Because if i do tradutor Francês
908 parallel translation
Si je m'endors, je ne me réveillerai jamais.
Ah Grandma, do you mind if I read that? Yes, yes. Because of my eyesight, even if I read it, I wouldn't know what it was about.
ça vous dérange si je la lis? je ne sais pas de quoi il s'agissait.
Should we change that precious promise with viewers just because the rating is bad, or because its commercial value is bad or not, as if we turn our palm over? Well, as far as I know, you submitted your resignation and left our company, so do you think you have the right to come here?
Devrions-nous changer cette promesse juste pour un mauvais taux d'audience ou parce que la valeur commerciale est mauvaise? Alors pensez-vous avoir le droit de venir ici?
If I do not hit you on the head, it's because the top hat is mine.
Je ne te casse pas la figure car le gibus est à bibi!
Do it then, because if my child goes on crying, I'll set fire to this place.
Dépêchez-vous parce que si ma petite continue à pleurer, je fous le feu à votre baraque!
If you are guilty the very last thing to do would be to throw you in prison because I'd put you out of suspense.
Je ne vous jetterais pas en prison. Vous ne seriez plus angoissé.
- Because if you do, I'll ruin him.
- Si vous le faites, je le ruinerai.
All I want you to do is to promise me that you won't tell anyone... because if you do... it won't do me any good.
Si vous en parlez, ça ne me servira à rien. Ça ne vous servira à rien?
Because if there's anything that I can do to help you... just let me know, and I'll do it.
Si je peux faire quelque chose pour vous aider, vous n'avez qu'à me le demander.
If I ask you to do it because you love me?
Fais-le par amour pour moi!
Because if you do, I'll break a couple of your bones, if you've got any.
Sinon, je vous briserai quelques os, si vous en avez.
Them and their ma's all the time bawling me out because they ain't got nothing to eat, as if I had anything to do with it.
Leur mère et eux braillent sans arrêt parce qu'ils n'ont rien à manger. Comme si c'était ma faute.
But do not seek him out, because if you do, I'll know I've made a mistake.
Mais ne le cherchez pas. Sinon, je saurai que je me suis trompé.
Because if you ever suspected me, I do not know what I would do... I really don't...
Parce que si tu me soupçonnais, je ne sais pas ce que je ferais...
Let me tell you something. If you do stay there's going to be a lot of hard work, because I've got ideas for this place.
Bon, si tu restes... n'oublie pas que le travail ne manque pas par ici.
I mean because you didn't commit suicide, but if you didn't, why do you haunt?
Contente que vous ne vous soyez pas suicidé. Mais, pourquoi hanter cette maison?
They told me one day, they said if anything happen to them I mustn't be unhappy because they were doing what they wanted to do...
Un jour, ils m'ont dit que s'il leur arrivait quelque chose, je ne devrais pas être triste parce qu'ils faisaient ce qu'ils voulaient faire, et que si...
If in telling you about Larry I talk quite a bit about myself, it's because there hasn't been a day in my life that didn't have something to do with Larry Hart.
En vous parlant de Larry, je parlerai beaucoup de moi-même. Parce que ma vie a êtê intimement liée à la sienne.
I do, because I'd cling if I had to kill to do it.
Moi aussi, je me cramponnerai, même si je dois vous tuer.
If he asked me to do a favor, the only reason I'd do it is because I don't wanna lose my job.
Je ne lui rendrais service que pour garder mon travail.
- If I do, it's because I mean them. With all my heart.
Crois-moi, ces paroles viennent du coeur.
All that, because I want you to do what I say even if it's picking up my hat when I tell you to
Tout ça pour que vous fassiez ce que je dis, même s'il s'agit de ramasser mon chapeau.
Because no lawyer guarantees what a jury'll do. As I said, if Horace were appointing the Judge...
Bien sûr, si le juge était nommé par Horace.
And if I do, it's only because I love you.
Si je le fais, c'est uniquement dans ton intérêt.
Well, if I do, it's because worrying agrees with me.
Vous semblez en forme. C'est que les soucis me vont bien au teint!
Because I'm letting Noah Ackerman do my fighting for me, if you wanna personalize it.
- Pour citer un nom.
Because I have a sense of responsibility to Delambre Freres, even if you do not,... I'll undertake to supply you with whatever you need.
Me sentant responsable envers Delambre Frères, ce qui n'est pas ton cas, je te donnerai ce dont tu as besoin.
Because maybe I would've thought... That the partnership had something to do with your new-found... If somewhat unwholesome interest in our marriage.
Parce qu'alors, j'aurais pu penser que le partenariat avait à voir avec ta découverte de l'intérêt malsain d'une autre pour notre mariage.
And I know I'd get more customers if I dressed more provocatively, but I don't do it because I don't like to wear such clothes.
Et je sais que j'aurais plus de clients, si je portais des tenues plus provocantes. Mais je ne le fais pas, car je n'aime pas m'habiller comme ça.
I do hope so, Kitty, because if you ever meet a more shameless man I might lose you to him.
Je l'espère, car si tu venais à en rencontrer un plus effronté, tu pourrais le préférer à moi.
