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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ Y ] / You've had enough

You've had enough tradutor Espanhol

1,628 parallel translation
I've had enough out of you.
Ya he tenido demasiado de ti.
I've had enough of you.
Ya me harté de ti.
And who are you to tell me when I've had enough to drink?
¿ Y quién eres tú para decirme cuánto debo beber?
I've had enough of you two devils! Enough! Enough!
Ya estoy cansada de ustedes, son diablos. ¡ Suficiente!
You've had enough, already.
Tú ya has bebido bastante.
I've had enough. And now I shall not live for you to despise me.
Ya la he disfrutado, y ahora no viviré para que llegues a despreciarme.
- Hey, I've had enough of you, buddy! - You go to hell!
Oiga, ya no lo aguanto, amigo.
I've had enough of you lot tonight.
Ya me tenéis harto.
You've postponed my army for 4 years, though I never asked for it. I had enough of your relations.
Durante 4 años conseguiste retrasar mi reclutamiento, y yo no te había pedido nada.
I've had enough. If you're going to be like this.
Ya está bien, no aguanto cuando se comportan así.
Look,..... if you've had enough,..... leave it.
Mira,..... si has tenido suficiente,..... déjalo.
I've had enough of you.
Ya me cansé.
You've had enough. And you haven't?
Ya has tomado suficiente. ¿ Y tú no?
I had a couple ideas I wanted to run by you but you've got enough to think about.
Tenía un par de ideas que comentarte, pero tienes que pensar.
I think you've had enough.
Creo que ya fue suficiente.
You've had enough bologna, mister.
Ya has comido suficiente mortadela, señor.
Frasier, before you go over there... I've had enough of your finger-wagging.
Frasier, antes de que vayas allí- -... estoy harto de tus reproches.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I've had enough.
Y ahora perdona pero ya he oído suficiente.
You're the first humans I've met and that wrench had enough cellular residue on it for me to check your DNA.
Ustedes son los primeros humanos que he conocido y esa llave tenía suficientes residuos celulares en ella para revisar tu ADN.
You've had enough!
¡ Ya bebiste suficiente!
Who are you to tell me I've had enough?
¿ Quién eres tú para decirme que bebí suficiente?
You've already had a big enough shock. Just get these.
En este momento ya tienes suficiente shock
All right, Plato, sounds like you've had enough already.
Bueno, Platón, parece que ya bebiste suficiente.
But you've become insensitive and set in your ways, and after 27 years, I've had enough!
¡ Pero te has vuelto testarudo, insensible, obstinado y después de 27 años, ya he tenido suficiente!
Yes, and I've had quite enough excitement for one night, thank you.
Y yo ya he pasado demasiados sobresaltos.
"I can't help feeling that you've had enough of me, " that you find me ugly and stupid and...
No puedo evitar pensar que te hartaste de mí, que me encuentras fea y estúpida.
Perhaps you'll kill me one day when you've had enough of me.
Quizá me mates a mí cuando te hartes.
You are 14 years old, you've always had enough to eat, you've always had a roof over your head, and if you stick with me, you always will, because I am your mother, and I know what is best for you because that is my job.
Tienes 14 años, siempres has tenido comida, siempre has tenido una casa, y siempre estarás atada a mi, porque soy tu madre, y se lo que es mejor para tí porque ese es mi trabajo.
Thank you, no, I've had enough
Gracias, no, he tenido suficiente.
- You've had enough.
- Ya has estado suficiente.
- I've had enough of both of you.
¡ Ya me harté de los dos!
You've had enough contact with him.
Has tenido demasiado contacto con él.
I've had just about enough of you, young man.
Ya me he hartado, jovencito.
You've had enough roast beef.
Ya comiste suficiente carne.
Listen, friend, don't you think you've had enough by now?
Oye, ¿ no crees que ya tienes bastante?
- LANA : Maybe you've had enough.
- Te has metido mucho.
I've had enough of you.
Ya no te aguanto más.
I've had enough of you.
Que estoy harta de ti.
Mr. Cage, I've had enough of you.
- Señoría. - Sr. Cage, ya basta. ¿ Me oye?
I've had enough of both of you.
Ya he tenido suficiente de ambos.
- You've had enough of me?
- ¿ Tuviste suficiente de mi?
Time to go home. You've had enough.
Ya bebiste demasiado.
- I've had enough. Have you?
- Ya he tenido bastante. ¿ Y tú?
I think you've had quite enough firewater there, chief.
Yo pienso que tienes suficiente agua caliente ahi, jefe.
I've had just about enough of you trashing Bob Bastard.
Ya he tenido suficiente de ti insultando a Bob Bastardo.
- You've had enough for everybody.
- Tú ya has bebido por todos.
Ok you've had enough.
Suficiente, has tenido suficiente.
Slab, I think you've had enough.
Slab, ya bebiste suficiente.
Slab, I think you've had enough.
Slab, creo que ya es suficiente.
Hon, you`ve had icing enough to put you in a coma.
Ya comiste demasiado.
hey, don't you think you've had enough?
Hey, piensas que has tenido suficiente?

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