Your father and i tradutor Espanhol
4,449 parallel translation
Your father and I should go.
Tu padre y yo deberíamos irnos.
Promise me if your father and I don't make it back, you get him home.
Prométeme que si tu padre y yo no volvemos, le llevarás a casa.
Miranda : "My dearest Miranda, your father and I can't wait for you to be born, to see your face, your eyes."
"Mi queridísima Miranda, tu padre y yo estamos deseando que nazcas, para ver tu cara, tus ojos".
I was there. Your father and I got back together.
Tu padre y yo volvimos a estar juntos.
Your father and I are gonna have a "Proshecco" picnic.
Tu padre y yo vamos a tener un picnic con "Proshecco".
The truth is your father and I are no longer together.
La verdad es que tu padre y yo ya no estamos juntos.
Your father and I were worried that your marriage was losing its spark.
tu padre y yo estábamos preocupados porque vuestro matrimonio estaba perdiendo la chispa.
Your father and I want to get together tonight with you and Debbie, just the four of us.
Tu padre y yo queremos reunirnos contigo y con Debbie, solo los cuatro.
So, your father and I were wondering if either of you want to maybe talk about the divorce?
Su padre y yo nos estábamos preguntando si alguno de ustedes quiere hablar tal vez del divorcio.
You know, your father and I love you both very much.
Saben, su padre y yo los queremos mucho.
Your father and I made a deal with Duncan.
Tu padre y yo hemos hecho un trato con Duncan.
Your father and I raised you for 18 years as our legitimate child!
¡ Tu padre y yo te criamos por 18 años como nuestro hijo legítimo!
Your father and I are gonna have a big desk with two computers and I'll write a column for the local newspaper, called Debbie Do I.
Vuestro padre y yo tendremos un gran escritorio con dos ordenadores y escribiré una columna para el periódico local, llamada "Lo que hace Debbie".
Because I am your father and I will stick my nose wherever I damn well please until the day I die, and given my age, that day ain't too far off.
Porque soy tu padre y meteré la nariz donde me dé la maldita gana hasta el día que me muera, que dada mi edad, no está muy lejos. - Papá...
I've heard the stories about you and your no-good father, using your money to buy people off.
He escuchado las historias sobre ti y tu no tan buen padre, usando tu dinero para comprar gente.
I think I should take your father, and go down to Tae Back.
Creo que debería llevar a su padre, y bajar a Tae Back.
Ron, I know you value your privacy, but you are a husband and a father now.
Ron, sé que valoras tu privacidad, pero ahora eres esposo y padre.
Father, I'm in the middle of a life crisis and don't have time for your juvenile shenanigans. [Laughs]
Padre, estoy en medio de una crisis y no tengo tiempo para tus tonterías juveniles.
Well, I couldn't bear for you to be without a family, not after you told us that your mother and father were both dead.
Bueno, no podía soportar que estuvieses sin una familia, no después de que nos contases que tu padre y tu madre estaban muertos.
So I guess this is the part where I ask if your father changed his mind, and you tell me he didn't, and you're going behind his back.
Supongo que ahora es cuando te pregunto si tu padre ha cambiado de opinión, y tú me dices que no, y que esto lo haces a sus espaldas.
Your father was engaging in his- - his extramarital activities. And I had a moment of weakness.
Su padre estaba metido en sus actividades extra matrimoniales y tuve un momento de debilidad.
As of right now, your father and I are in the middle.
Hasta ahora, tu padre y yo estábamos en el medio.
"Get in the car, I say so, and I'm your father" but the señora...
"Sube al carro que lo digo yo que soy tu padre", pero la señora...
I'm on my way to the restaurant with Chase's father, who smells delicious, and I can't concentrate because you don't answer your phone!
¡ Iba de camino al restaurante con el padre de Chase, que huele divinamente, y no podía concentrarme porque no cogías el teléfono!
I wish your father and your aunt were as close as you.
Desearía que tu padre y tu tía fueran tan unidos como ustedes.
And I want you to look back at this entry and know that at the very least your father was completely honest.
Y quiero que miréis esto y sepáis que, como poco, vuestro padre fue totalmente sincero.
What you have created here is magnifique. Oh... And as for your father, the only advice I can offer is this- -
Lo que has creado aquí es magnífico. Y como tu padre, el único consejo que puedo ofrecer es éste...
You live on a boat, you can't tell me what you do, and I know I haven't been your father very long, but it's hard not to be protective.
Vives en un bote, no puedes decirme que haces y sé que no he sido tu padre por mucho tiempo, pero es difícil no ser protector.
You spent all the way avoiding talking about it, but it's still your father's funeral and I don't think you don't mind.
Llevas todo el camino evitando hablar de ello pero está siendo el funeral de tu padre y no me creo que no te importe.
I lost my father at a young age and my sister not long after, so I know the pain of being ripped apart from your own flesh and blood.
Perdí a mi padre muy joven y a mi hermana no mucho después, así que conozco el dolor de que te separen de los tuyos.
