You betrayed us tradutor Espanhol
314 parallel translation
You betrayed us!
Nos has traicionado.
And in the end, you betrayed us.
Y al final nos traicionó.
You were afraid of us and that's why you betrayed us.
Nos teméis y por eso nos habéis traicionado.
You betrayed us, you dumbbell.
Fuiste tú quien hizo caer al grupo!
If you betrayed us, it's a bullet in your head.
Si nos traicionaste, te meteré una bala en la cabeza.
You betrayed us!
¡ Nos has traicionado!
Osen, you betrayed us!
¡ Osen, nos has traicionado!
He said, "A man's duty is always there, looking over his shoulder " and asking him the question,'Have you betrayed us?
Él dijo, " el deber de un hombre está siempre ahí, mirando sobre sus hombros, preguntando, ¿ nos traicionaste?
You betrayed us for a lesbian.
Nos traicionaste por una lesbiana.
I taught you everything you know! You betrayed us.
¿ Niño, yo, que os he enseñado a todos vosotros?
I don't believe you betrayed us.
Yo no creo que hayas hablado.
You betrayed us!
¡ Nos traicionaste!
You'd bite the hand that feeds you? You betrayed us.
¡ Son doblemente traidores!
Asshole. You betrayed us!
Gilipollas. ¡ Nos has traicionado!
Have you betrayed us?
¿ Nos has traicionado?
You betrayed us!
Usted traicionó a nosotros!
Man, you betrayed us.
Nos traicionaste, viejo.
You betrayed us.
Nos traicionaste.
You've betrayed both of us with just one kiss.
Nos has traicionado a los dos con un solo beso.
You have betrayed us.
Nos habes traicionado.
She betrayed you to her brother, guess there's not much difference between the two of us.
Y ella te ha vendido a su hermano. Supongo que no hay mucha diferencia entre las dos.
You haven't betrayed us.
No nos has traicionado.
If you've betrayed us, double agent or plain crook you'll wind up in front of a firing squad.
Si nos traicionaste como agente doble o pillo... terminarás frente a un pelotón de fusilamiento.
And now, when my whole life's smashed and ruined, All you can say is the man who betrayed us was smart!
Y ahora, cuando toda mi vida está hecha pedazos y arruinada... todo lo que puedes decir es que el hombre que nos traicionó fue listo!
But now it grieves us to inform you that one of our own tribunes has betrayed his trust and joined this party of conspirators.
Pero hoy, me duele deber informarles que uno de nuestros tribunos ha traicionado nuestra confianza y se ha unido a los conspiradores.
You were right, Nina betrayed us.
Tenías razón, Nina nos traicionó.
You've already betrayed us!
Tú ya nos has traicionado. No.
False goddess, you have betrayed us!
¡ Falsa diosa! ¡ Nos has traicionado!
You have betrayed the monastery and all of us!
Has traicionado el monasterio y a todos nosotros!
Could you have betrayed us?
¿ Podría usted nos han traicionado?
And I promise you that I will discover who betrayed us and I will kill him with my own hands.
Y le prometo que descubriré quién nos traicionó... y lo mataré con mis propias manos.
Already you have betrayed us.
Ya nos han traicionado.
You have betrayed us.
¡ Traicionaste a la revolución!
- You have betrayed us.
- Usted nos ha traicionado.
You have betrayed us!
Usted nos han traicionado!
You have betrayed us.
Nos habéis traicionado.
You have to believe in us, then let yourself be betrayed.
Tienes que creer en nosotros, y luego dejarte engañar.
They betrayed us, you know?
Nos traicionaron, ¿ sabe?
Wu Chang, you have betrayed us twice.
Wu Chang, nos traicionaste dos veces.
She betrayed us by helping you.
Ella nos traicionó y te salvó la vida. La mataré.
You betrayed the both of us in Asia and we lived, no thanks to you.
Nos traicionaste a ambos en Asia. Y sobrevivimos, pero no gracias a tí.
- You've betrayed us!
¡ Nos has traicionado!
You must've been the one who betrayed us.
Tenías que ser tú el que nos traicionara.
You have betrayed us. Why?
Usted nos han traicionado. ¿ Por qué?
Cho cow, you have betrayed us.
Cho Cow, nos has traicionado. No.
You have betrayed us once, I warn you.
Nos traicionaste una vez, te lo advierto.
when I through you... wait, it's stupid for us to fight like this you left me alone in the hands of our enemies and you betrayed me to those same enemies
Todavía no hemos terminado... Espera, es estúpido que peleemos así Tú me abandonaste en las manos de nuestros enemigos
And all those on our side are dead... have betrayed us, or will betray. Even you betrayed.
Y todos los que estaban con nosotros o han muerto o nos han traicionado Tu también has traicionado.
One of you... has betrayed us.
Uno de ustedes... nos ha traicionado.
So you bought into the great life and betrayed us both.
Así que compraste la gran vida y nos traicionó a los dos.
You betrayed us all.
Nos traicionaste a todos.
usopp 23
useful 59
ushna 19
use your brain 33
use it 260
use your imagination 74
use your words 42
use your head 124
use me 43
used to 118
useful 59
ushna 19
use your brain 33
use it 260
use your imagination 74
use your words 42
use your head 124
use me 43
used to 118
use mine 46
use the force 25
use it wisely 19
us too 58
use your power 21
use your hands 17
use your legs 22
used to be 136
use them 48
use these 22
use the force 25
use it wisely 19
us too 58
use your power 21
use your hands 17
use your legs 22
used to be 136
use them 48
use these 22