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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ W ] / Worry

Worry tradutor Espanhol

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And I got proof. Which means we don't have to worry about tanking Velocity's stock anymore.
Lo que significa que ya no tenemos que preocuparnos de hundir las acciones de Velocity.
You don't have to worry about that, Stu.
No tienes que preocuparte por eso, Stu.
Don't worry.
No te preocupes.
For once, we're not gonna have to worry about making rent.
Por primera vez no tendremos que preocuparnos por el alquiler del local.
I can't tell you that, Louis, but I can tell you it was your behavior that drove Tara away, and, if you keep letting your emotions dictate your behavior, you won't need to worry about being replaced.
No puedo decírtelo, Louis, pero puedo decirte que fue tu comportamiento lo que alejó a Tara, y si sigues dejando que tus emociones dicten tu comportamiento, no tendrás que preocuparte de que te reemplacen.
You don't have to worry about that, Louis.
No tienes que preocuparte por ello, Louis.
You ever worry you just might snap?
¿ Nunca te preocupa que puedas explotar?
Don't worry, I improvised.
No te preocupes, he improvisado.
You don't need to worry about this.
No debes preocuparte por esto.
Don't worry, friend. We'll fix you up.
No te preocupes, amigo.
Why don't you worry about your own husband?
¿ Por qué no te preocupas de tu propio esposo?
Hey, don't worry so much, all right?
Oye, no te preocupes demasiado, ¿ de acuerdo?
Look, you just worry about digging out your burqa, bitch.
Tú solo preocúpate de quitarte la burka, perra.
Gentlemen, there's nothing to worry about.
Caballeros, no tienen de qué preocuparse.
Yeah, well, don't worry, you still got old Moe.
Bueno, no se preocupen, todavía tienen al viejo Moe.
If he suddenly treated you different, that should worry you.
Si de repente te ha tratado diferente, debería preocuparte.
Don't worry. He doesn't bite.
No se preocupe.
Due to the threats, we were secretly briefed on your whereabouts, but don't worry, sir.
Debido a las amenazas, nos informaron en secreto de su paradero, Pero no se preocupe, señor.
Don't worry about me.
No te preocupes por mí.
Don't worry.
No zs preocupen.
Don't worry, died once.
No te preocupes, ya he muerto una vez.
Don't worry, Amaya, I promise, the piece is somewhere very safe.
No te preocupes, Amaya, lo prometo, el trozo está en algún sitio muy seguro.
Oh, don't worry. With the weather this cold, she's probably hibernating.
Con este tiempo tan frío, probablemente esté hibernando.
I don't worry about war criminals.
No me preocupo por los criminales de guerra.
- Don't worry about me.
- No te preocupes por mí.
You don't have to worry about me.
No tienes que preocuparte por mí.
- But don't worry.
- Pero no se preocupe.
I was starting to worry that a "dotcom" counted as a press pass.
Estaba empezando a preocuparme que una "puntocom" contara como pase de prensa.
Don't worry about it.
No te preocupes.
But don't let it worry you, it must have been a thief or a poacher.
Pero no, no te preocupes, debe haber sido algún ladrón o un cazador furtivo.
Don't worry, I'll fix you.
No te preocupes, yo te voy a reparar.
So, you worry about my soul, and I'll just keep doing my job.
Preocúpate por mi alma, yo seguiré trabajando.
Don't worry, you'll get to know them all soon.
No te preocupes, conocerás a todos pronto.
- Don't worry, it's going to get better.
- No te preocupes, mejorará.
Don't worry, ain't to happen now.
No te preocupes, no va a suceder ahora.
Not to worry.
No es para preocuparse.
I doubt you have anything to worry about.
"No creo que tenga nada de qué preocuparse".
There's a whole world out there with no Marcel to worry about.
Hay un mundo entero ahí fuera sin un Marcel por el cual preocuparse.
Enough power that we ain't got to worry about raising a kid in fear of Marcel Gerard.
Suficiente poder para que no nos tengamos que preocupar por criar a un niño con miedo a Marcel Gerard.
But don't worry, because as we speak, your mother and your Uncle Elijah are working with Vincent to fix you up.
Pero no te preocupes, porque mientras hablamos, tu madre y tu tío Elijah están trabajando con Vincent para arreglarlo.
There's nothing to worry about anymore, okay?
Ya no hay nada de que preocuparse, ¿ vale?
Can we pretend for, say, five seconds, that you don't have to worry about dying today?
¿ Podemos pretender, digamos, cinco segundos, que no te tienes que preocupar hoy por morir?
Don't worry about her.
No te preocupes por ella.
The Hollow will have Klaus, don't you worry about it.
The Hollow tendrá a Klaus, no te preocupes por ello.
Not unless you have something to worry about.
A no ser que tengas algo para preocuparse.
Otherwise, you'll have a few more monsters to worry about.
De lo contrario, tendrás que preocuparte de algunos monstruos.
- He's a guy you need to worry about.
- Alguien peligroso. - ¿ Quién es?
Don't worry about that.
No te preocupes por eso.
All right, don't worry.
- De acuerdo, no te preocupes. Te protegeremos.
Tommy, don't worry, okay?
Tommy, no te preocupes, ¿ vale?
Don't worry about it.
No se preocupen.

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