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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ D ] / Don't do this again

Don't do this again tradutor Francês

207 parallel translation
I don't want to do this again.
Je ne veux plus le faire de nouveau.
You watch it, Petterson! Don't do this again!
Mais attention, ne le répétez à personne!
Don't mention this to me again, do you understand?
N'en parlons plus!
I beg your pardon that's better. don't do it again once in Edo, we'll have a party no, I'm through with saké because of this stink I'm ashamed.
J'ai honte.
Don't you ever again go over my head to Dev about anything to do with this clinic!
Ne parle plus jamais de la clinique avec Dev sans ma permission!
I don't want to do this again
J'ai envie d'arrêter.
Then don't ever do this to us again.
- Alors, ne nous fais plus ça.
Don't let's do this again.
- Chéri, ne recommençons pas.
All right, I'll let you off this time but don't do it again, boy-o.
C'est bon pour cette fois.
Please, please, don't do this to me. I can't be alone again. I can't.
Je t'en supplie, je ne veux pas me retrouver seul!
And don't do this ever again.
Rappelle-toi, c'est la dernière fois!
- Don't do this to me again Rocky!
- Ne me refais pas çà Rocky!
Don't ever do nothin like this again.
Ne recommencez jamais ça.
Don't do this again.
Ne recommencez plus.
I want you to try again. This time, I don't know if I can do it again.
Je ne sais pas... si j'y arriverai...
- Don't ever do this again.
- Ne refais plus jamais ça.
All very interesting. Could do that again, but in this damned weather. I don't know.
Pas mal, pourquoi ne pas s'y remettre, mais par ce temps de cochon...
Don't ever do this again, Elliott!
Ne me fais plus jamais ça!
This is uncanny, I don't know how you do it, but you're right again.
C'est hallucinant... Vous avez encore raison!
I don't ever want to do this again.
Plus jamais ça.
All I want to do is rest and enjoy the fact that we don't have to go through this again until next year.
Tout ce que je veux faire, c'est me reposer et profiter du fait qu'on ne devra pas remettre ça avant l'année prochaine.
Don't ever do this again!
Ne me refais jamais ça!
about all this ; I want to be like you, and then again I don't. Do all of you on the island act like this?
et je voudrais être, comme toi, et à nouveau ne le voudrais pas.
I really don't think I can do this again so soon.
Je ne crois pas pouvoir recommencer tout de suite.
Maybe you can fool these guys with this saint act, but do not ever speak to me again like we don't know what really happened.
Tu peux les baiser avec tes airs de sainte, mais toutes les deux, on sait ce qui s'est passé!
Don't do this to me again, Joey.
Ne me refais pas ça, Joey.
Now, this is painful, and I don't like doing this, but if we're all going to do our jobs, I've got to bring this up again.
Je n'aime pas faire une chose aussi douloureuse mais j'ai le devoir de le rappeler.
What do you do at the end of a date when you know you don't want to see this person ever again for the rest of your life?
Que faites-vous, au terme d'un rancard, quand vous ne voulez plus revoir une personne de toute votre vie?
Don't ever do this again.
Ne refais plus jamais ça!
I really don't want to do this, but I don't know whether I'll be back again.
Je n'ai pas le choix. Je ne sais pas si je reviendrai.
I don't want to do this again.
Je ne veux plus faire ça.
Don't do this again.
Ne recommence pas.
You just talked. Don't do this again.
Ne recommencez pas à vous taire.
Don't do this again.
Ne recommence pas. Sérieusement.
Don't make me do this again!
Ne m'obligez pas à recommencer.
I know you had to do this and you learned a lot by doing it but just don't ever do this to me again.
Je sais que vous aviez vraiment besoin de faire ca... mais ne me refaites plus jamais un coup pareil.
Don't you ever do this again.
Ne me refais jamais ça!
Do you mind if we don't have this discussion again right now?
Tu veux bien qu'on ne reparle pas de ça?
for now. How do we know this won't happen again? We don't.
Comment s'assurer que ça ne se reproduira pas?
Please don't do this to me again.
Ne recommence pas.
All I wanted to do was help you. uh, I don't want you to think'cause a... all this stuff... here we go again.
Je voulais juste t'aider. Je ne voudrais pas que tu crois que... à cause de tout ça... - Et ça recommence.
Don't you ever do this again.
Ne refais plus jamais ça.
Ben, don't do this to me, not if you're going to change your mind again.
Ben, ne me fais pas ça, si c'est pour changer encore d'avis.
Don't do this again.
Ne refais plus ça.
We go through a test period where we make sure the horse is working right because you don't wanna do this again and again. You wanna do it once and walk away.
On fait des essais pour s'assurer que le cheval fonctionne bien car on ne veut pas recommencer, on veut le faire une fois et passer à autre chose.
- Please don't do this to me again.
- Ne me refais jamais ce coup.
I don't want you to do this again!
Ne refais jamais ça!
But don't ever do this to me again.
Ne me refais plus jamais ça.
Don't do this again. If you have something like this to tell me,
Si tu as quelque chose comme ça à me dire, je veux que tu me le dises tout de suite.
Don't do this again.
Ne refais jamais cela.
Listen to me. I don't know how you do this... nor why, but I don't care! I don't want to see you again!
Écoutez-moi, je ne sais pas comment vous faites, ni pourquoi mais je ne veux pas vous revoir.

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