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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ Y ] / You take care of yourself

You take care of yourself tradutor Espanhol

1,397 parallel translation
'You take care of yourself, eh?
Cuídate, ¿ eh?
You take care of yourself, Lieutenant.
Cuídese, Teniente.
- You take care of yourself up there.
- Te cuidas allá arriba.
You take care of yourself. You don't get sick.
Si se cuidara, no se enfermaría.
- You take care of yourself, kid.
- Cuídate, nena.
- You take care of yourself up there. - Yeah. I will.
Dile a tu tripulación que mee antes de despegar.
You take care of yourself, baby sister.
Cuidate, hermanita.
- You take care of yourself, baby sister.
Cuídate bien, hermanita.
- You take care of yourself, baby sister.
- Cuidate, hermanita. - Tu tambien.
- You take care of yourself.
- Cuídate, ¿ de acuerdo?
You take care of yourself.
- You take care of yourself.
- Cuídate.
You take care of yourself, things work out.
Si te cuidas, las cosas funcionan.
You look fit. You look like you take care of yourself. You work out?
Te ves en forma, se nota que te cuidas.
You take care of yourself. Thanks.
- Gracias.
And you take care of yourself.
I just think you should take care of yourself.
Deberías cuidarte un poco más.
Well, you have to take better care of yourself.
Bueno, vas a tener que empezar a cuidarte más.
You gotta take care of yourself in this world.
Uno tiene que cuidarse en este mundo.
Now promise me you'll take care of yourself.
Prométeme que te cuidarás.
And you... take care of yourself.
Y tú... cuídate.
You either take care of this yourself or I'm going to lock the two of you in the car for the rest of the day.
Ocúpate tú mismo... o los encerraré a los dos en el auto durante todo el día.
Perhaps you should just take care of yourself.
Tal vez deberías cuidarte.
You can take care of yourself.
Puedes cuidarte sola.
You just take care of yourself.
You take good care of yourself, Milo Thatch.
Cuídate, Milo Thatch.
If you want to recover, you must take care of yourself as I have instructed.
Si quiere recuperarse, debe cuidarse como le he enseñado.
Take care of yourself until you come back.
Cuídate bien.
I've kept you around for 20 years... but it's time for you to take care of yourself.
Te he mantenido durante 20 años... Llegó el momento de que te ocupes de ti mismo.
You should take better care of yourself.
Será mejor que cuides de ti mismo.
You will look for someone to take care of you, as you cant do it by yourself?
Buscaras a alguien q te cuide ya no puedes hacerlo tu misma?
Take care of yourself. until you find someone else who will.
Cuídese hasta que encuentre alguien más que lo haga..
All you take care of is yourself.
- Me encargaré de esto.
You take care of yourself.
Well, you know, when you're used to living on your own, you learn how to take care of yourself, and you develop a thick outer shell.
Cuando uno está acostumbrado a vivir solo uno aprende a defenderse y se le forma un caparazón.
If your daughter's not ready to take you in, are you able to take care of yourself?
Si su hija no puede acogerla, ¿ usted podría cuidar de sí misma?
You need to take better care of yourself, Grace.
Tienes que empezar a cuidarte más, Grace.
You should take better care of yourself.
Deberías cuidarte algo más.
You can't even take care of yourself!
¡ Ni puedes cuidarte tú!
Crais. You... find the better part of yourself... you... have to take care of them.
Crais... tu... encuentra la mejor parte de ti mismo... tu... tienes que cuidarlos a todos
Take care of yourself, you... you big dope.
Cuídate mucho... tarado.
Necesitas cuidarte.
You have to take care of yourself now.
Tienes que empezar a cuidar de ti mismo.
Promise me you'll be a better driver. Promise me you'll take care of yourself and you'll live as long as you can.
Prométeme que conducirás mejor, que te cuidarás y que vivirás todos los años que puedas.
Whatever it is, you gotta take care of yourself.
Lo que sea, tienes que cuidarte.
Where did you learn to take care of yourself like that?
¿ Donde aprendiste a defenderte de esa manera?
You should take care of yourself.
- Tú deberías cuidarte.
- You can take care of yourself.
- Sabrá cuidarse.
You can't even take care of yourself.
Ni siquiera puedes cuidarte de tí mismo.
That sounds like a load of bollocks to me. When someone fucks with you, you take care of it yourself.
Tengo el presentimiento de que Whitey no comparte tu opinión.
You take care of yourself, huh?
Cuídate, ¿ quieres?

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