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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ A ] / And as far as i know

And as far as i know tradutor Francês

207 parallel translation
And as far as I know, he's reliable. But don't trust him.
Selon ce que j'ai entendu, on peut s'y fier, mais ne lui fait pas confiance.
That's that. And as far as I know... the steer is still runnin'.
Et pour autant que je sache, le taureau court encore.
You see as far as I know you aren't registered here. So? And as far as I know you are at your grandmother's every day.
Pour autant que je sache, vous n'êtes pas enregistré ici et pourtant vous semblez vivre ici à temps plein.
We've increased food and oil shipments, Mr President, and as far as I know...
Nous avons augmenté leurs livraisons de vivres et de pétrole.
Should we change that precious promise with viewers just because the rating is bad, or because its commercial value is bad or not, as if we turn our palm over? Well, as far as I know, you submitted your resignation and left our company, so do you think you have the right to come here?
Devrions-nous changer cette promesse juste pour un mauvais taux d'audience ou parce que la valeur commerciale est mauvaise? Alors pensez-vous avoir le droit de venir ici?
And you know what that means as far as you and I are concerned.
Et tu sais ce que ça veut dire pour nous deux.
You talk about this side of your family and that side of your family... as far as I know we only had 1 side and it was awful poor.
Vous parlez des deux côtés de votre famille, chez nous, il n'y en avait qu'un, et il était pauvre!
As far as i know, no government ever caught dimitrios, and there is no photograph in his dossier.
Pour autant que je sache, aucun gouvernement n'a jamais attrapé Dimitrios, et il n'y a aucune photographie dans son dossier.
There are only four or five of these, as far as I know. And they're all in private collections.
Il n'en existe que 5 ou 6 dans des collections privées.
I know nothing of this Texas, but I do know the fury of the outraged minions of the law, and as a consequence, I fear what lies behind me far more than the unknown, which lies ahead.
J'ignore tout de ce Texas, mais je connais l'acharnement des suppôts de Ia Ioi, Je crains donc ce que je quitte beaucoup plus que l'inconnu devant moi,
I don't know what this is all about and I don't know about Nicky's love life but as far as the lights on 57th Street and Redlitch and my telephone, they're coincidences.
Je ne comprends rien et je ne connais rien aux amours de Nicky... mais les feux verts, Redlitch et mon téléphone, ce sont des coïncidences.
As far as I can see, those fellows could walk right through that door and you wouldn't know them huh.
Ils pourraient entrer ici sans que tu les reconnaisses.
Far as I'm concened, you can go out there in the street and get yourself killed any time you want to. You know something?
En ce qui me concerne vous pouvez aller vous faire tuer si ça vous chante.
As far as I could make out in the white blaze of the sand beach the instruments were tin cans strung together and bits of metal, other bits of metal that had been flattened out and made into... - Into what? - Cymbals, you know?
Autant que j'aie pu en juger dans la réverbération de la plage... les instruments étaient des boîtes de fer blanc... et des bouts de métal... qu'on avait aplatis et transformés en cymbales...
And, you know, as far as I could see, the old notion that a bachelor's life was so glamorous and carefree was all nonsense.
Vous savez, les gens qui disent que la vie de célibataire est trépignante et insouciante n'y connaissent rien.
You also know that as far as this end is concerned, the Minister and I are the only people who know
Et le Premier Ministre, et les autres Ministres. Ne me rends pas les choses plus difficiles.
And the Duce is never wrong. As far as I know.
Je crois.
As far as I'm concerned, fine but... if the police found my car outside your house it would mean questions, and I'm wanted, you know.
Parfait quant ˆ moi, mais si la police trouve ma voiture devant chez vous, on va se poser des questions et je suis recherche.
If it's as important as that for you to know... then it'd be far more important for me not to tell you. And I'm not going to!
S'il est si important que ça que vous le sachiez, il est d'autant plus important que je me taise!
Mr. Borrego, as far as I know you own 8 neighborhoods, 6 buildings and 4 residences in Las Lomas, right?
Je sais M. Nouton, que vous êtes propriétaire de 8 bâtiments 6 appartements et 4 maisons dans toute La ville. C'est vrais?
As far as I know, they're supposed to be conditioned, relaxed and, most of all, willing.
À ce que je sache, il faut être préparé, détendu, décontracté.
We feel that Raymond and I far surpass her... in every aspect of the term " "filth." " As you know, we run a baby ring.
Raymond et moi, nous la surpassons et de loin... dans tous les sens du terme pour les cochonneries comme vous le savez, nous faisons du rapt de bébé.
As far as everything I know, those two men killed your husband and stole the money.
Je pense que ces deux hommes ont tué ton mari et volé l'argent.
But as far as I know, young Sophie enjoys good health. And His Majesty the King has never given us any reasons to worry.
