But that's all tradutor Francês
6,673 parallel translation
I don't have children, so you may think it's horrible for me to say that, and maybe it is, but it's also a fact that of all the millions of Americans who will be watching and listening to
Je n'ai pas d'enfant, Donc vous allez penser que c'est horrible de ma part de vous dire ça, et peut-être que ça l'est, mais c'est aussi un fait que tous les millions d'Américains qui vont regarder et écouter le discours sur l'état de l'Union ce soir,
Uh, but that's all crap, right?
Mais ça craint, non?
I'll apologise now for the speed and for stepping on Sophie's toes but, er, I've just had the PM on the line and he wants to make sure that we're all on song.
Je m'excuse pour la précipitation et parce que je marche sur les orteils de Sophie mais, je viens juste d'avoir le Premier Ministre au téléphone et il veut s'assurer que nous soyons tous sur la même longueur d'onde.
I know that it's probably awful lots of the time, all the lateness and the patting and the particularities but I'm not blind, like, I see... I see what you do.
Je sais que c'est sûrement souvent terrible, tout les retards, et les tapotements et les particularités mais je suis pas aveugle, genre, je vois...
And you won't know who it is, because you don't have the context for that. But it's just a page, where it's lists and lists of drone feeds in all these different countries, under all these different code names, and you can just click on which one you want to see.
On ne sait pas qui vit là parce qu'on n'a aucun contexte, mais il y a des pages entières de liens vers des vidéos de drones dans différents pays avec toutes sortes de noms de code.
And I get that you don't want to hurt his feelings, but if that's all it is, then-then we can be discreet.
Et je peux comprendre que tu ne veuilles pas le blesser, Mais si c'est juste ça, alors nous pouvons être discret.
You had a nice moment on the road with a stranger, but that's all he was, a stranger.
Tu as passé un bon moment sur la route avec un étranger. Mais c'est tout ce qu'il était, un étranger.
Yeah, you told me all about how Anna's love saved you, and that's great, but guess what.
Oui, tu m'as dit comment l'amour d'Anna t'a sauvé. et c'est bien, mais devines.
And if wearing a camera proves to be some kind of magic bullet in getting everyone to trust our cops, I'm all for it, but I haven't seen that.
Et si porter une caméra s'avère être une sorte de solution miracle pour que tout le monde ait confiance en nos flics, je serai pour, mais je ne vois pas ça.
- But he's not that man, all right?
Il est parti.
All right, Hansen targets Nathan Wagner on that tour bus, but right before she can get what she wants, there's a stickup.
Ok, Hansen prend pour cible Nathan Wagner pendant cette visite en bus, mais juste avant qu'elle puisse obtenir ce qu'elle veut, il y a un braquage.
I know I'm a lost cause, miss Pope, but if there's any part of you, any part of you at all that believes that I'm telling you the truth, you'll help me.
Je sais que je suis une cause perdue, mais s'il y a une petite part de vous, une toute petite part qui croit que je dis la vérité, vous m'aiderez.
We were all frozen, but now that your sister's spell has worn off, no will will argue with a new benevolent leader such as myself.
Nous étions tous gelés, mais maintenant que le sortilège de ta soeur a disparu, personne ne se disputera avec un nouveau leader bienveillant comme moi.
She's has made it all but impossible for us to prove that he is behind the killing.
À cause d'elle, il nous est impossible de prouver qu'il est derrière le meurtre.
Um... Dylan, this has been fun, but it's not going to break my heart if this evening's all that it is.
Ça a été sympa, mais ça ne me brisera pas le coeur si on en reste là.
But that's what all this was about - getting there, going home.
Mais c'était le but de tout ça, être là, rentrez chez nous.
I know there's nothing I could do or no big gesture that can make up for all my mistakes, but that doesn't mean I'm gonna stop trying to win you back, because... I love you.
Je peux rien faire pour racheter toutes mes erreurs, mais ça m'empêchera pas d'essayer de regagner ton coeur, parce que... je t'aime.
This is my hometown, and I hate to say it, but there's no use risking all our lives to fight that giant thing. Let her take the city for now.
C'est ma ville, donc ça m'enchante pas, mais à quoi bon risquer nos vies face à ce monstre?
- What should we do? This is my hometown, and I hate to say it, but there's no use risking all our lives to fight that giant thing. Let her take the city for now.
Que fait-on? mais à quoi bon risquer nos vies face à ce monstre?
I will explain all of my adventures in that flannel hellscape, but first, there's someone I got to go see.
Je vais t'expliquer toutes mes aventures dans cet enfer de flanelle, mais d'abord, je dois voir quelqu'un.
Don't like each other at all, and that's what you're supposed And that's what you're supposed to do, but these two hugging and
Mais ces deux-là, tout le temps collés, c'est dangereux.
You know, I could talk baseball all night long, but I got a sneaking suspicion that's not why you're here, so what's going on?
Tu vois, je pourrais parler de baseball toute la nuit, mais j'ai un vague pressentiment que ce n'est pas ce pourquoi tu es ici, alors qu'est-ce qui se passe?
He was conscious at the scene, but that's all they would tell me.
Il était conscient quand ils l'ont trouvé, c'est tout ce qu'ils m'ont dit.
All right, well, I don't know if that's what this is, but someone deposited $ 50,000 into your bank account 40 minutes ago.
Je ne sais pas si c'est ça, mais quelqu'un a déposé 50000 $ sur ton compte en banque il y a 40 minutes.
I know civil cases are not your bag, but it's all that's left.
La partie civile est la seule place qui reste.
This party's great, but all I wish is that I was drinking a beer with my kids right now.
Cette fête est cool, mais tous ce que je souhaite c'est d'être en train de boire une bière avec mes enfants en ce moment.
