinghouse también propuso un derecho de 2,50 dólares... por cada caballo de fuerza ( HP ) generado por un invento de Tesla.
During the late 1880s Edison began a negative media campaign to discredit the alternating current system of electricity being developed by Westinghouse and Tesla.
A finales de la década de 1880, Edison inició una campaña de propaganda negativa... para desacreditar al sistema eléctrico de CA... desarrollado por Westinghouse y Tesla.
Just as certain as death Westinghouse will kill a customer within six months after he puts in a system of any size.
Tan seguro como la muerte, que Westinghouse va a matar a un cliente... dentro de los 6 meses de instalado un sistema de cualquier tamaño.
The Westinghouse bid was about half a million dollars, and naturally Westinghouse got the job.
El precio de la oferta de Westinghouse... fue de medio millón de dólares, y por supuesto... la Westinghouse consiguió el trabajo.
In retaliation, GE refused to sell Westinghouse any of their Edison light bulbs.
En venganza, GE se negó a vender a Westinghouse... ninguno de sus focos de Edison.
And they got some judge to say that Westinghouse couldn't use any one-piece lamps of any description at the Fair.
Hasta consiguieron que un juez sentenciara que Westinghouse... no podría usar un solo foco de cualquier modelo para la exposición.
Westinghouse frantically devised a two-piece stopper lamp by Fair time and saved the day.
Westinghouse frenéticamente desarrolló... una lámpara fluorescente de dos partes a tiempo para la exposición, y solucionó su problema.
In the great hall of electricity, the public could see that the Tesla-Westinghouse system made it all possible.
En la gran sala de la electricidad, el público pudo ver que... el sistema de Westinghouse y Tesla había hecho posible todo esto.
A contract was immediately awarded to Westinghouse Electric to power the mighty cataract with AC.
Se le otorgó inmediatamente un contrato a la Westinghouse Electric... para equipar a la poderosa catarata con CA.
Tesla and Westinghouse engineers had heated disagreements about the operating frequency.
Tesla y los ingenieros de Westinghouse... tuvieron acalorados desacuerdos sobre la frecuencia de funcionamiento.
Westinghouse had over-extended his company's resources leading to severe financial difficulties.
Westinghouse había excedido los recursos de su compañía... teniendo serios problemas financieros.
This is something we've never found any record of in the Westinghouse annals.
Esto es algo de lo que nunca hemos encontrado ningún registro... en los archivos de Westinghouse.
My services with Westinghouse being no longer essential
Mis servicios en la Westinghouse ya no eran esenciales.
Remembering what he did for their company, Westinghouse executives agreed to pay his room and board for the rest of his life.
Recordando lo que había hecho por su... compañía, los ejecutivos de la Westinghouse... accedieron a pagar su alojamiento y alimentación hasta el final de su vida.
All the places that I thought I wanted to apply to they're looking for people who are number four and they're you know, concert violinists, or they won the Westinghouse Science Prize.
Todos los sitios en que solicité cupo buscan a los número cuatro a los violinistas, a quienes ganaron un premio de ciencia.
Edison with his lamp, Diesel, Bell, Westinghouse.
Edison y su lámpara. Diesel, Bell, Westinghouse...
George Westinghouse. Is true you Westinghouse forgive the debt of 10 million dollars?
Es cierto que usted recibió 10 millones de dólares de Westinghouse?
That's right.
Si, el chico al que lleve a ser un becario de Westinghouse.
The kid that I steered into being a Westinghouse Scholar.
Toda tu vida hablas del "becario de Westinghouse".
You spend your life talking "Westinghouse Scholar."
- Bueno, ¿ qué tiene que ver?