Mais la jeune Sophie semble en parfaite santé et le Roi ne nous a jamais donné de souci.
As far as I know, no one has access to that cabinet... outside of myself... and Dr. Hiedeman.
Autant que je sache, personne à part le Dr Hiedeman et moi-même.
This church was built, destroyed and rebuilt, as far as I know. If it wasn't for me, it might not be here anymore.
Cette Église a été détruite et reconstruite si souvent, que si je n'avais pas la Foi, je l'aurais abandonnée... mais le Seigneur est avec moi.
I know it's not like having your own place... but as far as children are concerned, Luddie and I would love it.
Je sais que ce n'est pas comme avoir votre maison, mais en ce qui concerne les enfants, Luddie et moi serions ravis.
And the experiments, as far as I know, are conducted at a minimal capacity.
D'ailleurs ces essais, comme on me le dit, se font en régime minimum.
This will all soon be but a happy memory... because Roberts'ship Revenge is anchored at the far end... and I, as you know, am Roberts.
Bientôt, tout ça ne sera qu'un heureux souvenir... car le vaisseau de Robert est amarré de l'autre côté... et, tu le sais, je suis Robert.
Well, What happened, as far as I know, he killed the father Because Something like the girl wanted him to. And then she flipped out and killed herself.
À ce que je sais, il a tué le père parce que la fille le voulait, ensuite, elle s'est suicidée.
I took an impromptu poll of all the women I know and as far as his desirability AI ranked below Alf.
J'ai improvisé un vote chez toutes les femmes que je connais, et en matière d'attrait sexuel, Al arrive en dessous d'Alf.
Four "I"'s and only two "P"'s... and one "M" as far as I know?
Quatre I et seulement deux P... et un M autant queje sache?
Far as I know, the cops haven't closed your dives, and the DA hasn't touched any of your rackets.
A ce que je sais, les poulets ont pas fermé tes bouges... et le procureur a pas fourré le nez dans tes combines.
I always offer advice, you know - as far as what I know and what I've been through in gay life, you know.
J'offre toujours des conseils Ce que j'ai traversé...
And, you know, she was like my right hand, as far as I " m concerned.
Elle était comme ma main droite.
I was not in the greatest of shape, you know, as far as, like, my career was concerned, and it was delightful to hear that I was gonna go do anything anywhere.
À ce moment-là, ma carrière n'allait pas particulièrement bien, et n'importe quel rôle représentait une bonne nouvelle pour moi.
Well, you know, Professor, perhaps I don't give a damn about your past because your past is my future and as far as I'm concerned, it hasn't been written yet!
Alors, professeur, peut-être que je me fiche de votre passé, parce que votre passé est mon avenir! Et, à ma connaissance, il n'est pas encore écrit!
As far as I know, he bumped his arm into a door and it's kind of got this involuntary movement.
Je sais seulement que son bras a heurté une porte, et que depuis ce jour-là, il bouge involontairement.
As far as I know. Judite and Mr. Scardanelli.
Que je sache, c'est Mme Judite et Mr.
I mean, he invented the pie fight the pratfall and the seltzer bottle, as far as I know.
Il a inventé les tartes à la crème, la chute sur les fesses, la bouteille d'eau gazeuse.
I don't know what the hell you get out of it. But as far as I'm concerned, you can tell people that you and me went through doors together. You can tell'em you own the World Trade Center, and you were married to Marilyn Monroe.
J'ignore ce que tu en retires, mais en ce qui me concerne, tu peux dire qu'on a enfoncé des tas de portes ensemble, que le World Trade Center t'appartient, que tu étais marié à Marilyn Monroe...
What you don't know, and, as far as I can tell, haven't bothered in the least to discover is who they are.
Ce que vous ignorez, et autant que je sache n'avez pas pris la peine de découvrir, c'est "qui" ils sont.
As far as I know, it's just tech officer Shebanski and me.
Pour autant que je sache, il n'y a que Shebanski et moi.
She's an unmarried lady and not engaged... as far as I know.
C'est une femme célibataire sans engagements, que je sache.
And Colonel Ives, as far as I know.
et colonel Ives, pour ce que j'en sais.
They knew it, Penny. As far as I know, they checked in that hotel... to die together... and I wasn't about to interrupt that.
Ils le savaient ils avaient pris cette chambre pour mourir ensemble
Look, I don't know about Harriet Lichtman, but as far as your mother and I are concerned, the saints are still marching in.
Je ne sais pas ce qu'il en est d'Harriet Lickman, mais en ce qui concerne ta mère et moi, c'est encore la grande parade.
Far as I know, you represent that handful of students out there right now. And that's it.
Autant que je sache, seuls les élèves qui sont dehors désapprouvent.
As far as I know it includes housing... and meals and everything.
Hébergement et repas compris.
Then as far as I know she hung herself and that's it.
Puis je sais seulement qu'elle s'est pendue. Et c'est tout.
As far as I know, Cole is alive and well and could be anywhere.
Autant que je sache, Cole se porte bien et peut être n'importe où.

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