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A cigar tradutor Francês

1,211 parallel translation
After which, perhaps, uh, a Camembert, coffee and, unquestionably, a cigar.
- Tout est bon au petit-déjeuner. Après, peut-être, un camembert, un café et sans conteste un cigare.
I once gave you a cigar. Can I have it back?
Un jour, je vous ai donné un cigare.
Have a cigar.
Prenez un cigare.
- And have a cigar. - Thanks.
Et un cigare!
Come on, Cookie, get me a cigar.
Donne-m'en un!
Here. Here. Have a cigar.
Allez, tiens, prends un cigare.
I'll give you a cigar.
Je te donne un cigare.
I'll give a cigar to anybody who finds a track.
Un cigare à celui qui trouve leur trace.
There was only one man that I saw smoke a cigar on Saturday night.
Un seul homme fumait le cigare samedi soir.
Then he produced a cigar and, to the audience's amazement, he lit it on the fire of the volcano.
Puis il sortit un cigare de sa veste et l'alluma, au grand étonnement du public, dans le feu du volcan.
While you're smoking a cigar, they can eat a full-grown bullock, right down to the naked bone!
Tendis que vous fumez un cigare, elles peuvent manger un boeuf jusqu'à l'os.
Then sit over there smoking a cigar, waiting for the police to come and pick him up?
Puis s'asseoir en fumant un cigare en attendant que la police l'arrête?
- Give the man a cigar.
Donnez-lui un cigare.
Give Grandpa a cigar.
Donne un cigare au grand-père.
A cigar for the countess.
Cigare pour la comtesse.
- A little birdie. - A little bird with a cigar.
Un petit oiseau avec un cigare?
Here, have a cigar.
Tenez, un cigare.
Would you, uh, care for a cigar?
Voulez-vous un cigare?
- A cigar, perhaps?
- Un cigare, peut-être?
- Can I interest you in a cigar?
Un cigare, peut-être?
Will you have a cigar?
Un cigare?
Sure is prettier music than a cigar-box guitar.
Cette musique est plus belle que ce que peut faire ma guitare.
Will you have a cigar?
Je vous offre un cigare?
What a cigar!
voilà ce que j'appelle des cigares!
- Have a cigar?
- Un cigare?
- I'd probably think better with a cigar. - Of course.
Je réfléchirais mieux avec un cigare.
Would you like a cigar?
Voulez-vous un cigare?
Here. Have a cigar.
Prends un cigare.
Start by getting me a cigar out of that coat.
Donne-moi un cigare.
Have a cigar.
Tiens, prends un cigare.
Would you like a cigar? - No, thanks.
- Non merci.
Well... well, the secretary called me into his office, Sat me down, and gave me a cigar -
Le ministre m'a fait demander, il m'a offert un cigare.
I thought you were something special and suddenly you ´ re registered. I said to myself, "Oh, that kind. " l ´ ve got a whole cigar box full of that kind. "
Je vous avais pris au sérieux... et j'ai compris que vous étiez comme les autres...
Under the circumstances, I would think a dollar cigar would be just about right.
Vu les circonstances, je pense qu'un cigare de 1 $ se justifie.
A whole dollar for one cigar?
1 $ pour un cigare?
- They neglected to add... that I also ordered a dollar cigar.
- Ils ont négligé de mentionner... que j'ai aussi commandé un cigare de 1 $.
You'll have time to smoke a good cigar.
Vous aurez le temps de fumer un bon cigare.
He's daffy at times, but he sets a fine table and gave me this excellent cigar.
Il est parfois loufoque, mais il sait recevoir et il m'a donné ce cigare.
I can just see him now, hobbling from the mansion to his car, chewing on a $ 2 cigar and blowing smoke rings worth a nickel a piece.
Je l'imagine bien maintenant, boitant de son manoir à sa voiture, en mâchouillant un cigare à 2 $. Et lançant des ronds de fumée d'une valeur d'un nickel pièce.
The way you light a man's cigar.
Votre façon d'allumer le cigare d'un homme.
A first-class cigar.
Un cigare excellent.
Of course you did. 26 carIoads of munition gone off like a trick cigar.
C'est vous! 26 wagons bourrés de munitions.
Would you like a cigar?
- Light your cigar and stay a while, Tack.
- Allume ton cigare et reste un moment.
- Where's the liquor? - Have a good cigar instead.
Rends-toi plutot malade avec un cigare!
You don't want to befoul your lips with a plebeian cigar?
Peur de se souiller les lèvres?
Probably buy himself a five-cent cigar.
Il s'achètera probablement un cigare à cinq cents.
And I'm gonna pack up my one shirt and the Bible my daddy give me and my cigar-box guitar, and I'll get me on home to Riddle.
Alors j'emballe ma chemise, ma Bible que mon père m'a offerte et ma vieille guitare, et je retourne chez moi à Riddle.
Well, the idea of suicide never crossed my mind, except maybe when I took this cigar.
Le suicide ne m'a jamais effleuré l'esprit, sauf quand j'ai pris ce cigare.
Nothing like a good cigar to relax a man.
Rien ne vaut un bon cigare, pour calmer un homme.
A good cigar.
Un bon cigare.

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