In that case, I want nothing to do with it... because if they ever find out in Moscow...
Je ne veux pas me mouiller. Si Moscou apprenait... - Il a raison.
- How do you know? - Because I'd cry if she died.
Si elle mourait, je pleurerais.
If I take this cart and I turn it over, it's because I want to! I want to, and I do it!
Si je prends cette charrette et que je la renverse, c'est parce que ça me plaît de le faire!
Because my leg is only bad if I walk too much... and I thought maybe you could do the walking and I could do the drinking.
Ma jambe me fait seulement mal quand je marche un peu trop... vous pourriez vous charger du parcours, et moi de la boisson.
But if you advise me to do it, then I will, because I can always resign at the last minute.
Mais si vous pensez que je peux bien faire, alors je le ferai. Je pourrai démissionner au dernier moment.
Mr. Cavor... if you would... kindly tell me what it is you're trying to do, in a simple language... because I'm not a scientist.
M. Cavor... Pourriez-vous... me dire ce que vous tentez de faire dans un langage simple... car je ne suis pas un scientifique.
If I do, it'll be because of this.
Cette arme sera ma meilleure protection.
Even if she was a goblin, I can't do it... because she is disgused as my mother.
Même si c'est un démon, je serai incapable de le tuer tant qu'il aura le visage de ma mère.
Because if I have to look like an idiot, I'd rather do it in the dark.
Si je dois passer pour un idiot, autant le faire dans le noir!
If I catch a man robbing my house do I let him go just because he got to the sidewalk?
Si un homme me cambriole... et se sauve, ne puis-je l'attraper dans la rue?
Because if you wanted me as a woman, you would feel as I do now.
Parce que si tu désirais la femme que je suis, tu te sentirais comme moi.
If you carried that bag a million miles... you did what you were supposed to do... because you brought me into this world... and from that day you owed me... everything you could ever do for me, like I will owe my son... if I ever have another.
Si tu avais porté ce sac un million de kilomètres... tu aurais fait ce que tu étais censé faire... parce que tu m'as amené en ce monde... et depuis ce jour, tu me devais... tout ce que tu pouvais faire pour moi, comme je le devrai à mon fils... si j'en ai un autre, un jour.
Don't make me choose between you because if you do, I'm gonna choose Willie.
Ne me demande pas de choisir, parce que je choisirai Willie.
! Because if it is, I'm gonna tell you what you can do with your ultimatum!
Parce que si c'en est un... je vais te dire ce que tu peux en faire de ton ultimatum.
I ring. You do not open because you will act as if you had slipped in the bathtub.
Je sonnerai tu ne m'ouvriras pas parce que tu feras comme si tu avais glissé dans la baignoire.
Of course, I may bring a boyfriend home occasionally, but only occasionally because I do think that one ought to go to the man's room if one can.
Parfois, je ramène un ami. Rarement parce qu'à mon avis, La fille doit aller chez l'homme :
If I seem less than enchanted with all of you... it's only because I do not like the way you led my son... the horse's ass, into the path of lawlessness.
Si je suis moins que content de vous, c'est que je n'aime pas la façon dont vous avez conduit mon trou du cul de fils sur le chemin de l'illégalité.
If that's all I'm supposed to do they gonna have to kill me, because that ain't enough.
Dans ce cas ils n'ont qu'à me descendre.
Number two, even if I do have it, it has nothing to do with Karl Lessing because I never touched that vial.
Deuxièmement, même si c'était le cas, ça n'a rien à voir avec Karl Lessing car je n'ai jamais touché cette fiole.
Don't break my glasses. Because I won't be able to see anything if you do.
Casse pas mes lunettes, je veux pouvoir voir tout ce que tu me fais.
And if you see a man anywhere, send him in because I do need a man.
Et si tu vois un homme quelque part, envoie-le car j'ai besoin d'un homme.
because if i don't 22
because if you don't 161
because if 20
because if not 42
because if you do 92
because if you're not 18
because if we don't 23
because if you are 57
because if it is 53
because if you did 49
because if you don't 161
because if 20
because if not 42
because if you do 92
because if you're not 18
because if we don't 23
because if you are 57
because if it is 53
because if you did 49
because if so 25
if i do 197
if i do say so myself 43
if i don't 193
if i don't make it 42
if i don't go 27
if i don't come back 30
if i don't do this 17
if i do this 100
if i do it 24
if i do 197
if i do say so myself 43
if i don't 193
if i don't make it 42
if i don't go 27
if i don't come back 30
if i don't do this 17
if i do this 100
if i do it 24
if i do that 55
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i don 542
i do 17590
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i don't know 71756
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i don 542
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i don't speak russian 17
i don't know 71756
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i don't 12020
i don't understand what you mean 21
i don't give a shit 400
i don't care what happens to me 20
i don't care anymore 101
i don't know what you mean 438
i don't mind 890
i don't care what you think 60
i don't remember 1361
i don't think so either 27
i don't understand what you mean 21
i don't give a shit 400
i don't care what happens to me 20
i don't care anymore 101
i don't know what you mean 438
i don't mind 890
i don't care what you think 60
i don't remember 1361
i don't think so either 27