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You're wrong tradutor Espanhol

14,212 parallel translation
- You're wrong.
- Te equivocas.
- You're going the wrong way, Lou!
- ¡ Vas al revés!
You're wrong, I do know you.
Estas mal, lo sé.
You're on the wrong side of history, Wong.
Estás del lado equivocado de la historia.
And you're wrong, Julia! This isn't madness!
Te equivocas, no es una locura.
You're wrong. You're wrong.
Te equivocas.
Look, I'm not defending technology, but you're wrong if you think that I'm somehow undecided about this, because I'm not.
Mira, no estoy defendiendo a la tecnología, pero te equivocas si piensas que estoy de alguna manera... indeciso sobre esto, porque no lo estoy.
Maybe you're just pissed the rebel angel chose the wrong girl.
Tal vez le enoja que el ángel rebelde, escogiera a la chica equivocada.
But you're wrong.
Pero te equivocas...
You're just so fuckin'wrong.
Estás completamente equivocada.
Holy shit, Doc. You're going the wrong way!
Cielos, doctor. ¡ Es para el otro lado!
You're wrong.
Se equivoca.
And what if you're wrong?
¿ Y si se equivoca?
If you're wrong... we could be starting a war with a whole new species.
Si ustedes se equivocan habría una guerra contra una nueva especie.
You're fucking with the wrong guy!
¡ Te metes con el tipo equivocado!
- Oh, that's where you're wrong, son.
En eso te equivocas, hijo.
- Well, correct me if I'm wrong but it sounds like you're talking about m-theory.
Corrijame si me equivoco, pero pareciera que habla de la Teoría M.
You're wrong this time.
No lo entiendes.
Yeah, alright, maybe you're not runnin'pars... ending your career right now, so let's prove'em wrong
Bien, quizás no tienes una buena racha en tu carrera ahora, así que vamos a probarles lo contrario.
I think you're wrong.
Creo que te equivocas.
I said, I think you're wrong.
He dicho, creo que estás equivocado.
And you're not, in my opinion, gonna say the wrong thing.
Y, en mi opinión, no va a decir nada incorrecto.
- You've done nothing wrong. - You're not an adulterer.
- No eres adúltero.
I just want you to know I don't think you're doing the wrong thing.
Quiero que sepas que, para mí, es correcto lo que estás haciendo.
I think you're wrong.
Creo que se equivoca.
You're wrong.
¡ Se equivoca!
Whatever you think of these video shows, you're wrong.
Lo que sea que pienses de estos programas de vídeo, te equivocas.
Man : That's where you're wrong, Victor.
Ahí es donde te equivocas, Víctor.
You're wrong, Evan.
Te equivocas, Evan.
You're wrong if you think it ain't
Te equivocas si crees que no es así.
You're wrong.
Te equivocas.
Ah, you're coming in the wrong...
Ah, usted está viniendo en el mal...
I'm telling you, if they cannot reach me, they're going to think something is wrong.
Te digo, si no pueden contactarme, pensarán que algo anda mal. ¡ Lo tengo!
You're wrong. This is not a game, Teresa. Do you understand?
Esto no es un juego, Teresa. ¿ Entiendes?
If you're wrong she loses her soul.
Si se equivoca usted, perderá su alma.
She said you're wrong about the man.
Dijo que usted está equivocado acerca del hombre.
Well, you're wrong, bitch.
Pues te equivocas, furcia.
CAPITÁN va a tener tu ASS Si se equivoca, BOY,
No, you're wrong!
¡ No, está equivocado!
If you're wrong, Luthor will sue the paper out of existence.
Si te equivocas, Luthor demandará al diario hasta acabarlo.
Eventually you're gonna bring back the wrong kind.
En cualquier momento vas a traer al tipo equivocado.
But I'm sorry, today you're wrong.
Pero lo siento, hoy estás equivocado.
You're, you're wrong.
Se equivocan.
- You're doing it wrong.
- Lo hiciste mal.
I just said you're not wrong.
Solo dije que no está equivocada.
You're looking in the wrong place, Charles.
Estás mirando en el sitio equivocado.
You're wrong, Charles.
Te equivocas, Charles.
I would tell you the approach we're taking here is completely wrong.
Diré que el enfoque es totalmente errado.
We need to stop putting this on the kids and saying it's your fault or there's something you're doing wrong.
Tenemos que dejar de culpar a los chicos y decir que es su culpa, que es algo que hacen ellos.
And if you're upset about being profiled and bullied, you're just reacting the wrong way.
Y, si te molesta que te categoricen y acosen, estás reaccionando mal, nada más.
You're after the wrong guy.
Persigues al hombre equivocado.

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