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Engagements tradutor Francês

858 parallel translation
You can consider yourself free from all your obligations to us.
Vous pouvez considérer que vous êtes libre de vos engagements.
The provisional Government... shall be fully observing the obligations undertook in respect of our allies.
Le gouvernement provisoire... s'attachera à respecter les engagements contractés auprès de nos alliés.
Honey, have I any more important engagements this afternoon?
Chérie, ai-je d'autres rendez-vous importants cet après-midi?
Nobody has long engagements nowadays.
On ne se fiance plus pour longtemps, de nos jours.
I suppose you have a lot of engagements this evening?
Les sollicitations ne doivent pas vous manquer ce soir?
- What engagements have we, Nicholas?
- Avons-nous des obligations, Nicholas?
I should have come in earlier when you had a better selection but I had so many engagements.
J'aurais dû venir plus tôt, lorsque vous aviez plus de choix, mais j'avais tant de choses à faire.
Finally, after three months of this... I told her mother that I loved Concha... and that although there were certain ties I couldn't form... I wished to provide for her daughter, take charge of her education... in other words, make myself her protector.
Finalement, trois mois après, j'ai déclaré à sa mère que j'aimais Concha et que même si je ne pouvais prendre certains engagements, je souhaitais subvenir à ses besoins, prendre en charge son éducation, en d'autres termes, devenir son protecteur.
When I make a deal, it's a deal.
Je tiens mes engagements moi.
Women always cry at their own engagements and other people's weddings.
- Mais non. On pleure toujours à nos fiançailles et au mariage des autres.
Whatever happens he will face up to all his responsibilities. Understood?
Il fera face à ses engagements.
We expect you to fulfill your obligations as we do.
Nous attendons de vous que vous honoriez vos engagements tout comme nous continuerons à honorer les nôtres.
I'll see whether I can rearrange my engagements.
Je verrai si je peux déplacer mes rendez-vous.
What do you say, with Grandma Forrest so sick, we give up our social engagements?
Grand-mère étant si malade, nous devrions renoncer à nos sorties, non?
I have some stuff to do and I can't really leave everything behind.
J'ai des engagements urgents que je ne peux abandonner.
After all, you've got to realize a girl likes long engagements.
Il faut savoir que les filles aiment les longues fiançailles.
He always keeps his engagements, senor.
Lui, il tient ses engagements, señor.
You know dinners and a thing like that weather lead to engagements.
Un climat humide favorise l'amour.
Lady Catherine de Bourgh doesn't believe in long engagements.
Lady Catherine de Bourgh conseille de ne pas attendre.
And I hope your future engagements will not take place during mealtimes.
À l'avenir, respectez l'heure des repas!
I don't believe in long engagements. Do you, vicar?
Je crois aux fiançailles brèves.
I told them that Beaky was planning to dissolve it.
J'ai dit que Beaky était parti annuler ses engagements.
Very irregular, sir. That's because I want you to see the men who fought 36 engagements who cleared and pacified this frontier single-handed who sweated and starved day after day against impossible odds.
Je tiens à vous montrer les hommes qui se sont battus dans 36 engagements, qui ont pacifié cette frontière, qui ont sué et ont eu faim et réussi l'impossible.
Is that what happens when a scar is healed, that one gets fat and forgets?
Quand on guérit, on s'enorgueillit et on oublie ses engagements?
You wouldn't take bookings out of town.
Tu n'acceptais pas d'engagements loin de la ville.
Wanted to know what I thought of long engagements.
Il voulait savoir ce que je pensais des longues fiançailles.
I want to meet commitments.
Je veux pouvoir faire face a mes engagements. 2e point :
- Other than these innocent rides home in the rain... did you ever have any social engagements with this man Casely?
À part ces balades en voiture, êtes-vous sortie avec Casely?
- I'm between engagements.
- Je suis libre.
It wouldn't have happened if you kept faith with me.
Ce ne serait pas arrivé si vous aviez tenu vos engagements.
Don't you think I have any other engagements?
J'ai peut-être des obligations.
I'm a small businessman in a messy business... but I like to follow through on a sale.
J'aime mener à bien mes engagements.
Not, come to think about it, that I have any seriously pressing engagements.
Non pas que j'aie d'engagements particulièrement urgents.
On his hands. Why not? You wrote a play with your feet.
Etes-vous disposé à faire face à vos engagements, à jouer notre pièce?
No romantic attachments.
Ni engagements sentimentaux.
And, uh, you'd better cancel all my other social engagements and, uh, make out a list of places to take her to.
Il faut annuler toutes mes obligations sociales. Préparez-moi une liste d'endroits où l'emmener.
I'll cancel all my engagements. In fact, I'll ignore them.
J'annulerai tous mes rendez-vous.
Look Charlie, you can't call it off. Just tell her you like long engagements.
Dis que tu aimes les longues fiançailles.
Mr. Wild undoubtedly has other things to do, Georgia.
M. Wild a d'autres engagements.
In the period of your, uh, constant communication with Mr. O'Mara... you can tell the court how often you had engagements with other men.
Pendant la période de communication constante avec M. O'Mara... pouvez-vous dire à la cour combien d'autres hommes vous fréquentiez?
Of course, we're not taking on any new obligations these days.
Mais nous ne signons pas de nouveaux engagements, ces jours-ci.
Thank you very much, gentlemen. We'll live up to our end of the bargain.
Merci, messieurs, nous allons honorer nos engagements.
But we have not dealt honestly with her.
Mais nous n'avons pas respecté nos engagements.
I have engagements on the seven seas.
J'ai des engagements sur les sept mers.
This is no time for engagements.
Ce n'est pas le moment des fiançailles.
We have a lot of dates to play.
Nous avons beaucoup d'engagements.
John will have to see first about bookings. But it could be beautiful.
Nous partirons dès que John aura signé les engagements.
I've kept my part of the bargain. Now keep yours.
J'ai rempli mes engagements.
Your Highness, please, before you make any other engagements,
Votre Altesse, pardonnez-moi.
- Paris? - Yes. My securities are over there.
C'est vrai, il faut que j'aille annuler mes engagements.
I can't.
Je ne peux pas, j'ai des engagements.

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