Believe that tradutor Francês
36,588 parallel translation
I strongly believe that men like Daniel Cullen and Peter Lewis belong in 5-foot by 8-foot cells where they can live out their lives as failures, instead of dying thinking that they accomplished something.
Je crois fermement que des hommes comme Daniel Cullen et Peter Lewis ont leur place dans de petites cellules où ils peuvent vivre leurs vies comme des ratés, au lieu de mourir en pensant avoir accompli quelque chose.
- To... 0 you have such a big kuk and I believe that you are bad.
Parce que tu as une bite énorme et je pense que tu es fou.
Yes, I believe that.
Oui, je crois.
I believe that work with all these women get him to come closer to me. he gives me even more.
Et je crois que toutes ces femmes avec qui il travaille me poussent à être davantage moi-même et à me donner encore plus.
I believe that everyone wants to see a new Kelly Rocco movie.
Tout le monde aimerait voir un nouveau film de vous deux.
Because I did not believe that all white people were devils, and I did not want young black people to believe that.
Parce que je ne croyais pas que tous les Blancs étaient des diables, et je ne voulais pas que les jeunes noirs ne croient ça non plus.
I was raised to believe that the eldest was supposed to be a model for the younger, and was, of course, expected to die first.
J'ai été élevé à croire que l'aîné était censé être un modèle pour les plus jeunes, et était, bien sûr, destiné à mourir en premier.
I still believe that we can do with this country something that has not been done before.
Je crois toujours que nous pouvons faire, dans ce pays, quelque chose qui n'a jamais été fait auparavant.
I am forced to believe that we can survive whatever we must survive.
Je suis forcé de croire que nous pouvons supporter tout ce que nous avons à supporter.
That is, if you indeed believe that your time holds any value.
Autrement dis, tu pense en effet, que ton temps détient toute valeur.
Actually, I did believe that.
En fait, J'y croyais.
You honestly believe that I'm capable of murder?
Tu crois vraiment que je pourrais tuer?
I can see how it's easier to believe that.
Je comprends pourquoi il est plus facile de croire ça.
I believe that cute blonde is interested in earbuds.
Je crois que cette jolie blonde est intéressée par des écouteurs.
The Telothians would have you believe that you are weak, you are made of nothing, that there is nothing worth fighting for because you have already lost.
Les Telothians veulent vous faire croire que vous êtes faibles, que vous n'êtes rien, que rien ne vaut la peine de se battre, car vous avez déjà perdu.
You know, we here at Netflix believe that... you know, basically, the motto is...
Chez Netflix, on pense que... La devise est...
I believe that far from being the weak link in the chain, human ingenuity, and the human psyche is gonna be the strongest link in the chain.
Je pense que loin d'être le maillon faible, l'ingéniosité humaine et le psyché humain seront justement le maillon fort.
I was actually starting to believe that you cared about this case, but the only thing that you care about is putting it to bed as quickly as possible.
Je commençais à croire que vous vous souciez de cette affaire, Mais la seule chose dont vous ne vous souciez c'est de vous en débarrasser le plus vite possible.
- But I believe that Leonard Bailey is innocent, and I'm going to make sure that he gets the fair trial that he never had.
Mais je pense Leonard Bailey innocent, je ferai tout pour qu'il ait enfin un procès équitable.
We believe that he's driving a truck, van, or an RV.
On croit qu'il conduit un camion, un van ou un camping-car.
You better believe that I hate the people that took this girl and raped her brutally. - You better believe it.
Évidemment que je hais les individus qui ont violé sauvagement cette femme.
So you have then educated a public, deliberately, over years, over decades, to believe that black men in particular, and black people in general, are criminals.
Pendant des années, on a cherché à faire croire aux gens que la population noire, les hommes en particulier, étaient des criminels.
I mean, no one in their right mind could ever believe that the Black Panthers were gonna bring down the greatest military force in the history of the world.
Il fallait être fou pour croire que les Black Panthers pourraient faire tomber la plus grande force militaire du monde.
I couldn't believe that we would even have such an architectural design in our country.
Je n'arrivais pas à croire qu'un tel endroit existait dans notre pays.
I believe that's the situation, but I prefer to tell myself he's out for a stroll.