Might I ask - when you told us about the watch, you know, the hypnotism and your father saying that as a child he could put you under his spell, that was all jest?
Puedo preguntar, ¿ cuando nos habló del reloj, la hipnosis y su padre diciendo que cuando niña podía ponerla bajo su hechizo, todo eso era broma?
It was as if he knew what you and I had spoken about, your father's wishes for the watch..... to be left to the man you married.
Era como si supiese lo que habíamos hablado, el deseo de tu padre sobre el reloj... de dejárselo al hombre con el que te casaras.
I'm saying, your father has to be stopped. And I want you to know before I stop him.
Quiero decir que hay que detener a tu padre y tú debes saberlo primero.
Guess I was hoping you'd have more of me in you and less of your father.
Supongo que esperaba que tuvieras más de mí en ti y menos de tu padre.
And I don't want you to think that either one of us did anything to disrespect your father.
Y no quiero que pienses que ninguno de nosotros hizo nada para desprestigiar a tu padre.
And I know this is hard, but if we are gonna find the person who hurt your father, we still need your help.
Y sé que esto es duro, pero si vamos a encontrar a la persona que le hizo daño a su padre, seguimos necesitando su ayuda.
Mr. Massey, I think your father recognized this boy, and that's why he was filming him so closely.
Sr. Massey, creo que su padre reconoció a este chico, y por eso le estaba filmando tan de cerca.
I absolve you of your sins in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
"Ego te absolvo a peccatis tuis in nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti".
I'll go and find your father.
Voy a buscar a tu padre.
I absolve you of your sins in the name of the Father, Son, and the Holy Ghost
Ego te absolvo a peccatis tuis in nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti.
Look, father, tonight I don't want sermons so if you mind your business, and I mine, all will be happy.
Mirad, domine, esta noche no estoy para sermones, así que si no os importa usted a lo suyo, yo a lo mío, y todos tan contentos.
I am not your father, and you are not my son.
Yo no soy tu padre, y tú no eres mi hijo.
When I brought you here and took over the master bedroom here... I thought I'd be legally married and live happily after with your father.
Cuando te traje aquí y entré a la habitación principal... pensé que estaría legalmente casada y que viviría feliz con tu padre.
For the three years you were in America I couldn't even breathe between Won and your father.
Durante los 3 años que estuviste en Estados Unidos... no podía respirar entre Won y tu padre.
I will not have a relationship like your mother and father.
No tendré una relación como la de tus padres.
Your father and your grandfather would be so proud of you, as I am now.
Tu padre y tu Abuelo estarían muy orgullosos de ti, como yo lo estoy ahora.
Next time I fall asleep, I'll dream up the perfect father to marry your wife and take care of your quadruplets.
La próxima vez que me duerma, soñaré que el padre perfecto se casa con tu mujer y cuida de tus cuatrillizos.
Now, I'm gonna go talk to your father and get him to bring back the Christmas Carnival.
Ahora, estoy charla go va a su padre y conseguir que traer de vuelta la Navidad Carnaval.
Your father, brother, sister, and I will all be there!
¡ Tu papá, tu hermano, tu hermana y yo estaremos allí!
And we'll figure out what you should do with England later. You mean trick your father, the King of France, into believing that I agree with him?
Y solucionaremos lo que deberías hacer con Inglaterra más tarde. a que crea que estoy de acuerdo con él?
Forgive me if I don't choose to run away with my mother and stay in the shadows while you seduce my father into giving a damn about us. Then go on your own.
Perdóname si no elijo huir con mi madre y quedarme en las sombras mientras tú seduces a mi padre y echando una maldición sobre nosotros.
your father called 16
your father is dead 32
your father would be proud 16
your father 992
your father's dead 26
your father's right 30
your father died 20
your father was a good man 17
your father's here 23
your father's 22
your father is dead 32
your father would be proud 16
your father 992
your father's dead 26
your father's right 30
your father died 20
your father was a good man 17
your father's here 23
your father's 22
and i 3645
and i will 353
and i'm proud of you 44
and i'm grateful 35
and i said yes 53
and i'm starving 33
and i'm not gonna lie 17
and i'm an alcoholic 48
and i'm very sorry 29
and i'm really sorry 62
and i will 353
and i'm proud of you 44
and i'm grateful 35
and i said yes 53
and i'm starving 33
and i'm not gonna lie 17
and i'm an alcoholic 48
and i'm very sorry 29
and i'm really sorry 62
and i'm 661
and i'm so sorry 99
and i'm glad 37
and i'm telling you 167
and i'm thinking 69
and i'm done 46
and i'm like 248
and i'm sorry 950
and i'm tired 39
and i'm happy 32
and i'm so sorry 99
and i'm glad 37
and i'm telling you 167
and i'm thinking 69
and i'm done 46
and i'm like 248
and i'm sorry 950
and i'm tired 39
and i'm happy 32