But she said I could hang out all day tomorrow and I can come Over all the time now that it's summer vacation.
Mais elle a dit que je pourrais venir demain et je peux venir tout le temps maintenant que ce sont les vacances d'été.
And the only person who could do that is, I don't know, Dr. Reed, but he's all the way at work.
Et la seule personne qui puisse faire ça c'est, je sais, le docteur Reed mais il est tout le temps au boulot.
He's flattered, but the small-time success of Covercraft is all that any of us have ever wanted.
Il est flatté mais le court succès de Covercraft, c'est tout ce qu'on a toujours voulu.
Walter, you know, the military's only gonna get you a 20 square mile radius on the location of that jet, but if I have all the specs,
Walter, tu sais, l'armée ne te donnera qu'un rayon de 50 kilomètres carrés de l'endroit où se trouve le jet, mais si j'ai toutes les spécificités, je peux t'avoir une localisation de cet avion
I've gone through everything That she's said on the record But there's no mention of west angola at all.
J'ai tout écouté ce qu'elle a dit durant les dernières 24 heures, mais absolument aucune mention du West Angola..
I thought that's what rehearsals were all about.
Je pensais que c'était le but des répétitions.
We are still awaiting the initial test results, but hopefully, we'll hear soon that it's all harmless and we can all go home soon.
Nous sommes toujours en attente des résultats du test, mais avec chance, nous saurons bientôt que c'est totalement inoffensif et nous pourrons tous rentrer chez nous!
When we were both at NSA, we'd debrief every night after work- - but now that he's restricted from telling me anything, all I can do is talk about what we do every day.
Quand nous étions tout deux à la NSA, on faisait des briefings toutes les nuits après le travail mais maintenant qu'il lui est interdit de me dire quoique ce soit, tout ce dont je peux parler c'est de ce que l'on fait tout les jours.
But that's not all.
Mais ce n'est pas tout.
Your memory's probably a little fuzzy right now, so you might be thinking that your magic will protect you, but all I have to do is hold your hand, and your magic suddenly becomes mine.
Tes souvenirs doivent être un peu flous pour l'instant, donc tu dois croire que ta magie te protégera, mais tout ce que j'ai à faire est de prendre ta main pour m'emparer de ta magie.
Look, I've been all over the place about her, and I'm still not thrilled that she's with her husband, but... I like her.
Ecoutez, je suis allé partout pour elle, et je ne suis pas enchanté qu'elle soit avec son mari mais je l'apprécie.
I mean, we want to make it about-about crime on the streets and all that, but it's... it's not about things, it's about, um... e-everything.
On veut que ça tourne autour de la criminalité et tout le reste, mais il... il ne s'agit pas de ça, il s'agit de... tout.
It's not much, but it's all he's got, and I wouldn't take that away from him,'cause he may never forgive you if you do.
C'est pas grand chose, mais c'est tout ce qu'il a, et je lui enlèverai pas ça, parce qu'il ne pourrait ne jamais vous le pardonner si vous le faisiez.
It's all there, to the second, but what does that have to do...
Tout est indiqué à la seconde près, mais quel rapport...
That's all well and good, but you were supposed - to get directions.
mais tu étais censé demander ton chemin.
But that's because Greg threw all our money away.
Mais c'est juste parce que Greg a jeté tout notre argent!
Yes. They'll leave it a few weeks but they'll be back That's what they all do
Il va se faire oublier et il reviendra, ils font tous ça.
But like all things on the fly... I'm betting that there's something that she missed.
Et comme toutes choses à la volée je parie qu'il y a quelque chose qu'elle a loupé.
Okay, laugh all you want, but that's not what makes me father of the year, this is.
Riez autant que vous voulez, mais c'est pas ce qui fait de moi le père de l'année, ça si.
But there's no way that Turner could free Peña all on his own.
Mais c'est pas possible que Turner est libéré Peña tout seul.
But if Sherlock was right, if the robbery at the library really was all about the Bray map, and if that's what this is about, then why would Zupko's killer leave the map behind?
Si Sherlock avait raison, que le cambriolage de la bibliothèque visait la carte des Bray, pourquoi le meurtrier de Zupko l'a laissée ici?
but that just makes him sound like he's sick. All right, before we make a deal with this evil monster, can I just ask something?
Ok, on a des jumelles, un appareil photo, des lunettes à vision nocturne, un ordinateur, et... un jeu de mini-basket.
But in the end, we have to have faith that it's all happening for the best.
A la fin, nous devons avoir la foi et penser que tout arrive pour le mieux.
♪ But come on, what's up with all that?
♪ But come on, what s up with all that? ♪
All right, but I think you should know that Candace's brother is a lawyer, and he says I have rights.
Très bien, mais je pense que tu devrais savoir que le frère de Candace est un avocat, et il a dit que j'avais des droits.
but that's all right 42
but that's all i know 24
but that's not you 16
but that's beside the point 34
but that's okay 199
but that's not the problem 16
but that's the thing 39
but that's not why i'm here 50
but that's not the point 136
but that's not true 78
but that's all i know 24
but that's not you 16
but that's beside the point 34
but that's okay 199
but that's not the problem 16
but that's the thing 39
but that's not why i'm here 50
but that's not the point 136
but that's not true 78
but that's normal 26
but that's not all 68
but that's the way it is 43
but that's impossible 149
but that's not me 25
but that's just it 35
but that's not gonna happen 26
but that's good 38
but that's not it 42
but that's how it is 31
but that's not all 68
but that's the way it is 43
but that's impossible 149
but that's not me 25
but that's just it 35
but that's not gonna happen 26
but that's good 38
but that's not it 42
but that's how it is 31