C'est ce qu'il me semble, mais je préfère penser qu'il se ballade.
I can't even believe you seen that.
Je ne peux pas croire que tu aies vu ça.
Listen, Scott, I want to believe that.
I don't actually believe that that's what life is like.
Maisje ne crois plus é cette narration.
I just couldn't believe it when I saw it because, it's a painting that he did when he was how old?
Je flarfwals pas é y ermine.
Believe me that I have been 25 years with this guy.
Crois-moi, ça fait 25 ans que je le suis.
By handing all of Quebec's water over to private interests, we're ensuring that it will be well taken care of, because private companies will have no interest in wasting it, as it will be worth a whole lot, believe me.
En cédant l'eau pure de tout le Québec à des intérêts privés, le Québec s'assure qu'il y sera fait très attention, car les entreprises privées n'ont aucun intérêt à la gaspiller, car elle vaudra très cher, croyez-moi.
They don't want to believe, still less to act on the belief, that what is happening in Birmingham is happening all over the country.
Ils ne veulent pas croire, et encore moins agir en conséquence, que ce qui se passe à Birmingham se passe partout dans le pays.
" I don't believe in the wagons that bring bread to humanity.
" Je ne fais pas confiance aux chariots qui apportent du pain à l'humanité.
We believe this virus is the biological weapon that you were sent to Italy to recover three months ago.
On pense que ce virus est l'arme biologique que vous deviez récupérer en Italie il y a trois mois.
Because you're a bad guy, I'm gonna reserve my right not to believe anything that you say.
Vu que tu es méchant, je me réserve le droit de ne pas croire ce que tu dis.
Could you believe all that stuff?
Tu arrives à croire tout ça?
Is that so hard to believe?
C'est dur à croire?
I believe they call that "shwarma".
Je crois que ça s'appelle "shwarma".
[shouts in pain ] [ all] Huh? I can't believe that actually worked!
Incroyable, ça a marché.
- Is that what you believe?
- Tu crois ça? Évidemment.
If that's really what you believe, why are you only saying it now?
Si c'est vraiment ce que tu crois, pourquoi le dire que maintenant?
And believe you me, you do not want to be on that stand lying to a jury and have to face me.
Et croyez-moi, vous ne voulez pas être à la barre, et mentir au jury en m'ayant en face.
I want to be clear, because I'm not just saying that white people believe this, right?
Je veux être clair. Je ne dis pas que seuls les Blancs le croient.
I think that's one thing as conservatives, who believe in the free market and limited government, we pride ourselves on.
En tant que défenseurs du libre-échange et d'un gouvernement limité, c'est notre fierté.
I need Tara to believe that it's my house, which means...
J'ai besoin que Tara pense que c'est ma maison, ce qui veut dire pas de cadenas sur la porte, pas de panneau à vendre dans le jardin, et pas d'effets personnels dans la maison,
But I believe in my heart that Leonard Bailey is innocent.
Mais je crois, en mon coeur, que Leonard Bailey est innocent.
Well, maybe if she could see that two women like us believe in you, then she'll be able to believe in you, too.
Si elle pouvait voir que deux avocates croient en vous, elle pourrait y croire aussi.
Find that hard to believe.
J'ai du mal à le croire.
I didn't believe any of it until that moment.
Je n'y croyais pas jusqu'à cet instant.
Lee insisted that no one would believe our story.
Lee était persuadée que personne ne croirait en notre histoire.
At that point, I didn't know what to believe.
À ce stade, je ne savais que croire.
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that's awesome 830
that all started with a big bang 89
that's good to hear 161
that's cool 1334
that's great work 19
that'll be it 25
that's my best friend 28
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that's awesome 830
that all started with a big bang 89
that's good to hear 161
that's cool 1334
that's great work 19
that'll be it 25
that's my best friend 28
that's my sister 96
that's good to know 269
that doesn't seem fair 27
that's for sure 889
that's my baby 48
that's me 2273
that is 2872
that's my man 51
that's my line 54
that is so lame 16
that's good to know 269
that doesn't seem fair 27
that's for sure 889
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that's me 2273
that is 2872
that's my man 51
that's my line 54
that is so lame 16