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Zale tradutor Espanhol

186 parallel translation
Zale has broken out of the corner now.
Zale sale de la esquina.
Zale smashes a tremendous right to Rocky's stomach.
Zale asesta un tremendo golpe al estómago de Rocky.
Zale explodes a left to the jaw. Another left to the jaw.
Zale le lanza un izquierdazo a la mandíbula.
Zale wins.
Ha ganado Zale.
Tony Zale is still the middleweight champion of the world.
Tony Zale sigue siendo el campeón mundial de pesos medios.
What I'm gonna do to Tony Zale, I'll murder him.
Cuando coja a ese Tony Zale, Io mato.
That ain't what I'm gonna do to Tony Zale.
Esto no se Io voy a hacer a Tony Zale.
Zale, Zale, Zale.
Zale, Zale, Zale.
All he thinks about is Zale.
Solo piensa en Zale.
- Cowboy Shank comes first, then Zale.
- Cowboy Shank primero, luego Zale.
Look, anybody wants tickets to the Zale fight let them call me up.
Si quieren entradas para el combate que me llamen.
It follows that the proposed contest between middleweight champion, Tony Zale and yourself in the state of New York is hereby cancelled.
Por ello, el combate propuesto entre Tony Zale, campeón de pesos medios, y el acusado en el estado de Nueva York queda suspendido por la presente.
Fifteen rounds with Tony Zale for the championship.
Quince asaltos con Tony Zale por el campeonato.
Then he's gonna take the title away from Tony Zale and show everybody in the world who he is and what he is.
Luego le arrebatará el título a Tony Zale y así demostrará al mundo Io que es y Io que vale.
We're supposed to be working out a defense for Zale and you stand here beating the heads off these stiffs and maybe even breaking a hand or two.
Tienes que practicar una defensa para Zale y estás aquí soltando mamporrazos arriesgándote a romperte una mano.
Rocky Graziano is a beaten fighter and Tony Zale hasn't even laid a glove on him.
Rocky Graziano se siente perdedor y Tony Zale aún no se ha puesto los guantes.
And I'm fighting Tony Zale for the championship of the world.
Y boxearé con Tony Zale por el campeonato del mundo.
And in this corner, wearing purple trunks weighing 159 pounds the finest piece of steel ever to come out of Gary, Indiana the middleweight champion of the world, Tony Zale.
Y en esta esquina, con calzón morado y un peso de 72 kilos y 12 gramos el mejor pedazo de acero procedente de Gary, Indiana el campeón del mundo de los pesos medios, Tony Zale.
Or will Tony Zale prove that he is every inch a champion and go on to give Graziano the same type of savage beating that he gave him in Yankee Stadium last summer?
¿ O demostrará Tony Zale que es el supremo campeón y machacará a Graziano como en el último combate celebrado en el Estadio de los Yankees el verano pasado?
The betting fraternity has made Zale the favorite.
Las apuestas ponen a Zale como favorito.
He tries to tie Zale up but the champ steps back comes in with another right to the head.
Intenta agarrar a Zale pero este retrocede y le lanza otro derechazo a la cabeza.
- Come on, Zale.
- Venga, Zale.
A hard right by Zale.
Un duro derechazo de Zale.
Another hard right to the face by Zale.
Zale le da otro derechazo en la cara.
Zale follows him to the ropes drives a hard left to the body.
Zale lo lleva a las cuerdas y le lanza un izquierdazo.
A hard right over the eye by Zale.
Recibe un derechazo al ojo de Zale.
Come on, Zale, let him have it.
Vamos, Zale, dale su merecido.
Zale keeps throwing, he doesn't stop.
Zale continúa pegando, no da tregua.
Come on, Zale, let him have it.
Venga, Zale, acaba con éI.
You can do it, Zale.
Tú puedes, Zale.
Nancy, prep the appendectomy, and we'll sew up Zale and Graziano.
Nancy, prepara la apendicectomía y coseremos a Zale y Graziano.
Sergeant Zale, I'm a doctor.
Sargento Zale, soy médico.
You know the supply sergeant, Zale?
¿ Conoce al sargento de abastecimiento, Zale?
Yeah, do Zale's teeth and he gets new boots.
Arréglele los dientes a Zale y él consigue botas nuevas.
Don't give me any of that poor G.I. Crapola, Zale.
No empieces con "pobres soldados", Zale.
You got a touch of the poet in you, Zale.
Tienes un poco de poeta en ti, Zale.
- Uh, Sergeant Zale.
Sargento Zale.
- Strange. - I've checked with everyone from Nurse Able to Sergeant Zale.
Les pregunté a todos, de la enfermera Able al sargento Zale.
Well, you better slip it back off, Zale... or your service record is liable to get one giant hotfoot.
Pues, será mejor que la quites, Zale... o yo quemaré tu expediente.
I just loaned one to Battalion Aid... and two of'em have bad spark plugs, and Sergeant Zale took the other. - No jeeps.
Le presté uno al puesto de socorro... dos tienen las bujías malas y el sargento Zale tomó el otro.
Old people shouldn't get married. She's almost 50. Are we watching the same movie?
ella es Zelda, hija del sargento Zale... y él es mi nieto Corey.
Go check with Sergeant Zale.
Ve con el sargento Zale.
Well, let's hear it, Zale.
Bien, dime, Zale.
- Well, you know what to do, Zale.
- Ya sabes qué hacer, Zale.
- [Helicopters Whirring] - Oh, and, Zale... if you're feeling rotten about this...
Ah, y, Zale... si te sientes mal por esto...
Zale, these people need help, and I wanna give it to them.
- Zale, ellos necesitan ayuda... - y quiero dársela.
I'm warning you, Zale.
Te lo advierto.
Zale or you or me, but the european union did declare bullfighting to be a protected activity because it is part of the national culture of certain countries. Goya and picasso have painted bullfights.
Podrá parecerle bárbaro al Srta. Zale o a usted o a mí... pero la Unión Europea declaró al toreo una actividad protegida... porque es parte de la cultura nacional de algunos países.
Let him have his turn, Mr. Zale.
- Es su turno, Sr. Zale.
My patient couldn't wait, Mr. Zale.
Mi paciente no podía esperar, Sr. Zale.
- Zale's injured.
- Zale está herido.

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