As it turned out tradutor Francês
254 parallel translation
Comme cela s'est avéré, ce fut un simple cas de radiation du barreau, valant à peine d'être mentionner, pas même dans le Chicago Tribune.
As it turned out,
Et en fin de compte, j'aurais pu économiser cet argent.
As it turned out, it didn't matter. Soon after their son was born, she died.
Elle est morte après avoir accouché d'un fils.
As it turned out, one part got to be a big padded cell and the other a mortuary.
Il se constituait en fait d'une immense cellule capitonnée et d'une morgue.
More to yourself perhaps, as it turned out, than to anyone else.
Et peut-être à vous la première.
As it turned out, I left a little sooner than I'd planned.
Je suis parti plus tôt que prévu.
Tonight you tried to make a man little whose boots you couldn't touch... if you stood on tiptoe on top of the highest mountain in the world. And as it turned out... you're even littler than you were before.
Vous avez essayé d'amoindrir un homme, mais vous ne lui arriverez jamais à la cheville, et il s'avère que vous êtes encore plus petit qu'avant.
Well, as it turned out, you seem to have been in some error.
II s'avère que vous vous êtes trompée.
And, as it turned out the audiences of the whole world could have been sitting in that courtroom
En fin de compte, les spectateurs du monde entier auraient pu être dans ce tribunal.
But as it turned out, it wasn't the Captain.
Mais à la fin, ce n'était pas le capitaine.
Correct, and as it turned out, you produced in kenneth a mutation plus.
Exact. Il apparaît que vous avez produit chez Kenneth une mutation plus.
But, as it turned out, she helped herself.
Pour finir, elle n'a pas eu besoin de moi.
As it turned out, he could use me as an alibi.
Je pourrais constituer son alibi.
As it turned out, it was a good thing we arrived when we did.
Il s'est avéré que notre arrivée tomba à point nommé.
As it turned out, his only friend.
Apparemment, son seul ami.
The lucky one, as it turned out.
Finalement, c'est une chance pour lui.
But as it turned out, Warden LeGoff has gone on to a far greater reward.
Mais... finalement, le directeur a eu un autre type de recompense.
Too-too, too-too-too... As it turned out Our chance meeting with the reverend arthur belling
Au final, il s'avéra que la rencontre avec le révérend Arthur Belling allait changer le cours de notre vie.
As it turned out, however, they put a cap on my story, prevented me from writing about what I had seen with my own eyes by hanging a murder rap over my head,
Cependant, ils ont mis un voile sur mon histoire m'empêchant d'écrire sur ce que j'avais vu de mes propres yeux en me faisant endosser un meurtre.
Can you say anything about the, um - the deal that you've managed to do with the book? I mean, is it - h-has it turned out as well as you'd expected?
Pouvez-vous dire si le marché conclu vous satisfait...
Because well, as it turned out she was already dying and in great pain.
Elle s'est suicidée... Elle était incurable.
I was going to make some excuse to vittorio. As it turned out, I didn't have to.
Je voulais lui présenter mes excuses mais je n'ai pas eu à le faire.
But not as late as it turned out.
Pas autant de retard.
But, as it turned out, I was wrong.
Mais en réalité, je me trompais.
But as it turned out someone else was keeping track of paradise as well.
Mais il semblait que quelqu'un d'autre faisait aussi la même chose que lui.
As it turned out, her description of the car was real close.
Il s'est avéré que sa description était très précise.
Too cocky, as it turned out.
Trop sûr en fait.
As it turned out, we were the same season.
À l'arrivée, on était de la même saison.
Well, it seems that Mr. Staplin called Mr. Finch at his house, and as it turned out, that call came in just about... two hours before Mr. Staplin died.
Il semblerait que M. Staplin ait appelé M. Finch chez lui et que cet appel soit intervenu 2h avant la mort de M. Staplin.
Anyway, everything's turned out fine as it usually does.
Bref, tout est bien qui finit bien, comme à l'accoutumée.
It all turned out just as you once suspected, Cathy... that I had been kidnapped by wicked sailors and brought to England.
C'était comme vous l'aviez dit, Cathy. J'avais été enlevé par des pirates et ramené en Angleterre.
