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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ W ] / What'd you talk about

What'd you talk about tradutor Espanhol

253 parallel translation
'And all that talk about the things you've got'and what you'd do to keep them.' You put that with what you offer to the naked eye.. ... and, uh, well, can you blame a man?
Y todo lo que dijo, más lo que se ve ; en fin, soy hombre.
I've never figured out what it would cost a year, but I'd like to talk about it with you.
Jamás calculé lo que costaría por año pero quisiera hablar de eso.
Charles, I promised Mrs. Greene, the President of our club, that you'd talk to the ladies, and she wants to know what you're going to talk about.
La Sra. Greene, la presidenta del club, quiere saber lo que les vas a contar.
But if what you tell me is true, I'd like to have a serious talk about life with Lady Chiltern.
Si eso es cierto, querría hablar seriamente sobre la vida con lady Chiltern.
What'd you wanna talk to me about?
- ¿ De qué quiere hablarme?
I don't want to talk about it I promised I'd watch him carefully then tell you what he did
Yo... prometí fijarme bien en él... e... informarte... de su estado.
I've never fiigured out what it would cost a year, but I'd like to talk about it with you.
No sé cuánto costaría al año. Me gustaría hablar contigo del tema.
- I'd like to talk to you. - Well, what about?
- Quisiera hablar con Ud. - ¿ De qué?
Now, what do you suppose he'd wanna talk to the sheriff about?
¿ De qué creen que querrá hablar con el comisario?
What d'you want? shall we talk about the starlets?
- Hablemos de FUMETTARE?
What'd you talk about?
¿ De qué hablabas?
What'd you talk about?
¿ De qué hablaron?
Mr. Feathersmith says he'd like to talk to us about... i guess you'd call it "inventions." What kind of inventions? It's something that'll turn this two-bit tool shed into a factory.
Sr. Cronk, aquí está el señor, eh... sr., uh Feathersmith.
I'm here because I've been thinking about what you'd do once you get out, and I wanted to talk with you about it.
He venido porque he estado pensando en qué harás cuando salgas, y quería hablar contigo sobre ello.
Mr. Coogan, I'd like to talk to you about what you saw yesterday.
Me gustaría hablar de lo que vio ayer.
You know what they say about people who talk to themselves.
Ya sabes lo que d ¡ cen de qu ¡ enes hablan solos.
If I spoke prose, you'd all find out, I don't know what I talk about.
Si siguiera hablando, se enterarían. No sé de lo que estoy hablando.
I want to talk to you about what I'd like to do.
Quiero hablar contigo sobre lo que me gustaría hacer.
- You'd probably like it if you... didn't know what was in it. - talk about something else?
- Sobre otra cosa?
What'd you and Abe talk about?
¿ De qué hablabas con Abe?
Ah, that's what I'd like to talk to you about.
Ah, sobre eso quería hablarte.
After all, we did talk about a son and heir and if you'd saw too much of him who knows what bastards I'd give my name.
Después de todo, hablamos acerca de un hijo y heredero. Y si comenzabas a verlo con mucha frecuencia, quién sabe qué tipo de bastardos llevarían mi nombre.
I don't know what I'd do if I couldn't talk to you... about my sorrows.
No sé qué haría si no pudiera venir a contarle mis penas.
That's what I'd like to talk to you about.
Me gustaría hablar de eso con Vd.
We'd Iike to extend an invitation to you too. - What's this all about? - Don't talk.
Ve ahí a las 8 : 00 esta noche con el microfilm o no quedará nada de tu amigo.
Okay, I'd like to talk to you about what we're here for... and that's for me to pitch the new C.O.P. program to you.
Bien, quiero hablarles sobre el tema que nos ha traído aquí. He venido a convencerles de que se unan al programa COP.
We'd like to talk to you about what you may have seen or heard.
Queremos saber si alguien oyó o vio algo.
Come in, I'd like to talk to you about what I've been thinking.
Pasen, me gustaría hablar con ustedes en lo que he estado pensando.
You heard what Miss Henderson said, she'd love to talk about it tomorrow?
Ya ha oído que ha dicho que le encantaría hablar de ello, mañana.
What's so interesting about half an inning that you'd come from Iowa... to talk to me about it 50 years after it happened?
¿ Qué tiene de interesante media entrada para que venga de Iowa... a hablar de ella 50 años después de sucedida?
I guess I'd say, "catch you later." so what shall we talk about, then?
Supongo que te diría, "nos vemos". Entonces, ¿ de que deberíamos hablar?
- Yeah? What'd you talk about?
- ¿ De qué hablabais?
What'd you and your dad talk about?
¿ De qué hablaste con tu padre?
So... what'd you two talk about?
Asi que.... ? De que hablaron?
Hey, you. What'd you wanna talk to me about?
Hola. ¿ De qué querías hablarme?
What I'd like to talk about is what time you're picking me up Saturday.
Lo que quiero saber es ¿ a qué hora me recogerás el sábado?
So I'd like each of you to talk about what you like best about football, and what you're most proud of off the field.
Así que me gustaría que cada uno de vosotros habléis sobre lo que más os gusta del fútbol, y de que estáis más orgullosos fuera del campo.
The sad thing is you'd want to talk about, what, Ryan Giggs, Kevin Costner?
Ryan Giggs, Kevin Costner?
- Thanks. What d'you wanna talk about?
Gracias. ¿ Qué querías decir?
I think what he's trying to say is, judging from the way you talk and dress - I'd say you're about 15. - Excuse me.
Creo que trata de decir que por cómo hablas y te vistes... yo diría que tienes unos 15.
J.C., I'd like to talk to you about what I'm getting from this bordello thing.
J.C., me gustaría hablar con usted, sobre mis beneficios
What'd you talk about?
¿ De qué habéis hablado?
What'd you want to talk to me about?
¿ De qué querías hablarme?
Gosh. I didn't know what I'd talk to you about.
Caramba, no sabía de qué iba a hablar contigo.
So, I mean, what'd you talk about?
¿ Y de qué hablaron?
What I'm trying to say is.... Is that if you want to talk to somebody about this, I mean really talk even though I know we've never done that before I'd really like to be that person.
Lo que intento decirte es que si quieres hablar con alguien de esto, hablar en serio aunque no lo hayamos hecho nunca,.
Well, what'd you talk about, Bob?
Bien ¿ de qué hablaron, Bob?
Do you remember how we'd talk about what we'd be when we grew up?
¿ Recuerdas cuando hablábamos sobre qué seríamos cuando seamos mayores?
I was thinking about what happened down on Praxis 9... and I thought I'd stop by and see if you wanted to talk about it.
Estuve pensando en lo que pasó en Praxis 9... y quise detenerme a ver si quieres contarme algo.
What'd you want to talk about, anyway?
¿ De qué querías hablar antes del accidente?
So, what'd you want to talk about?
¿ Entonces, que querias decirme?

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