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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ B ] / Bama

Bama tradutor Francês

137 parallel translation
Bull,'Bama, take those two.
Bull,'Bama, prenez ces deux-là.
'Bama State.
Au football.
Um, I'm Bama Dillert.
Je suis Bama Dillert.
- Your deal, Bama.
- C'est bon. - À toi, Bama.
Tell me something, Bama. How'd an old pro like you find your way to a hole like this? Me?
Dis-moi, comment un vieux pro comme toi a pu finir ici?
This is Bama Dillert, and this here is Rosalie. Hi. Ginnie.
Pardon, voici Bama Dillert et Rosalie.
- Bama, don't you think it's sad?
Tu trouves pas?
- Bama's my uncle. - She is too his niece.
Bama est mon oncle.
Now, look, I just went away with Bama because you kept ignoring me.
Je suis parti avec Bama car tu m'ignorais.
Bama, guess what.
No, we really are, Bama.
C'est vrai.
Bama, you got no right to say that.
T'as pas le droit de dire ça.
- Bama, please, he wants to marry me. - You got no right...
Il le veut, t'as pas le droit...
Bama, please don't spoil it for me.
Je t'en prie, gâche pas tout.
- Please, Bama, it'd just kill me.
Ça me ferait trop mal.
Bama should have been here.
Bama aurait dû venir.
Bama, what are you doing here?
Que fais-tu là?
Bama McCall.
Bama McCall.
What makes you think I'm gonna help you nail Bama McCall?
Pourquoi vous aiderais-je à épingler Bama McCall?
I wish you'd go back there and tell Mr. Donahue... that Bama McCall is out here about the insurance.
Va dire à M. Donahue que Bama McCall est là, c'est au sujet de l'assurance.
Bama McCall. Insurance. I can remember that.
Bama McCall, problème d'assurance, je m'en souviendrai.
- Yeah. My name is Bama McCall.
- Je m'appelle Bama McCall.
Look at this. I'm riding with a nut named Gator, looking for a putz named Bama!
Je me balade avec un taré nommé Gator pour coincer un salaud nommé Bama.
- Hi, Bama!
- Bonjour, Bama.
- Mr. Bama.
- Bonjour, M. Bama.
- Where is Bama?
- Où est Bama?
Is Bama around?
Bama est par là?
There's money, and then there's money, Bama.
Oui, mais il y a différentes sortes de fric.
Bama likes it that way.
C'est l'idée de Bama.
Bama, I want to talk to you a minute, okay?
Je peux te parler, une minute?
I've seen your operation.
J'ai vu ta manière d'opérer, Bama.
You can get me a private phone... or does Bama McCall have Southern Bell locked up, too?
Je voudrais un téléphone. A moins que Bama McCall règne aussi sur la Cie téléphonique?
I want to talk to Bama McCall.
- M. Bama McCall, je vous prie.
I mean, as far as I know, the worst thing that happened was a busted jaw that my brother, James, gave one of those Bama boys ones that messed up my papa's truck.
De ce que je sais, la pire chose qui soit arrivée, c'est que mon frère a cassé la mâchoire d'un des types qui ont abîmé le camion de papa.
Looks like we got a clear shot all the way to the'Bama state line.
La route semble dégagée jusqu'à l'Alabama.
What's happened, Bama?
Que se passe-t-il, Bama?
In fact, I was going to ask your country-bama ass why you got them drip-drip chemicals in your hair.
En fait, j'allais demander à ton cul de bouseux... pourquoi tu mets ce goutte-à-goutte chimique dans tes cheveux.
Hey, Stan. You're in Ala-fuckin'- bama.
Vous êtes en Alabama de merde!
I haven't seen Bama in over a year and a half.
Je l'ai pas vue depuis un an et demi.
And what do we say? - Go,'Bama!
- Et que dit-on?
- Go,'Bama! - Roll tide! - Roll tide!
- Allez, bama!
Home opener against'Bama.
Au coup d'envoi contre l'Alabama.
Damn! Dumb'bama motherfucker.
Pauvre con de péquenot.
Until the three - one of the three bama motherfuckers stepped on my toe.
un connard me marche sur les pieds.
Did four years in'Bama, six in Huntsville... and three more in Florida.
Il a fait 4 ans en Alabama, 6 à Huntsville et 3 en Floride.
Show me, son! Show me,'Bama!
Faites vos preuves!
Show me,'Bama!
He never told me that his partner was a blind'Bama boy.
Il aurait dû me dire que t'étais un sudiste aveugle.
Hello, Bama.
Bonsoir, Bama.
Hi, Bama.
- Bonjour, Bama.

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