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Wingate tradutor Espanhol

99 parallel translation
Arnold Wingate, famous stage producer whose revues were the talk of New York...
Arnold Wingate, famoso productor de escena, cuyas revistas estaban en boca de todo New York...
I'd love to. And I'll expect you at the nursing home in the morning for the wingate child's toe operation.
Te espero en la residencia por la mañana para la operación de la hija de Wingate.
He says for assisting so splendidly at the operation on the wingate child.
Dice "Por ayudarme en la operación del hija de Wingate".
The wingates are tremendously rich.
Los Wingate son muy ricos.
British General Wingate conferred with his staff.
El general británico Wingate consultó con su estado mayor.
Wingate and Cochran flew in yesterday. Big conference, GHQ.
Wingate y Cochran llegaron ayer para una reunión importante.
Get me Phil Wingate and hurry.
Llame a Phil Wingate. En seguida.
That's a lot of stock Wingate sold for you in 45 minutes, an active issue like Tredway.
Ha sido un buen lote de acciones vendidas por Wingate en 45 minutos, y de activos Tredway.
Mr. Philip Wingate sold 3,700 shares of Tredway common stock, short.
Philip Wingate... vendió 3.700 acciones ordinarias de Tredway en descubierto.
- Wingate told you?
- ¿ Wingate se lo dijo?
Fort Richardson, Wingate, Cobb....
a Fort Richardson, Wingate, Cobb...
Scar's band was headed north to winter at Fort Wingate, eatin'agency beef.
Iban a pasar el invierno en Fort Wingate, alimentándose con reses del gobierno.
It's funny, but last winter when we passed through Fort Wingate I didn't have any recollection of a mention of Nawyecky Comanches.
El invierno pasado, cuando pasamos por Fort Wingate, no recuerdo que nadie mencionara a los comanches Nawyecky.
Miss Wingate
Señorita Wingate.
Eve Wingate, the next is yours.
Eve Wingate, la siguiente.
This is Eve Wingate.
Soy Eve Wingate.
Now, be sensible, Miss Wingate, stay where you are.
Sea razonable y quédese donde está.
Evelyn Wingate, of Cornwall, England ;
Evelyn Wingate, de Cornwall, Inglaterra ;
Miss Wingate was seen hurling a small object into the sea.
La Srta. Wingate lanzó un objeto pequeño al mar.
British government sources indicate they believe the Wingate girl might have been acting under the alien's order.
El gobierno británico indica que la Srta. Wingate podría estar siguiendo órdenes de los extraterrestres.
Miss Wingate is believed to be hiding with Jonathan Clark, who has been missing several days.
Podría estar escondiéndose con el Sr. Clark, igualmente desaparecido.
You : Miss Wingate, Mr.Clark, will be flown to Washington immediately.
Un avión los llevará a los tres a Washington.
Hadn't you better call Dr. Wingate?
- ¿ Llamamos al Dr. Wingate?
Well, fine. Waiter, a cup for Dr. Wingate, please.
Camarero un café, por favor.
It was a sort of junior edition of the Wingate later... and more important operation.
Era un ensayo de la columna Windgate,... una operación más importante.
Oh, yes, Mr. And Mrs. Wingate.
Ah, sí, el Sr y la Sra Wingate.
Car 723, proceed to Wingate Park.
Diríjanse al parque Wingate.
- Wingate!
- ¡ Wingate!
Did you know Wingate's married again?
Sabía Wingate casarse de nuevo?
Only, um, you've heard that our choirmaster, Walter Wingate,...
Sólo, um, usted ha oído que nuestro jefe de coros, Walter Wingate,...
Prudhomme, Hollinsworth, agent Wingate.
- Prudhomme, Hollinsworth, el agente Wingate.
- Wingate.
- Wingate.
But I asked Wingate three weeks ago!
¡ Pero se lo pedí a Wingate hace 3 semanas!
I wanna see agent Wingate.
Quiero ver al agente Wingate.
Agent Wingate is in a meeting right now.
- Está en una reunión.
I wanna see Wingate.
Quiero ver a Wingate.
I wanna see agent Wingate!
¡ Quiero ver al agente Wingate!
I'm agent Wingate.
- Soy el agente Wingate.
He doesn't know we know it.
El no sabe que sabemos. - Wingate.
The truth is Mr. Wingate has been held for nearly two days on a probable cause on another matter.
El Sr. Wingate estuvo detenido 2 días por otro asunto.
I'm here for Greg Wingate.
Vine a buscar a Craig Wingate.
- Delwey's here to pick up Wingate.
- ¿ Sí? - Elkins vino a sacar a Wingate. ¡ ¿ Qué?
Wingate was supposed to be released 15 minutes ago.
Debían liberar a Wingate hace 15 minutos.
The man next to Chan is Alex Wingate. Media mogul.
El de al lado de Chan es Alex Wingate, magnate de la prensa.
Contact Wingate Field, report status to Colonel Reynolds.
Contacten Campo Wingate, reporten estatus al coronel Reynolds.
Petty Officer Kevin Wingate.
Suboficial Kevin Wingate.
McGee, finish sketching an inventory of Wingate's locker.
McGee, acabado un terminar un inventario del casillero de Wingate.
My kids go to Wingate.
Mis hijos van a Wingate.
- Maybe fund a program at Wingate.
- Quizá fundar un programa en Wingate.
Look, everybody at Wingate is expecting you to be a star football player.
Mira, todos en Wingate esperan que seas una estrella del fútbol.
- Wingate. - Prudhomme.
- Prudhomme.

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