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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ Y ] / You're leaving me

You're leaving me tradutor Espanhol

1,272 parallel translation
I hear you're leaving us, Mr. Morrow.
Me han dicho que nos deja, Sr. Morrow.
You're not leaving.
No me dejarás.
You're leaving me?
Me dejas?
You're leaving...?
¿ Me vas a...?
You're leaving me alone?
Alicia - ¿ Bueno, bajamos? No me van a dejar sola.
He came into the office and he stood there and he yelled "I might be leaving tomorrow, but goddamn it, you're leaving tonight."
Entró en el despacho y se puso a gritar : "Yo me iré mañana, pero, maldita sea, tú te vas hoy".
"I might leave tomorrow but goddamn it, you're leaving tonight."
"Yo me iré mañana pero, maldita sea, tú te vas hoy."
- You're leaving me here?
- ¿ Me vas a dejar aquí?
Robbie... you're a dear boy, but I can't even think of leaving the country.
Robbie... eres un encanto, pero ni se me pasa por la cabeza dejar el país.
There's no way in hell you're leaving me behind!
No habrá forma de que me relegues de esto.
For the first time in our marriage, you're leaving me satisfied.
Por primera vez en nuestro matrimonio, me dejas satisfecha.
You're crazy leaving me drinking with a bunch of guys!
Es una locura dejarme solo en los bares, bebiendo con hombres.
You're not leaving me with a whole hell of a lot of options now, are you?
No me estas dejando muchas opciones, ¿ no crees?
You're lucky, I was just leaving.
Tienes suerte, se me acaba de dejar.
I'm leaving here in two hours. Then they're gonna come up here and beat the mortal shit out of you right there in that fucking tub.
Me voy dentro de 2 horas... porque van a venir después a molerte a palos.
Anyhow... I don't know what you're doing this weekend... but my mom's leaving town... and she's letting me borrow the car, so, you know...
No sé qué harás el fin de semana, pero mi madre se va de viaje y me prestó su auto.
You're leaving me.
Va a abandonarme.
You're saying to me that you're leaving me for him?
¿ Estás diciendo que me vas a dejar por él?
You're leaving something out.
Tú me ocultas algo, como siempre.
You and me and Katrina, we're leaving for America. Tonight!
Tú, Katrina y yo nos vamos a América esta noche.
- You're leaving me no outs here.
- No me dejas alternativas. - ¿ Por qué?
You're leaving me.
Me estás dejando.
You're leaving me with nothing.
Me dejas sino nada.
Oh, uh, Nina... now that you're going to Mary's new office and leaving me,
- Hasta luego. - Nina...
- You're leaving the state. Excuse me?
- Te vas del estado.
So Stephen tells me you're leaving too.
Así que... Stephen me contó que también te ibas.
You're not leaving this cabin until you tell me.
No saldrás hasta que me lo digas.
- You're leaving me?
- ¿ Me dejas?
Well, you're on your own, I'm leaving.
Bueno, estás por tu cuenta, me voy.
Richie, Richie, if you can hear me, we're leaving the ship.
¡ Richie! ¿ Me oyes?
Are you telling me that you're leaving me, Celia?
. Me estás diciendo que me estás dejando, Celia?
You're leaving me again, just like last time.
Me dejas otra vez, igual que la última vez.
You're leaving... this apartment? You're leaving New York, or you're leaving me?
Te vas de este departamento... te vas de New York, o te vas de mi vida?
Okay, if you two continue to embarrass me, we're leaving.
- Ok, si los dos siguen avergonzandome, nos vamos.
You're leaving me alone, as pissed off as I am?
¿ Me vais a dejar aquí cagándome en la puta que me parió?
You're leaving me and you're asking me something like that?
¿ Me vas a dejar y me preguntas algo así?
- Andie, y-you can't actually tell me that you're thinking about leaving?
Andie, espera... No me digas que estás pensando irte.
- Mark needs me. You're leaving?
- Mark me necesita. ¿ Te vas?
By the way, let me know when you're leaving.
Por cierto, avísame cuando te vayas.
But you've heard that they're leaving me in here?
¿ Te enteraste que me dejarán aquí?
The sight of you on that table... But you're leaving me no choice.
El hecho de verla en esta mesa... pero no me deja otra alternativa.
And you can tell me you're leaving but it won't change my feelings...
~ Y puedes decirme que te vas pero no voy a cambiar mis sentimientos... ~
So you're leaving me?
¿ Me dejas?
You're working together to set me up! I'm leaving!
Están tratando de atraparme entre todos. ¡ Me voy!
If you're gonna be a bad drunk, I'm leaving. ... Sari, can't you see I've got feelings for you?
Si te vas a portar como un borrachuzo me marcho... Sari, no ves que siento algo por ti?
- You're leaving me?
- ¿ Me abandonas?
You're leaving for the summer to go to football camp and you tell me this now?
¿ Me dejas por un campamento de verano y me lo dices ahora?
I heard you, but I'm not leaving until you exchange this computer, and I'm not believing you're some kind of superior life-form.
Te escuché pero no me voy hasta que intercambies esta computadora y no creo que seas algún tipo de forma de vida superior.
What do you mean, you're leaving me here?
¿ Cómo que me dejarás aquí? ¿ Qué es este lugar?
So you're leaving me?
¿ Así que vas a dejarme?
- You're breakin'my heart, leaving like this.
Me rompes el corazón yéndote.

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