It would be funny, wouldnt it, if it turned out like I told you. We make just as much money saving a guys life as we would have had for trimming him.
Ce serait marrant si, comme je disais... on gagnait autant à le sauver qu " à le plumer.
I've always done what you wanted, and it's always turned out a disaster.
J'ai toujours fait ce que tu as voulu, et ça a toujours tourné au désastre.
It even turned out there was no such town as Big Falls in Rhode Island.
Il s'est même avéré qu'il n'y a pas de Big Falls à Rhode Island.
It's raining. It started just as I turned out of High street.
Il a commencé à pleuvoir quand je m'engageais dans la grande rue.
But I saw you go out wearing rain boots and it turned out to be a beautiful sunny day
Pourtant, l'autre jour, tu as mis tes bottes de pluie et il a fait un temps splendide.
Un-commercial. Kid still thinks he's writing for Mercury and the group but it turned out to what Uncle Hoff described as "disahster".
Pas commercial. ll croit encore écrire pour l'émission Mercury, mais ça a été ce que tonton Hoff a qualifié de "désastre".
As a matter of fact, although I say it myself, I think I contributed in no small way to what turned out to be a highly successful party.
En fait, je dois avouer que j'ai modestement contribué au succès de ce cocktail.
I planned it all and it's turned out as I hoped it would.
Tout s'est passé tel que je l'avais prévu!
And you trying to lie out of it... telling me you turned yourself in.
Et toi, tu as menti... en me disant que tu t'étais rendu.
I was just sitting here thinking, as a matter of fact, you know nothing really has turned out the way I thought it would.
J'étais justement là, à me dire que rien ne s'est passé comme je l'espérais.
Yes, it all started as a mild curiosity in a junkyard and now its turned out to be quite a, quite a great spirit of adventure, don't you think?
Oui, tout a commencé par une légère curiosité dans un dépotoir, et tend à se transformer complètement en un grand esprit d'aventure, qu'en pensez-vous?
As it happens, everything has turned out very well.
Ne vous blâmez pas, Barbara. En réalité, tout s'est arrangé pour le mieux.
As fate would have it, he turned out to be a jeweller.
Le destin a voulu qu'elle rencontre un bijoutier.
Besides... it turned out that you're not as fearful as I thought.
De plus, vous n'êtes pas aussi effrayant que je le pensais.
[Kolchak Narrating] It turned out that Los Angeles has nearly as many real estate offices... as it has traffic jams.
Il s'avérait qu'il y avait à Los Angeles presque autant de bureaux immobiliers... que de bouchons.
Even the central part, which is easier reading, would lend itself to being read as performance difficulty, amateurish, an improvisation, it turned out to be, instead, I'd say, well, how can I say...
Même la partie centrale qui est ostensiblement plus facile à lire, mériterait d'être lue en y intégrant une difficulté de jeu, du dilettantisme, de l'improvisation. Alors qu'à l'inverse, ce que j'ai vu, comment vous dire...
First I thought it was a diversion, but it turned out to be at exactly the same end of the barn as Arabella Hill.
J'ai cru à une diversion, mais c'était à côté du box d'Arabella Hill.
A harmless tradesman as it turned out.
un commis voyageur pourtant inoffensif.
I had to fiind out... to get as close to him as I could... even if it turned into a shit-bad night. ( Woman ) Hey, buddy, how's it going?
Je voulais en avoir le cœur net, pour être plus proche de lui, quitte à passer une sale soirée.
Nice bit of work, this. But as I was telling Miss Giles, had it not been for the timely arrival of Scotland Yard, I doubt things would have turned out so well.
Quel beau travail M.Holmes, mais comme je le disais à Mlle Giles, sans Scotland Yard, le résultat eût été différent.
as it was 32
as it is 114
as it happens 259
as it were 352
as it is in heaven 21
as it goes 32
as it turns out 330
as it stands 27
as it should be 53
as it so happens 16
as it is 114
as it happens 259
as it were 352
as it is in heaven 21
as it goes 32
as it turns out 330
as it stands 27
as it should be 53
as it so happens 16