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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ W ] / Worry about yourself

Worry about yourself tradutor Espanhol

337 parallel translation
Get your head on straight... and just worry about yourself.
Vuelve a tus cabales y preocúpate de tu rostro.
Worry about yourself.
Preocúpese por usted mismo.
- Worry about yourself.
- Preocúpate por ti.
And you'd better worry about yourself. When you make a living, you accept the risks, But that has nothing to do with you.
Cuando uno es ambicioso se corren riesgos, pero eso no va contigo.
- Never mind about me, bud. You worry about yourself.
- Preocúpate de ti, no de nosotros.
Worry about yourself.
Preocúpate de ti misma.
You'd better worry about yourself.
Será mejor que se cuide.
! You just worry about yourself!
- Ocúpese de su derecha.
Worry about yourself.
Preocúpese por usted.
You worry about yourself.
Preocúpense por ustedes.
You worry about yourself.
Tú no te metas.
When it comes to the act, you never worry about yourself only for me.
Cuando tenemos que actuar, nunca te preocupas de ti misma sólo de mí.
You'd better worry about yourself!
Los lobos te devorarán en este bosque, pequeñín!
Ian, you've got to worry about yourself.
LAN, usted tiene que preocuparse por ti mismo.
- Worry about yourself.
- Preocuparse por sí mismo.
Worry about yourself.
Preocúpate por ti.
Worry about yourself first!
¡ Preocúpate primero de ti mismo!
- You worry about yourself.
- Preocúpate de ti mismo.
- Become like everyone else in this city, only worry about yourself.
- Conv ¡ értete como todos en esta c ¡ udad, preocúpate sólo de t ¡.
Never mind me, just worry about yourself.
No te preocupes por mí, ocúpate de ti mismo.
Worry about yourself.
Preocupate por tí.
Muhammad has become a nation, he has received a city, entering into pledges and treaties and you Salool who claim to be king of Medina lost the kingdom last night while you were in bed you should worry about yourself Abu Sufian
Muhammad se convirtió en una nación... recibió una ciudad, celebró compromisos... Y tú Salool, rey de Medina, perdiste tu reino anoche! Deberías preocuparte por ti Abu Sufian, cada vez que comercias algo a Siria... debes arrastrarte ante él.
I should worry about yourself if I were you.
Yo me preocuparía por ti si fuera tu.
You got enough to worry about yourself being in this here army.
Te bastante conseguido para preocuparse sobre tú siendo en este aquí ejército.
Don't worry about yourself so much.
No se preocupe tanto por Vd.
'You worry about yourself, Harvard.'
'Ustedes se preocupan por ti, de Harvard.'
Because then you wouldn't have to worry about sharing me with anyone else and you can have me all to yourself.
Porque no tendrías que preocuparte de compartirme con nadie... y podrías tenerme todo para ti.
I suggest you don't worry about this sort of thing... and just enjoy yourself.
No te preocupes por eso y procura divertirte.
Don't worry yourself sick about it.
No te preocupes.
Don't worry yourself about it.
No te preocupes por mí.
I always said I needn't worry about rent money with a fine, upstanding lad like yourself.
No debía preocuparme por la renta con un muchacho tan cabal.
Thank you, sir. Anyway, I wouldn't worry too much about it cos in a week or so's time, you'll have the opportunity to find out how Emmy is for yourself.
De todos modos, no me preocuparía de ello en varias semanas.
And since this is your first combat, I suggest you correspond. Don't worry yourself about things that don't concern you.
Es tu primer combate, así que sé corresponsal... y no te preocupes por lo que no te concierne.
Don't worry about me, think for yourself
No te preocupes por mí.
From now on, Fesker, you need not worry about anything, except yourself.
Desde ahora, Fesker, sólo tendrá que preocuparse por usted mismo.
But there's no shame in wanting to love somebody You mustn't worry yourself about it
No hay nada malo en querer a alguien más que a la vida propia, pero deberías intentar superarlo.
Don't worry yourself about it.
No te preocupes.
Needn't worry yourself about that, Doctor.
No se preocupe por eso, Dr.
Don't you worry yourself about me, Inspector.
No tiene que preocuparse por mí, Inspector.
Don't you worry about what I do, worry for yourself!
¡ Deja lo que hago yo, piensa en ti!
And you won't worry yourself sick about it and you'll keep on taking care of yourself. No!
Y que no te preocuparás y cuidarás de ti misma.
If you would worry less about yourself and more about this child... you seem to have misplaced, we might begin to get somewhere.
Si se preocupase menos de sí misma y más de la niña que parece haber extraviado, podríamos conseguir algo.
Vin, if you have to worry about with something, concern yourself with what will happen after we find them, not before.
Vin, si has de preocuparte por algo, preocúpate por lo que ocurra cuando los encontremos, no por si lo hacemos.
Don't worry yourself about His Lordship, sir.
No se preocupes por su título, señor
You don't have to worry yourself about my talents.
No te preocupes por mi talento.
Still there's nothing to worry about there, nor your heart either. But don't overtax yourself.
No se preocupe, ni por su corazón pero no cometa excesos.
Don't worry about it, really. Just take care of yourself.
No te preocupes por eso, solo tienes que preocuparte por tu salud.
Anyway, what I really worry about, honey, is you keep pushing yourself so hard when you're performing'and singin'.
En todo caso, qué l realmente preocupación aproximadamente, miel, te es mantiene empujar tú tan duro cuándo eres performin'y singin'.
I'm offering you a home... - a place here with me... a place you can always stay, Mr. Motes... and never worry yourself about.
Yo le ofrezco el mío. Vivir conmigo. Un lugar para quedarse sin tener que preocuparse jamás.
You got more important things to worry about, like getting yourself a defense counsel.
Hay cosas más importantes ahora... como conseguir un abogado.
Don't worry yourself about us and more.
No tienes que preocuparte por nosotros.

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